Fortunately I've only got one and I called him a coward for abandoning women and children. But I'm sure there are plenty of good ones from some Swede or German bro.
"Refugee" encounters
My state has a shit tom of somali fucks
"Encounters" could be described as "car accidents"
You get into a fight with one?
I kissed a guy from iran once I don’t think he was a refugee though
>Vessel approaches
>"Where are you from"
>*sinks ship*
Niggers btfo
Look at my flag. Now do you believe me when I say I've never met a refugee? Where I live I haven't seen a black person since the tourist season, I never hear police sirens, there are no gangs going about during the night, no leftist nude protesting...believe it or not, there is still a sacred place left in Swedistan.
How often do you go outside though?
You a NEET?
I live in one of the top5 biggest cities. Got many
>last week
>waiting for the bus looking out in the air at nothing
>afghan sandchink asks wtf im looking at
Its mainly shit like this. They try to act tough in groups, alone they are no threat, wouldnt advice people to go alone close to the centre of the city where they usually dwell in groups.
Every single day, fatso. I study at the local university and got a job on the side. Yeah yeah I get it, nice bait, but all memes aside you don't actually believe that the swedish government somehow placed refugees on every single little spot in Sweden right? They're stuck in Malmö, that's why Malmö is the crime and rape capital. The more north you go, the less non-swedes, and there's the island Gotland. Refugees hates water so it's not like they want to go out into the middle of the Baltic Sea.
just citizens of earth you guys, no borders
Ran into three at a train station (Footscray) at night. One wanted to run into me, so I ran my shoulder into him and he fell flat on his ass. The downside to this was the fight which could have happened after that. I pointed to all the cameras at the station, pretty hysterically and told them they would be fucked if they touched me and it worked. If I were to get into these 'kinds' of fights at this point in my life I would fuck up my career, but more importantly, I could have had the shit kicked through me ( minus what I could have caused). There might be fighting one day and I'm prepared for it, but not like that for nothing.
Other then that... Every refugee I have met has been a rude and ugly bastard. Weak fucking cowards.
Only refugee muds I saw while in copenhagen was a group of three who were running around stealing bikes
>hey guys I live where there are no refugees so it's not a problem okay!!!
This complacency is why Sweden is fucked.
What did you do?
You better not have cucked out
I think we only got about 1.000 refugees. I mean, the goverment told NGOs and so "ye, sure, we´ll get´em in" in order to keep things calmed the end they did 0 effort in taking in any. In fact, NGOs are complaining about how the spanish goverment is not fullfilling its compromises.
sounds nice
Before I moved to where I live now I also used to live in one of the top 5 biggest cities and yes, it was bad. I got bad experience with non-swedes from a young age up to the day I moved. Middle school, high school, you name it. Violence, gangs etc. But where I live now? It's like another world and it makes me feel so at peace with life.
When did I say that you fucking moron? OP asked for personal experiences not an analysis of Sweden as a whole. God knows Sweden is fucked and cucked beyond any help.
>work in a hospital
>Have a refugee as a patient
>Gets incredibly sophisticated life saving surgery from top surgeon in the state
>Not allowed to bear weight on one of his legs until it heals
>He refuses to follow doctors simple instructions
>Leg doesn't heal correctly
>Have to do another even more complicated surgery to fix that
>Patient an asshole the whole time and doesn't appreciate any of this
Also, that was probably millions of tax payer money that we wasted on him
I had a leftie friend (good drinker) who lived in a shared flat with some other Germans and some Syrian youths, between 16 and 19 years old. When I visited him I would talk to the refugees as well sometimes.
I really admired their acceptance of the necessity to learn German. One of them was really good at it, the other two, well so-so, but they tried.
Since they did not have any passports, they were given some paper slips that would have their basic information. One of them was complaining that he wasn't allowed into a club without a passport and they did not accept that slip at the door. That's when he showed me that 4-times folded, wrinkled peace of paper whose importance he obviously did not grasp. Had to explain that to him, he had a baffled face throughout, the idiot.
Otherwise typical youths, clinging to their smartphones, going to school, etc. My friend would tell me stories later of how they would blast some Arab music late into the night and all that muzadeen(?) allalala in the morning really got on his nerves, he does not live with them anymore, kek.
I also remember some "party" where lots of people were invited and I somehow ended up talking to a Persian. Only in English of course, he could not speak German at all. He wanted to become an engineer or physicist idk and was actually studying that in Iran, but decided to throw that all away and come here. His grades weren't even bad, but that was a retard move nontheless. Did not even know whether he would be allowed to stay. Some of his folks were playing all those free to play games like League of Legends, Dota or Team fortress.
So if everything is just "earth", why don't they stay where they are?
Not really a refugee but here's my story. I work for an electrical company and happened to end up at an apartment complex they affectionately call "curry corner". This place has a string small of curry and poo in loo from outside even. It is majority populated by h1b visa Indians here for tech jobs.
My job was to replace front door wall lights and I started at 630. Well I encountered a couple poos who weren't very happy about this early morning ruckus. I only had one get extra mad though. He started yelling at me for making noise while he was asleep and told me that he didn't want his light replaced and I should leave his property immediately. Being that this is an apartment complex it obviously wasn't his property or light.
He kept yelling on until I finally told him "look hajib, this is my job. I'm not here to argue with you. I came here and was instructed by your landlord to replace these lights, just like you came here to give horrible phone technical support while barely speaking legible English all while stealing Americans jobs."
By this point I was finished putting the light up, so He got irate and went back inside. I never saw him again.
Makes me think of the Ebola outbreak when africans never told their local doctors because they don't trust doctors. Probably brings those ideas with them.
do they glow in the dark?