What does Sup Forums think about Tree Of Logic? Serious answers please

What does Sup Forums think about Tree Of Logic? Serious answers please.

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dang, nice rack.

Is this that gorilla that knows sign language?

Cool lady. I admire that she actually has the guts to talk about things like race and IQ.

Would join a RWDS with



She seems like she is a very kind and joyous person.

Nice baps too

I feel sorry for her. Obviously a self hating black.

She seems very self confident to me, I think you are projecting the poor self image that all fags seem to have about themselves

She's cool in my book. I know, I know. Day of rope/race traitor. But the two videos I've seen of her she's fine.

Granted I know nothing really about her. But on a scale from -10 auto gas to 10 savior of the write race she's a solid 2.

I've seen only one of their videos. I don't think much about them at all, but they seemed to be semi-intelligent, or at least willing to try.

fuck off

I really like her and her videos. I watch them from time to time. It is nice that she is working the good fight. Her videos are really informative and bring the light on black peoples failing in Western Civilization. You can always tell the difference between educated blacks and niggers. Tree has great videos, God Bless her!

better than that doxxing nigger

Wasn't she a cop or something? If so that probably opened her eyes to a lot of shit blacks do.

Her live streams with Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast are great.

I love tree

Yeah she was a cop. She went full investigative detective on Red Pill Black.


I want to marry nigger of logic and suck her boobies and have beautiful mixed race children!!!!

She is /ourniggress/, seriously.

TREE OF LOGIC nice to see you visiting Sup Forums just keep shilling your shit here I'm sure some civic nationalist will subscribe. There is a lot of nu-Sup Forums to be taken advantage of you should also shill your shit on T_D on plebbit. As for me you are a nigress and I want you gone from my country. Go make Africa great for once. You should get in to some black separatist literature take your audience in that direction you will get more shekels that way.

If you don't leave before the day of the rope your safety can not be guaranteed.

A self-hating bedwench who is suffering from the most severe case of negro inferiority complex that I've ever seen. She is so far gone that she has diluted herself to thinking she is a literal white nationalist.

Its kinda sad watching how a sense of not wanting to belong to your race can just totally consume and destroy mind of an individual. Watching her loose her shit over Candace, the blackredpill negress, for stealing her spot as the bedwench that the alt right crowd follow really highlighted to me how extensive her mental breakdown has been. Someone should do a case study on self hating black people who have lost their mind because they can't handle the fact that they will never be white or accepted by whites.

Even gorillas can be intelligent.

I dont enjoy infighting on the right and she seems to be instigating drama with another BASED black woman on jewtube. Otherwise I would like her to sit on my face

>if a black person wants black people to behave better then they're self-hating
unironically kys

She wasn't instigating drama, she (along with a bunch of other people) was calling out some really shady stuff conducted by some fake-ass conservative black chick and her band of Infowars shills.

This desu senpai, sounds like we got a negro on our hands boys

Race councious blacks are alright, but they are a rare to find these days, they don't usually speak up because they will get their dhit kicked by other niggers.

and i would fuck her

>NUDES user?

Yeah I just started watching her vid on RPB and your right. I thought it was just some cat fighting but looks like RPB is a double agent

I like her videos, the one on Sean King is pretty good.

Literally the only thing I don't agree with her is that she absolutely will not talk about the JQ.

you're either a depressed nigger or a jew


She was a cop and was involved with the Nation of Islam, and she freely admits to being a stereotypical nigress. She's seen some shit and it opened her eyes.

She's cool, I found her though her Islam & Taqiyya videos, and her interviews are great too. She reminds me of the stereotypical prevous era Hollywood black characters in a way.

She looks like she should have her own stage on Virtua Fighter.

Does she have a long video ripping sean king?

>bring blacks to America
>expect them to leave voluntarily

Lmao. That's almost as stupid as us trying to force Abo's to leave Australia. The only reasonable solution is some sort of ethnic balkanisation of the United States.

>that moonman beat

I'm a big fan of her coconuts and noggin.


Niggers are literally the only people that cry about niggers not being niggery enough

What the fuck is wrong with you

This thread is literally all fucking shills.

Then there will be an unreasonable solution. I fine either way it goes.


They are false flagging shills, they are being obvious because they want you to hate them while they demonized whatever other nigger lady people have been making threads about.

Its all Alinsky tactics retrofitted and adjusted for chan culture, everything is divide and conquer and making you believe you came up with not liking a person yourself.

So... what do ya call black people that are honest, can behave themself. Have sanity, and are rational?

I haven't seen much of her but she seems reasonable. To be honest I would let a minority of people like her live in my country. Sure it wouldn't be a pure 100% white ethnostate but hey I'd make a few exceptions.

We call those black people...black people, but the black people you're referring to are called coons and bedwenches and rightfully so.

Is there any way to get this version of the app? Fucking sjws ruined it before i coud've used it.

fuck all of you Jews.

The realest nigga I know

What does Sup Forums think about Logic? Serious answers please.

No, it's gone because the fake news media.

don't care really not a nigger

I've tried searching for an alternative but they're all terrible

niggers what else would you call them

Did you know he's biracial?

America was never really a 100% white ethnostate desu. I still think it should be majority white but total purity is asking for too much IMO.

Soooo where are the nudes?


>she has diluted herself
>Watching her loose her shit

Hey Tyrone

she's hot and cool. i knew black women like her , we were listening to metal, country music pretty often , she didn't talk ebonic , was wearing proper heels and clothing. then i moved away . now here i'm surrounded by stupid negresses that talk a mix of french/creole and english at the same time with wierd lips sucking noises when they don't agree with something and laugh so loud it's fucking annoying. i miss my honnorable black women friends

What a fucking joke. I didn't even get to try it out because filthy sjw got triggered. I'll never get to see my negro self :'^(


GIANT tits. Also doesn't get triggered easily, level headed. A bit too much the burger syndrome though
>leave Germany angrily because of diversity
>move to Murica

>talcum X

I wonder how these are made...

In Face app there ised to be an opintion to change your race but sjws didn't like it.

>have something cool
>SJW shuts it down
every time

I saw that a while back, good stuff