Will the manchild epidemic lead to the collapse of our society?
Just look at how the Boomers brought down Western civilization in only 60 years
Will the manchild epidemic lead to the collapse of our society?
Just look at how the Boomers brought down Western civilization in only 60 years
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Society has been over with for a while already.
Dude, they told all the young women to go out and act like whores. Now nobody wants to grow up because they don't want to settle for a roastie. Blame those old bitches that told their daughters to go out and be sluts.
That's a convoluted looking bottle of water. How the hell does he avoids spilling all the mint tea out of that cup when he pours some?
i hate that i have the same spoons as that guy
Yes we have like 4-8 more years.
It's absolutely women's fault but half these faggots would still be useless anyways. They can't fix a car, they can't improve their house, they have no drive to start their own business, they don't stay in shape, they don't assert themselves.
Roasties and numales deserve each other.
christkiketianity already cucked society beyond repair
manchildism is just gravy
Fixing a modern car is nothing like fixing cars back before they loaded cars with electronics. Basically we're headed over a cliff and these people are just trying to get simple enjoyment. If god was too lazy too fix things then what makes you think we should try?
The height of civilisation was during La Belle Epoch.
The most interesting thing about this is that society wont collapse. Men have been replaced. A new phase of evolutionary history is about to open up aggressively selecting out the betas.
The society deserves to burn, let it be reborn from ashes
Manchild fetiches.
>christkiketianity already cucked society
Yeah, sure. That's why the West is becoming shittier and shittier the less relevant Christianity becomes in it. The degeneracy coincides perfectly with its decline.
*tips fedora*
>everything is men's fault
t. woman
Jesus that pic makes me fucking hate jews
Did that article actually happen?
Who let the women vote?
>inb4 jews
>how did the jews do this?
>t-they tricked the men into letting them
literally one of the earliest lessons man learned was the foolishness of women and how then must get kept under a fucking thumb or they will do stupid naive shit. See; Adam and Eve.
>they have no drive to start their own business
Boomers build it up, you shitface. It' s manchildren you are to lazy/unable to carry on the torch.
Found the boomer.
everything is hyperregulated thanks to lobbyists and pussies
>No Kantian pasta
The parents the boomers that built it up. Boomers were in SCHOOL 60 years ago, no political leverage until AFTERWARDS. Its you that cant understand there isn't a torch to carry there is a new one that needs to be made because it was snuffed out by jews well before ww2
Boomers put in place social programs that fucked up future generations. Fuck Boomers
i hope you're not just discovering this? of course it's the end, duh
we spent 1000 years wasting our most brilliant minds to transform christianity from a destructive fucking mess into something hierarchical and functional
When white men drop out of society, shit's fucked. Unemployment and single parenthood have been the norm for blacks for a generation or two.
both the manchild and the ebic woke redpilled Sup Forums post included are fucking cringe as fuck
This, I would say the asians would conquer but they don't have the drive or test to dominate the world on a political level. If white men drop out muslim hoardes will invade and we will revert back to a stone age like society except with technology allowing things to be more brutal.
I hate the fact he just doesn't watch a tv set but uses an ipad or whatever. Go sit down on the couch with your feet up watch cartoons and eat cereal fucking prick.
also this, and checked
Yeah, this. A coalition of Women, Jews, Niggers, Beaners and Fags all hate us. So we will withdraw and let them try to do things themselves.
Boomers looked at the defacto white ethnostate and all the accumulated wealth of ten generations of their ancestors on the North American continent and thought, "THIRD WORLD FIRE SALE!!" They carved up the greatest empire since Ancient Rome like a cheap store bought turkey and sold it off to Pedro, Jamal and Ahmed for a fraction of its worth to enjoy just a little creature comfort before it all burned to the ground. They gave away the greatest gift in human history because they didn't want to cut their own grass. The fact that these geriatric colostomy-bag-filling sub-people are the only thing between us and a permanent Democrat demographic supermajority is why I grind my teeth at night.
How much you wanna bet this manchild has manboobs and is overweight
>tfw too smart to satisfy women
>boomers being the cause of the West's downfall instead of WW1
We need to start finding court cases where men when out against women in family law.
Also, women dont look up to their men, they look down on them. This subservience system is deadly conduct
You're right, it's easier now. There's a magic device you plug in that tells you exactly what's wrong with it. And they never break down anyway, so it's not a skill you can practice.
There is no hope for this civilization after kike banking cartel achieved full dominance in 1945 - its only future is global government ruling world of mongrels with erased identity and memory. Collapse, purification and new start is the only realistic way out of this. If you cannot directly contribute to collapse - at least do not help to maintain status quo. So any neet manchild who does literally nothing except not contributing to (((society))) does more for future of humanity than good goy wageserf.
Boomer dads are equally worthless. 60 years ago it was natural for parents to teach their kids as many life skills as possible. Most of us have boomer parents that didn't teach us anything at all. How can a boy become a man, if his father doesn't teach him any valuable and manly skills? I had to learn pretty much everything on my own, and I didn't feel like an adult until I was almost 30.
>camel crushes
The most wrong thing with this picture is that
Who raised the boomers then?
>Will the manchild epidemic lead to the collapse of our society?
No, it's just a symptom. Also, collapse is inevitable at this point so it's best you prepare for it.
Just looking at that gives me anxiety
>take hit
>omg i'm such a loser wtf i'm a fucking manchild look at me watching this reddit meme while eating child's sugar hoops ahhhh kill me i want to die holy shit i'm going to actually die one day
The cereal and cigarettes freak me the fuck out.
Can confirm. My father was 20 years older than my mother. He tried on several occasions to teach me traditional (((man))) stuff like working on cars, machines, woodworking, firearms, etc....
My boomer bitch mother would block his path because all of that stuff was (((dangerous))).
Boomer mom cucked WWII gen dad and I've been trying to repair the damage ever since.
Its kind of nice though having all these manchildren around, because it makes it a lot easier for me. Less competition.
These days people are impressed when as a young adult, I have a full time well paying job and my own house. I'm literally the only one of my age within my peer group that has a house, and a sense of drive.
I'm sure you're the opposite of a manchild.
Whores, manchilds, savages, criminals. Yeah, society is collapsing. You better be ready user, hard times ahead baby, hard times.
the pot and cereal/cartoon is one thing but fuck me when you're just addicted to cigarettes atop all of that it's an exponentially sorrier state
of no matter, the world will soon end
>durr fix your own car
>what the fuck do you mean you need 37 different types of wrenches to fix anything more than the serpentine belt
>you dont need to lift your car to fix that lol just stick some 2x4s under it
>just improve your fucking house idiot
>what do you MEAN the average cost of a new home has tripled while wages have barely groaned upwards in the last 30 years
>still believing that there is 40 hours worth of work every week for 7.5 billion human beings in the year 2017
Stay asleep, you're not ready to wake up yet.
Their lies are still your whole wide world :)
you sensitive little pansies need to shut the fuck up
this guy just wanted to eat some cereal, vape, and watch a cartoon for like an hour, but this is so mind-shattering you have to take to the internet over it
honestly there is no difference between liberals bitching on Twitter and righties bitching on this board
fucking degenerates, all of you
>there are truckerfags posting on /o/ right now who dont' realize they'll be out of a job in 10 years.
>our money has lost half its value in the last 30 years while wages have flatly stagnated and the cost of a house has tripled
>you'd need to make over 60k just to match average wages in the 80s, and youd still not have as much relatively purchasing power in the housing market
xddddddddddddddddddd all our fault huh hahahahahahahahaha just get married idiot its not like women nearly all divorces are initiated by autistic unreliable disney princesses xddd
>Boomer dads are equally worthless.
I noticed this to all they do watch The Negro Felon Leauge and complain.
>Cognitive Dissonance
A leaf...... has a valid point
There's nothing wrong with cereal and watching cartoons.
that doesn't make any sense.
>no fun allowed
Why do you faggots put so much thought into something that's out of your control? Do better than them and teach your children properly. Who fucking cares?
>1 Post By This ID
And now I feel dumb for trying to redpill a slide thread.
compared to who?
>watching other whites fuck up their own lives due to hedonism and laziness
>not being concerned about what it is you can do to improve your fellow countrymen's prospect in life and ensuring they are just as successful, if not more so, than you are and can properly contribute to the community
>"No goyim, don't be concerned about your brethren being replaced in both physical numbers and in financial influence. There's nothing to worry about!"
To be fair, women are trash; however, we must ensure the other male members of the European countries aren't being subverted and demoralized.
...if you're 4.
Why in the fuck do I care what other faggots do with their lives?
You're saying I should give a fuck cuz their skin is like mine?
Not convinced.
I guess if I see a LE NIGGER XDD being productive, I should murder him and go tell the lazy (WHITE!!!!) nu-male there's an open job nearby?
Eat shit.
>if you're an adult, you're only allowed to eat foods that other adults let you
You have it a bit wrong.
>they never break down
>*shocks blow*
>*tie rod ends wear*
>*CV boots rot*
>*fuel filter clogs*
>*clutch is kill*
>*valve lash is out of adjustment*
>*timing belt needs changed*
>*oil/coolant/PS fluid/gear oil needs changed*
>*accessory belt needs changed*
You can still do lots of shit with cars. Stop complaining because you don't have to clean the carb once a month or retune it every time you head into the mountains.
My granddad taught me how they fixed carbs back then, by the way. He took it off and sprayed carb cleaner through it for 20 minutes and put it back on.
"Fires right up!"
I dont think you understand. Its not the fact that he is eating cereal and watching cartoons. Its the sheer vapid thought that leads him to post it on the internet. Its the insecurity that leads him to post drugs with it.
If he wants to be a manbaby then he can be a manbaby, but please dont post it on the internet and expect to get complimentary points
>rick and morty
That suffices.
It's from the Daily Beast.
>owning a TV
Hello Grandpa
Also points ignition. What is it? He didn't know either. If it didn't start or run right he went/pushed it down the street for a "tune up".
Nothing wrong with fruity cereal, although pebbles are better.
Nothing wrong with cartoons since the alternate is live action superhero shit.
Nothing wrong with weed, if it was a beer you would just shitpost about brand instead of drinking being childish.
Nothing wrong with doing any of this on a Saturday.
and no one seems to notice how fundamentally racist these fetishists are being. to objectify black men so
>Hasn't even tried
Fixing a modern car is still the same. They still have a tonne of the same parts, just fucking mongrels like you can't be bother to learn how Electronics work.
oo great masters of Sup Forums
when will this sliding end?
>Nothing wrong with sucking dicks, it's just some big clito.
Yeah, fucking manchildren. Why can't they be a real and productive adult like me and spend their free time LARPing on an anime image board?
The only people within the last 500 years to actually do something for humanity. Boomers just rode off the backs of those whole had to continue to fight or put the world back together again after WW2.
a lot of people can't comprehend how WW2 fucked up world wide society as a whole. It fucked it up real good, but out of the struggle came innovation not seen by humans before.
have been dipping my toe in the 30-something dating pool in a large progressive city
literally every woman i've met is on anti-depressants / anti-anxiety meds, binge watches netflix, and doesn't want children.
the psyop has been a huge success.
I can't find a reason to blame the current generation for their far reaching problems. In the past generations had ambitions and a will to create or atleast envisage a better future, now we just hope the future won't be as nightmarish as it continuously shapes up to be. Can you really blame them for being hedonistic and not giving a shit about a society which has from day one been continually stripped of culture, community, ethnicity and in the latest turn safety. It's the generational equivalent of those on the Titanic who sat and drank as they descended into the ocean. Society has been dead and rotting for a while before any of this, it's not the cause it is the symptom. Furthermore unlike in the past when individuals were able to rescue their decaying societies through determination and willpower, that kind of thing can never happen today because the generations before the current sold off their rights and societies and traditions. At this point you might as well smoke, drink, do whatever you please, there really is nothing left to live for anymore. Maybe it's different in the States where you still have some fucking rights and liberties but here in Europe where we can't even fart without being contacted by the police as our societies disappear and fold into themselves with us inside trying to ease the pain through anything that might bring you a fleck of joy doesn't seem like an unreasonable or dishonourable option.
I think fruity loops are alright.
Can confirm. It blows me away about the psych drugs too. They fucking brag about it.
You were born just in time to voyage into consciousness and discover religion as it's meant to be discovered.
You're right, our societies might be beyond saving but we can still save ourselves, who knows there might be something left in the future then.
If your female there isn't anything wrong with sucking dick
this, best post
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Don't agree with everything he says, but I have embraced the role of The Bachelor.
Instead of psych meds or binge-watching, my escape is fucking tinder sloots. In other words, I have become a degenerate.
>tfw you have become that which you hate
I know most fags are SJWfags but there are a few of us that hold strong.