HAPPENING TENNESSEE GET IN HERE! My buddy saw everything!
BREAKING: Unconfirmed reports of gunshots at White Lives Matter Rally
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What happened?
The only good nigger is a dead nigger.
There are alot of niggers that live around that area.
Around blacks, never relax!
tennessee is the most satanic place in the deep south. the black people in memphis created the most satanic form of rap music. the white people there are literally fighting the devil, it's so much worse than a simple race war. it's literally a spiritual front line.
God bless anyone who chooses to live there and try to actually be a Christian.
>my buddy
fake and gay, sage
puberty is rape
Trips of truth.
Checked, Praise Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ The Son of God
desu i live about a mile from the pyramid and its pretty dope
But your buddy saw it. So tell us what happened
Holy shit
Jesus has blessed this post. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Give me digits as a sign of your mercy
wasted numbers
3-6 mafia isn't really satanic tho and you realize it's a city named after memphis, egypt hence the pyramid.
man i wanna go and i dont even like ducks
Well, you're a stupid faggot. That thing is an eye sore.
East Memphis Master race reporting in.
White lives matter rally? Way to take the moral high ground cringelords.
>in america
Not a happening.
Feed me info faggot.
oh man oh god oh man oh god oh man!
live fishing inside, largest free standing elevator in the country (world?), live alligators at the base of the elevator, they've got a trio of 70lb catfish in a huge tank in the center of the bar at the top of the pyramid. pretty fun time
Check and kek
>purple hats
Faggots, all of them
This is how the Devil tries to mislead people.
>this is totally innocuous! pay no attention to the DEMONS behind the curtain!
>east memphis
>master race
>doesn't live downtown
he dindu nuffin
>Lives in a liberal cesspit surrounded by niggers
its worse than that
>goes to the law school
I was gonna say, you're either a med student or law.
Good luck. White power.
What part? I lived in a little town called Seymour(near Sevierville) for around a year a while back. Most beautiful place I've ever lived. Living a little north of Nashville now
im in tennessee.... and i seen craigslist crisi actors ads on craigslist not long ago...for shelbyville for the 28th. no fckin bullshit. friends posted on FB
Sooo OP is a faggot right?
Crunk rap isn't satanic, they just live the thug lifestyle for real unlike most rappers... and drink lots of codeine
t. Memphis
I think so, at least for now
Before the day is done, someone will have lost their life, I'm sure
I talked to someone on the square yesterday that was offered 500 to protest for either fucking side didn't matter which. No bullshit, I ate on the square at bocelli it was delicious.
I used to live in the white station area, now I live by the university.. crime has gotten really bad around here lately (thanks Obama)
get in here lads
The whites are leaving.
There's no jobs and the niggers are multiplying rapidly.
Get it out.
There is a lot of pedo trafficking in Memphis
Damn, it's confirmed!
actually there are tons of decent paying distribution jobs that can't be filled because half the prospective workforce is lazy niggers with felonies on their records
Just saw a huge billboard on Poplar avenue the other day that read: Report Sex Trafficking t. FBI.
I genuinely hope some loony leftist or BLMfag shoots up the place.
It'd validate everything the ethnonationalists are saying
>50 posts and nobody posted any kind of livestream or info at all
Guess it's down to me again.
You mean warehouse work?
Also, Fedex exclusively hires niggers these days.
no mercy for you. Pray harder.
I remember seeing something like that too. Someone made a thread on GLP about it.
this shit here found the post of my buddy on fb, and screenshotted
>reasons to live
Memphis is barely part of TN imo. It's off in the corner where no one else lives
This is a strategy for you over there.
yes. some of those jobs pay $18 hr or more, but no one will show up for work because they are all lazy niggers
So another devicive group appears. Hmm, I wonder who has a history of funding such groups.
I will pray for you, user. I only go there for court and crossing the bridge.
I literally lived on the edge of Orange Mound for a couple of years. I can't imagine how bad it is now.
hey, we all make mistakes right? idk man im tellin u i seen this shit like a week ago...
can confirm my baker aunt told me
wait a sec...catposting...ive been here a while gtfo cia!
>>Sorry, you're not authorized to view these Tweets
You're (((SPOOK))) ing me out BRUH
I'm not gonna break my back for shitty pay when I have a business degree.
>I literally lived on the edge of Orange Mound for a couple of years
i wish i lived that close to las delicias
Remember Jason Kessler from "Unite the Right" was a fucking leftist shill acting out a play from the book "Rules for radicals", trying to get a race war started. This event is for that purpose also.
las delicias is literally around the corner from my house.
>doxing myself
come and get it CIA niggers
as well*
Not all warehouse jobs involve throwing boxes in trucks. The one I used to work at Iqor involved wrapping twisty ties around printer cords for 8 hours a day. Never broke a sweat.
Reminder that Jews pay people to shill on WN imageboards and forums anytime pro-white activism occurs in real life.
Chances are it was the cops that opened fire on the white lives matter crowd.
man i know, those house made chips are sooo fucking good. and it's about the cheapest restaurant on the planet for how good the food is. pretty sure everyone who works there is illegal.
Richard Spencer is an obvious Fed and this is just one of his media stunts to put Americans of all races against each other for Russia. This country was united until Trump allowed Russian interference in our country and Richard Spencer's Russian wife is an obvious KGB agent.
If you niglets are downtown and need spic food:
Agave Marie is arguably the best spic-food restaurant in town. Ask about their off-the-menu enchiladas
Maciel's just reopened. Probs best tacos in town.
100%! That fucker voted for the effeminate Kenyan obama too! What kind of “anti black white supremacist” votes for a communist Muslim half nig?
>country was united until DRUMPF came along
>obama's presidency never happened
>when your don't realize you cult can never infect proper literature becasue it is based of you talking like a fucking retard
its insanely cheap and the meat is so good. You can get queso, fajitas, and a pitcher of beer for like $12
Sweet. Americans killing each other is a great thing for the planet. Grab your weapon american cunt, step outside and kill your fellow american, do it! Ahahahahaha.
You culturess barbarians may have a state, but you will never be a nation.
This. Richard Spencer and BKLOOOOAUHFHMPFFF!!!@!1! eat KFC together on Thursday evenings while they take orders from Putin.
How nobody else can see the massive Russian CIA/FBI/NSA/EPA/DEP/Walmart conspiracy that is Richard Spencer is beyond me.
Just look at that tweet from 2013 where he said something about homosexuals. Dudes an obvious Fed.
payback is boming
This shut is annoying. I live in Murfreesboro a couple miles from the square and am driving down to Shelbyville to see my mom today. I gotta drive thru this crap twice
Don't forget to fly the flag of dixie so everyone knows you're not a faggot.
is that the entire crowd? lol
Boom boom soon faggot ;)
Learn to spell!
>he still thinks the KGB exists
but seriously it's a LOT more than just triple 6 and you know it damn well
There's a couple of Periscopes live, search Shelbyville