>Frederic Raphael, who co-authored the Eyes Wide Shut script with Kubrick, says that the director once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything", and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the Eyes Wide Shut script.
Kubrick died suddenly, without warning, in his sleep six days after the completion of Eyes Wide shut, a film about the occult satanic sex rituals and massive influence of the (((elite))) in society. He insisted that any trace of Jewishness be removed from the film, on fear of repercussions. He knew. Every scene was shot in the US except for the ritual, the whole cast was flown to a Rothschild mansion in the UK.
Just like David Cole, the Jew that exposes and risks everything to expose the Holohoax despite the fact he has been physically beaten by the Jewish Defense League and had his entire reputation and career ruined as a result. Kubrick was partially Jewish blooded, but disgusted at what he knew and what he saw. His Aryan blood was dominant.
Angel Scott
99.9% of Jews aren't involved with (((them)))
Camden Richardson
They killed him before he finished the movie. So we won't ever know the true ending to Eyes Wide Shut.
He was used by the elites and he dropped hints of it throughout his movies because he couldn't tell anyone. He was severely depressed and his IQ was said to be 200.
2001: A Space Odyssey (His most complex creation, a movie that only the elites/initiates of the secret societies understand, it symbolized their entire Mystery Babylon religion) youtube.com/watch?v=2iCLykzJ0d8&list=PL11E33A6AEEB2674F
Levi Rogers
Ty for the info. Was aware of the Apollo 11 shining connection already.
It is said that 40+ minutes of eyes wide shut where cut out after his death and before its initial release.
There is a clue at the end, though. It definitely suggests that they had the two people killed. He said ''And the door was locked from the inside, the police are happy'' - Only by being involved in their deaths could Ziggler have known this.
Jack Martin
Kubrick was absolutely based. I have a big poster of him in my office.
Juan Mitchell
If you haven't seen that Mystery Babylon series, listen to the first hour. It breaks down 2001 A Space Odyssey from beginning to end, and it will blow your mind.
The entire series is a must watch though, although its 40 hours. It contains all the information that one learns when they are initiated into the secret societies. That first hour though, is all about 2001 and what it has to do with everything.
Luke Perez
maybe not consciously, but they still involved retards
Joshua Morris
>barry lyndon whats wrong with barry lyndon?
Luis Taylor
The redpill that most of Sup Forums refuses to swallow is that those "Jews" are actually Luciferians/Talmudists who pose as normal Jews. They are the "Synagogue of Satan", as mentioned in the Bible.
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. >Revelation 3:9
Charles Ramirez
Check out the big brain on Aussie bret.
I am undecided as to what the passage intended to mean. My personal belief was that any Synagogue, if it is at a high enough level in Jewry, is a Synagogue of Satan. That they where referring to the height of Jewry its self and that the entire basis of it was built around a pyramid with Satan sitting firmly atop.
Never seen it but fucking shit I want one of the lenses he filmed that shit with m.dpreview.com/articles/9811242514/kubrick-s-f-0-7-lenses-now-available-for-rent-but-start-saving-up >f/0.7 carl zeiss prime custom made for NASA and the Apollo space program fucking hell with a modern digital camera f/0.7 would be like shooting with a starlight scope they probably can't make this kind of lens anymore because the exotic doping agents needed to achieve the necessary optical properties in the glass are either deadly poisons, radioactive, or both
Kayden Price
flag SAVED
Liam James
you're also involved according to your logic. you vote for their puppets, you, you work to maintain their control system, consume their poison and you support religions/idologies founded by them
I think of the Synagogue of Satan as the mystery schools as explained in Mystery Babylon. The secret societies. I also think of the ten headed dragon or the Beast as several different countries representing those making up the future one world government. I also think that the cutting off of one of the heads of the dragon was the 2016 election.
Not sure if that one you linked is in order or not.