At a party

>at a party
>make friend
>he brings up sports
>next thing he brings up kaepernick
>tell him I disapprove
>he brings up name “redskins”
>basically tell him I’d be more interested in the opinion of native Americans than white virtue signallers
>he tells me he has to leave

Thanks Sup Forums

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You should have told him that Kaepernick is making $12.025 million by not playing this season because of an insurance policy. That usually shuts them up.

Also, I'm jealous that Kaepernick gets 12.025 million to be a NEET. I wish I got paid that much.

this is why i dont leave the house.

>brunch with wife's friends
>trying not to drink much
>inane conversation
>drink too much
>wage floors are an abomination and should be repealed
>some people just aren't worth $12/hour
>called racist and party breaks up
mfw I didn't even get to the jews

I stopped going to parties because Asian and Mexican girls won't leave me alone. I just want to relax and enjoy myself not have to make small talk with girls who want my seed and money. It's ruining my game with white women. Shit.

kaepernick's shit he's not even a remarkable player.
he only did this kneeling shit because everyone would have forgotten him by now.

you can tell me

>bonding over love of cuck ball

Damn bro he sounded like a catch, try Grindr next time.


>basically tell him I’d be more interested in the opinion of native Americans than white virtue signallers
You were right to say this, though. The natives I know don't give a fuck about any of the sports teams.

6 months later
>Wife leaves me for a chad who can hold his liquor and not behave like an aspie 12 yr old in public
>But hey
>I have my weeb pillow and flesh light

>implying chad gives a fuck what other people think of his opinion

Found the autist. That being said there’s nothing gayer or more anti white nationalist than cuck ball. Kys.

Should have asked him why he cares to defend some multimillionaire Brillohead so much

>Thinking everyone is a cuck like the brits
I can keep my body pillow and my gf. You are like one of those guys that are a afraid their girl uses a dildo. Pathetic.

Shut the fuck up Jew


Football is serf bullshit anyways.

underrated, for a jew

>at a party
>make friend
>we have different opinions
>let's blame someone

Thanks Sup Forums

Was a faggot anyway, at least you made him feel uncomfortable, hopefully he killed himself in his safe space

Is it EVEN POSSIBLE to go against those people without being completely ostracized?

We have got to realize this is 2017s puritanism and the discourse isn't even real, just means you're part of the "group", nobody actually believes that

Liar. I know a lot of natives, and they're pissed about the name Redskins, but it's been so long that most of them have given up the fight. Besides, natives have more pressing issues to deal with, like Trump putting a fucking pipeline right through native land

>at a party

first mistake

More like they're pissed their not getting money for their likeness, use of their land.
All anyone gives a shit about are gibs.

>Caring about the opinions of spearchucking Listerine drinking injuns.

Go back to t_d you civic nationalist faggot.


>is it possible to express racist opinions without being ostracized?
It's almost like people hate racists or something.

He’s got the moves like Jagger

I stipulate that this is anecdotal AND a no true Scotsman.

I've been on rez a few times. Dated an Indian gal for a while, and hit up a dude I served with on a road trip. HERE is the actual fucking skinny:

1) Indians hate all the retarded names that SJWs, 1/8th Cherokee princesses, and others have invented. In "Reel Injun" it's said best: "my race already has a name in English - it's Indian.". Or as I was told, " native American is a bullshit assimilation word. I'm a goddamn Indian."
2) All that "durr acthually they prefer to be called their tribe's name" - total horseshit, unless you are specifically talking about tribes.
3) Non-SJW Indians fucking LOVE the Redskins, Indians, Braves, etc. It's their version of Vikings, Pirates, Buccaneers, etc.
4) If you hunt or fish, they treat you like family. (Totally anecdotal, but I was ripping smallies out of the water and because I'm from Wisconsin I don't sound like a retard when I say Indian words - and I was treated like a fucking white buffalo.)

And yeah, it's pretty fucking ghetto but none of their own rich people ever open a factory near/on the rez so it's their own fucking rich class' fault their people are jobless.

Slightly off topic, I know, but the redskins thing made a bunch of memories flood back.

>t. autistic sperglord who doesn't know why people are angry with the Washington Redskins
Social interactions are tough, huh?



>implying I give a fuck what sub 30 IQ slave monkies think
All that comes out of your mouths is straight shit.
Malcontent with life's banalities have to stir up drama like a child, Fuck you.

>bunch of anecdotal horseshit
I find your entire story hard to believe. I live near a rez in New Mexico, I know a LOT of fucking natives. They don't like being called indians. They don't like the name Redskins.

>>t. autistic sperglord who doesn't know who the original Washington Redskins are


>being this mad
Calm down aspie. Take yer meds.

>Party at my apartment
>Stupid Mexican freshman my friend is dating is there
>Get pretty drunk, start arguing with her about illegal immigrants
>Somehow gets to the point where she says "whites have no culture"
>Kick her out

I was very drunk, so it was probably a lot more cringe and stupid then I remember.

They never called themselves redskins, I can tell you that much.

got your tinfoil on a little tight there cuckyboi


Actually that's not why you don't leave the house is it fatty ugly shitstain?

Whites DON'T have culture. French people have culture. Brits have culture. Germans have culture. There is no such thing as collective "white culture"

>Being friends with SJW and antifas

Are you that desperate or never had any friends?


take a knee solidarity moment please!! Shhhhhh!

> Wants to crap on Kaepernick
> Posts photo of Fellaini

Do some background check first, my ignorant user.

>basically tell him I’d be more interested in the opinion of native Americans than white virtue signallers

So native Americans have spoken out multiple times that they find it very offensive. So what you are saying is that you also disagree with the name, and therefor agreed with your party mate?

sure, some idiots hate them

>make friend
>he tells me he has to leave


it's almost as if not all indians think the same way

BTFO racist lefty lmao

It's funny how you think racism is socially acceptable, it goes to show how disconnected you are from reality. Go call a black man nigger. Tell him to go back to Africa. Complain loudly about how much you hate chinks. Go up to a Jewish man and tell him to gas himself, call him a kike.

Do all of these things and report back to us.

Do blacks have culture then? Or East Asians, First Nations, etc?

The ones that are offended spoke out. The majority are not offended. Get fucked commie.

No, I'm sure some natives don't care about American football, but only a dissembling faggot such as yourself would fail to recognize the scores of natives who have spoken out against the Washington Redskins

It's your own fault for not knowing the right arguments (for example ) faggot

Is there a black culture? Would you agree blacks have no culture?

what did he mean by this

Simply carry a notepad and write down libtard's opinions. If they want to play the Judicial Branch then grab the Executive and Legislative Branch.

>>commie thinks all indians think the same way

>>commie comes out as racist he is, using class division to tear down the social fabric of society for his purpose

tow the people are coming hard for you commies now, there is no escape, nowhere to run

Black Americans have a culture. I'm sure there are many black people in America would love to celebrate their culture, but alas most have no idea where their ancestors hail from because of slavery. Still, black Americans have a culture because they have their own music, their own style of dress, their own food, their own holidays, etc.

East Asians don't have a collective culture. Japanese culture exists. Korean culture exists. Chinese culture exists. There is little if any overlap.

It's called genetic inheritance, all you can claim credit for is your family tree moron.

I live near a reserve and most don't care, some like the idea of major teams being associated with them, and I'm sure some don't like it

You clearly are a racist faggot who is parroting commie propaganda to create social tension in society. In fact most people who like those names don't like them because of some negative connotation. You literally are the one imagining its "making fun of" natives, and you are the one trying to speak for all natives..most of which don't even agree with you.
KYS you fucking loser

God you commies are all subhuman trash

Learn to think for yourself. Stop believing things you read on Sup Forums.

Having values isn't virtue signaling just because you don't share those values. Stop believing the retarded shit you read here.

I always start with the jews for a real kicker

Yes or no? Do blacks have a culture? and would you say that publicly and not as an user (even to african americans faces?)

I'll wait for your response coward

>be black
>go home, mom calls me a nigger
>go to store, Black clerk calls me nigger
>see black friend, calls me nigger
>listens to radio, repeats nigger
>see son, call him nigger
>rob store, Black cops call me nigger
Better stop the white man from calling me a nigger tho das raysis

This poll has been debunked 20 times already. The people polled self-identified as native american. These were white fucks claiming "yeah I'm 1/16th Cherokee and that name is totally fine". So get fucked moron.

Ok, then you'd have to say that white americans also have regional cultures - the south is distinct from Oregon for example.

Groups of nations have similar cultural aspects.

You're implying that groups of nations near each other do not share cultural aspects due to geographic location. Therefore culture is based on geography.

Geographic location derives race.

Race = culture

BTFO faggot

Native here, I could give a shit less about the name and the only ones that do are trying to get money out of nothing because they have no motivation to get a fucking real job.

Filthy kike

>be Canadian
>fail to recognize a racial slur
Imagine there was a sports team called the Cumskins, the logo is some white dude eating unseasoned meat.

>I act like a retard in meatspace
>WAAAH! FUCK YOU, Sup Forums!

You should have told him professional sports are degenerate.
Who has time to watch monkeys chase a ball?

Mexicans have no culture

Jew confirmed

thin and ugly

Great, now you understand. Black people have taken a racial slur and turned it into something positive, yet racist edgelords such as yourself continue to use the word in a deroggotory way. I was hanging out with some black friends, smoking blunts and playing 2k, when my gf called asking where I was. I told her I was chillin with friends, when DeVonte said "Tell her you're with ya niggas." So I did. You can use the word if you want, just make sure you're using it in a way that isn't hateful.

Absolutely. If you want to celebrate your Boston pride, go for it. Just don't call it white pride.

I've told three black people "I'm a Nazi" and all three were cool with that.

Up your redpilling you purple pilled queer.

> this month

Koreans and japs fucking hate each other though. There is SOME cultural overlap, but not much.

You are a beta even among kikes.

There is.

Germans are weirdly similar to Brits. More blondes, more blue eyes, but half of their slang is exactly the same.

France too - which white countries had say, polygamy, like the Muslims? Or human sacrifice, like the Amerindians?

>>typical half retarded commie tries to be edgy and creates false equivalence
>>you mean whiteskins?
>>try it and see how many white people complain, how many like it (some of each)
>>in the end doesn't matter and the name stays

Hey racist commie faggot..QUIT TRYING TO SPEAK FOR NATIVES

I told you I live near a reserve and many of those natives whom I know literally think commies are faggots. They don't ben like you. They don't ares with you. Heck they probably want your racist ass dead for trying to speak for all of them

tfw commies are literally losing the culture war so bad they are now fearing for their lives


>I'll take "Things that never happened," for $200, Alex

>niggers perceive the words "nigga" and "nigger" in the exact same way
kys before you get a young one killed

Your entire daily life revolves around white culture.


actually there is a lot in some places, less so in others

either way:

geography is a good determinant of culture, and it is a great determinant of race

Your XXX-race doesn't have a culture meme is literally 0/10 commie propaganda. Not surprising since most commies are legit half retarded (ever actually spoken to one of these clowns?)

>but half of their slang is exactly the same.
Hint: it's because of Americans, you all copy our slang.

They eat different foods, have different traditional dress, celebrate holidays differently (i.e. Krampus), they speak different languages and have their own traditional music. German culture and British culture may have some overlap, but they are 2 distinct cultures.

So what if I call him a nigger, what’s he going to do? Fight me? Using words aren’t justifiable for violence. But the sub 100 iq nigger can’t comprehend rational thought like a reasonable human. They’re animals wearing human clothes. Darwin knew this from years ago. He claimed that throughout hundreds of years, the African has not created any tools or advancement for their civilizations to prosper. It wasn’t until Islamic governments raped northern African women and had rape babies did they start to show improvements.

I digress, but having people like/dislike me isn’t a worry. I don’t care if people think I’m racist. Because facts aren’t racist, and saying the average black man has a lower IQ than average isn’t racist- it’s a mere fact. Nothing will change that. Fuck off nigger lover.

>calling people 'racist' as a pejorative
>on Sup Forums

You must be new here.

>Black people have taken a racial slur and turned it into something positive
Yeah sure buddy. American racial discourse is cancerous af. You guys are more afraid of words than actual danger. Lucky we dont have that problem. We call sandniggers, sandniggers.

>he doesn't know that the only reason the Indians were pissed about Standing Rock is because the oil company wouldn't cave in to the Indians extortion


Natives have been speaking for themselves since the 1940s, yet their cries fall upon deaf ears.

>In the 1940s the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) created a campaign to eliminate negative stereotyping of Native American people in the media. Over time, the campaign began to focus on Indian names and mascots in sports. The NCAI maintains that teams with mascots such as the Braves and the Redskins perpetuate negative stereotypes of Native American people, and demean their native traditions and rituals.

if you dont agree on anything i dont think you actually made a friend OP. i think your just a sad lonely nigger who wants white people to stop rejecting black people regardless of how they act

im beginning to think there wasnt even a party

Everyone is racist to an extent but commies are (now and historically) the most racist and don't even acknowledge it

Hell, they even made this.