/ptg/ President Trump General - ICE-Y Breakfast Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Weekly Address (special announcement) #39 10/27/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #14 (Lara) 10/27/17
>Pres Trump Trick or Treat w/kids 10/27/17
youtu.be/nW9fWf9Umrs pt2
youtu.be/arbYlGIcjvc pt1
>VP Pence @Mars Insight Facility 10/27/17
>VP Pence @Minot AFB in ND 10/27/17
>VP Pence visiting Minot AFB in ND 10/27/17
youtu.be/idvltMO11sY pt3
youtu.be/0oM8wT36tNU pt2
youtu.be/fUCutXyGFZE pt1
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in SoKo 10/27/17
youtu.be/0F2CxspralY pt1
youtu.be/7N0TmDdz_5s pt2
youtu.be/PMCWW7-gt_A pt3
>AG Sessions speech@JFK Airport to Port Authority 10/27/17
>This Week @State 10/27/17
>StateDep Reception for 2023 Worlds Fair bid 10/27/17
>WH Halloween Press Brief (Sarah) 10/27/17
>Pentagon Press Brief (Spox Dana, GenDunford) 10/27/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump on Opioid Crisis 10/27/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in MI 10/27/17
>DoD Video: C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @DMZ 10/27/17
>DoI video: Happy Birthday Teddy! 10/26/17

>Trump Triumphant

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:







So who do you guys think ((((Mueller)))) is arresting on Monday?

I don't think the report even suggested it is a Republican necessarily.

What's Mueller even investigating? What are (((they))) even looking for?

That's a rare fucking jones


Lad I've been taking driving lessons I'm on my fifth lesson at I continue suck. Im a just not a quick decisive thinker all my life and my awareness is off.

How can I get better is there any hope for me?

President Donald "I'll be dating them in 10 years" Trump

When is Zinke going to force the Army Corps of Engineers to stop being kikes and the last owner of federal land that gets to completely ban firearms?

Does Trump really have a 156 IQ?

Cast your bets as to who will be indicted:
>Michael Flynn
He wasn't really a Russian asset, but his turkish (NATO member) special interests were VERY alarming
>Paul Manafort
He did lots of deals in his days, also did work for Uranium One
>Carter Page
Early Trump Campaign employee. He seemed essentially clear, but still gets harassed
>Tony Podesta
His fingers were littered over the Uranium One deal. He's a genius as well, so who knows how well he covered his tracks
>Christopher Steele
The Fusion GPS dossier maker seems to be extensively investigated. Wouldn't be surprising either
>Robby Mook
Idiot Clinton Manager who participated in Dossier production


>Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia will take down a memorial marking the pew where Washington sat with his family, saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

>"The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome," leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

>"Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

>"Many in our congregation feel a strong need for the church to stand clearly on the side of 'all are welcome- no exceptions,'" they concluded

Civil war time boys


I love Kellyanne.

No. It's closer to last three of my post number



Probably Manafort, I assume Mueller is a clinton agent unless he proves otherwise. Its possible he indicts democrats but with very reduced charges as a way of almost pardoning them.


The most common reply to this is


I fucking despite Leftists.

>saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

I loathe the Catholic Church.

>ywn have Donald Trump comment that he is surprised that your shitty genes can produce such beautiful offspring


>he thinks thats the catholic church

>'all are welcome- no exceptions
except, i guess, washington

Assassinate this bishop. Only solution.
Why aren't assassinations done more today? People are such fucking pussies holy shit.

>Paul Manafort is indicted.
Former Trump campaign chairman has plenty of ties to Russia and other former clients in the region, including former senior Ukrainian leaders.

Reports surfaced of alleged business dealings totaling $60 million over the past decade between Manafort and Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Manafort worked for Derispaska from 2005 to 2009, The Associated Press reported.

Mueller has reportedly warned Manafort, who is said to have supplied the Putin-connected Deripaska with briefings on the 2016 campaign, that he likely would be indicted.

It's so good to see that nobody watches this nigger.

>Suffering true regret, I apologize on behalf of India to TrumpOP. I also apologize to all of Sup Forums except /soc/ and /qa/ and to the oceans of the world for my country's street shitting antics.
>except /soc/ and /qa/
apologies accepted, USA and India friendship renewed, OP pastebin updated!

>he falls for this obvious bait

Das right



>Michael Flynn is indicted.
The retired Army three-star general was once a well-respected military intelligence officer. He rose through the ranks to lead the Pentagon’s top espionage entity, the Defense Intelligence Agency. Then, former aides and confidants have told NPR and other outlets, something changed.

Flynn became enamored with the kind of conservative conspiracy theories that helped power Trump to the White House. The longtime soldier, who had gone into the consulting world after being fired from the DIA by President Barack Obama, became a leading national security and foreign policy adviser to candidate Trump.

But Flynn brought to the campaign a list of questionable decisions, many involving his ties to Russian officials, as a general turned consultant. Flynn served just 24 days as Trump’s first White House national security adviser before the president claimed he fired him for misleading Vice President Mike Pence.

House Democrats have pressed for their Republican counterparts to subpoena the White House for documents they allege will show Flynn’s “egregious conflicts of interest” due to his business dealings with foreign governments. One is Turkey. Another is Russia.

“We believe this paper trail must be pursued to answer the gravest question of all: Did Gen. Flynn seek to change the course of our country’s national security to benefit the same private interests he previously promoted, whether by advising President Trump, interacting with foreign officials, or influencing other members of the Trump administration?” House Oversight ranking member Elijah E. Cummings wrote in a recent letter to panel Chairman Trey Gowdy that featured nearly 20 other Democratic signatures.


You have to be 18 to post here

That dragon loli has some THICC thighs, m80.

My thoughts exactly
That, or all the fat cats are in on it, hence why no big hits are done

>2 weeks
>Trump visit /ourstreets/

Trump better eat this pork rice meal or I will disavow

what was the deal about, anyways?

Lesbian bishop. This is a joke I hope.

I fap to her often.

>Carter Page is indicted.
The Trump-connected energy consultant came under scrutiny in 2016 for alleged questionable ties to Putin’s government while he was part of the Trump campaign.

Though Page has denied any nefarious links to Russian officials, he has informed the Senate Intelligence Committee that he plans to plead the Fifth if called to testify in that panel’s Russia probe. He is slated to appear before the House Intelligence Committee next week but has given no indication if he will be cooperative in that investigation.
The long shots



It's in Sweden IIRC. And there's your answer.

Witch represent



also mfw

No, Dwayne is Samoan (from memory) but they're probably all descended from each other, some boat that left Asia awhile ago
The dumb think about Maori is they've only been in NZ for 600 or so years but still claim it as theirs. We fucked by giving them rights instead of genociding them
Not sure about Hawaiians, they're quite far away

Trump could save a puppy from a burning building and leftists would rage about it

>Jared Kushner / Donald Trump Jr. is indicted.

The latter is the president’s eldest son and the former is his son-in-law and a senior White House adviser. Both were present during a July 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer who allegedly came with Kremlin-supplied dirt on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Following nearly three hours of testimony before Senate Intelligence staffers on July 24, Kushner stood outside the White House and denied colluding with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, saying all of his actions were both legal and proper.

Trump’s son-in-law defended himself during rare public remarks, saying: “I did not collude with Russia, nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so.”

“I had no improper contacts” during the campaign and transition period, Kushner said under a hot July sun, adding, “I have not relied on Russian funds for my business.”

He has said he left the July 2016 Trump Tower meeting with the Kremlin-linked lawyer after concluding she had nothing of value for his father-in-law’s campaign.

Steven Hall, the CIA’s former chief of Russia operations, on Friday took to Twitter to summarize what might have Trump Jr. in legal hot water when it comes to that July 2016 meeting: “Don Jr took a mtg to get info Russians wanted to give.”

But an email exchange surfaced this summer with a former Russian business partner of his father that shows Trump Jr. enthusiastically accepting the man’s offer to pass the alleged Kremlin-provided dirt on Clinton to the Trump campaign.

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. wrote during the email exchange with Rob Goldstone, a British-born entertainment publicist who met his father when he was trying to do business in Russia. Their email exchange began on June 3, 2016, about a month and a half before Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination.

substitute the pork for two slices of cherry pie and i think you've got a deal

Gustav, get the flintlock

/soc/ has some good whores though. Literally free porn en masse.
That one schizo who tried to assassinate reagan over that lesbo dyke wasn't afraid to do it. Why should a Polish citizen be scared? Fucking do something. Grab a long range rifle and fire. No innocents killed please.
You will ruin your life but in return you are sacrificing yourself for the greater good for the children of future generations.
>banned guns
Oh-okay then.


Hmph. Could've fooled me.



This is why we must open up our own churches user

M8, Swedes became protestant. They're Lutherans. They kicked out Baptists and sent them to America in the mid 1800s because they weren't Lutherans.

I still can't believe it.

The pastebin called Modi something along the lines of President of the Poo in Loos. An indian poster got offended so it got changed.

>CNN posts this on facebook.
>don't think much of it.
>go to comment section
>all the butthurt democrats talking shit.
It really doesn't matter what trump does, Democrats are still gonna be butthurt.


>it's real
best timeline

This guy says it's Tony Podesta getting charged Monday. Says more to come out about Comey.


Seen this in last thread, I was hoping someone made this shit up too. I hate being wrong.

Breakfast of champs right here, black coffee and cigarettes for that early morning boost. And an asthma inhaler ...

Im telling you guys
Hannity will never recover from this

Is this the same guy who complained to the media that he never got that promised 25k instead of politely calling the WH to remind Trump?

Yeah. I looked up the church after I posted.

Ah shit you're right. Maori, Samoan. Whatever the fuck. They're all island niggers. At least the media portrays the Hawaiians and Samoans and stuff as /comfy/ gentle giants who just like to chill out and surf and shit. Too bad they destroyed the politics of Hawaii by voting for gibs. And yeah, I understand the whole "getting screwed over by not genociding the 'native' population" thing. My state has the poorest county in our whole country. Guess why. It's a fucking Indian reservation and they're all degenerate mouthwash drinking, cousin-raping alcoholics.

Fun fact: when Sweden's king at the time decided to break away from the Vatican there was little religious strife. The Swedes either followed their kang's example or left Sweden.
How did you not know?

What? How is it racist? Can we just kill these pathic assholes already? When I see stupid shit like this, I just want the nukes to drop. Fucking end this suffering



> how dare he call my kids beautiful!
> my kids are ugly drumpf!

Nice ISIS finger Inshallah father


>this will go down in history book.

Don lemon gonna be indicted for collusion sources at cnn told me

Not yet, soon

Remember when the Caroleans under the Lutheran Church removed heretics? We need to make Sweden Palatinate-Zweibrücken again

Collusion didn't occur (and for that matter, Russia didn't hack the DNC: g-2.space), so what we're going to be looking at are lobbying violations at most (Flynn, Manafort).

The suspense is killing me though. Have to imagine that since CNN didn't state who is getting it, there's no meat to it.

this better not be a Catholic bishop. Doesn't look like it by the garbs

I don't pay attention to Christian church denominations much.

It was a fun ride, /ptg/. But now that it's coming to an end.....what were your favorite moments?

/soc/ is merely /s/ with original content, hence the awesomeness. I have fears that the camwhore spigot will run dry some day.

>/soc/ has some good whores though. Literally free porn en masse.
i enjoy the skinny threads

>these guys actually look fit compared to be
I'm actually jelly. Maybe /sig/ is actually useful.

I think it's going to be someone nobody expected. I just have that feeling


>politics students will be studying the year 2016 for atleast the next 2 centuries


>The suspense is killing me


Accept my apology too. user please forgive me for my poo country
Regards pajeet

Too late.
Please learn the differences.