Violence will be the death of the Alt-Right if it isn't stopped

>It’s wrong
>It doesn’t accomplish anything beneficial at all
>It gets people arrested
>It taints our movement and is used as an excuse for suppressing our ideas
>Critically: Sane white people are repulsed by violent criminals

Debate me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Debate me.
No. I don't fight with the mentally retarded.

You sound like a pussy

Provide some sound premises to debate. These are trash.

Now that'a fine piece of arse.

>our movement
>our ideas

Do not respond to shills

>Critically: Sane white people are repulsed by violent criminals

Who are you quoting? Also, if that's true, why were the Nazis popular if the Holocaust happened and all of the wars they fought?

Checkmate, atheists.

What happened to all the Antifa and Alt right protests? I really hoped civil war was going to kick off this summer

Wrong, you are seeing violence from a moral point of view which is subjective at best.
Violence is a resource. Is a resource to get what you want with the biggest gain possible. From getting land in a war, to making people change their views or be cowed under the threat of violence.
What you are parroting is propaganda made for societal control of the masses.

get get what you pay for


Why are they trash?

What does violence accomplish? Look at the turnout of Gainesville after what happened at Charlottesville.

Doesn't violence get people arrested? Chris Cantwell and many others are currently sitting in jail for self-defense.

Skinheads and NSM types were known as violent thugs for decades and the masses were repulsed, preventing any far-right movement from taking hold in America.

Pic related.

Nazis were popular before all that happened, not after. If you think Nazis are popular today try walking outside with a swastika.

>drooling over sluts
have some fucking dignity

You're just dumping on more inane axioms, retard.

I am looking at it from a pragmatic point of view. Only my first point sees it from a moral point of view.

I agree that there are times when violence becomes inevitable. Now is not one of those times, however. Violence will not make anyone change their views or cow anyone in the society we currently live in.

My greatest argument is Charlottesville. Compare how well we were doing before it, compared to how battered and broken we were afterwards. That is the direct result of our supporters participating in stupid violence.

I think you're getting confused with antifa

violence is legal when used in self-defense

fuck your pussy agenda

You're rebuffing solid, reasonable points with ad hominems. You know I'm right.

There is no violence. There honestly should be, but there isn't. Self-defense doesn't count.

also, fuck your namefagging. persistent identities are plebbit tier

so go the fuck back to plebbit

Her work attire, while visually pleasing, does not conform to health codes. These drive thru coffee stands are a blight in clean and helathy coffee establishments

Nice try, JIDF.
Also, for the sake of the lurkers whom you are trying to influence. "We" didn't cause any violence in Charlottesville or elsewhere-- it was entirely caused by the communist antifa trying to shut down a rally with their intimidation tactics.

You're right though, Antifa is WAY more violent than the Alt-Right, and they're explicitly violent too. The Alt-Right generally just wants to be able to speak their mind in a nonviolent setting.

The problem is the handful of delusional hanger-ons who do commit violence are massively magnified by the media, and used as justification to shut us down by the government.

"You know it's right" isn't an argument. Present actual arguments.

Are you fucking mental? Violence is the highest power on this planet, which everybody listens to.

Non auro, sed ferro, recuperanda est patria

>Violence will be the death of the Alt-Right
Nigger....what? What fucking violence? The alt-right has been incredibly peaceful in the face of constant leftist violence and provocation. Nobody associated with the alt-right has committed any violent acts that weren't self-defense first provoked by ANTIFA.

Literally all the alt-right wants to do is have rallies, give speeches, and hold confrences in peace. But ANTIFA can never help itself from showing up and throwing Molotovs, punching people with bike locks, and jumping people in gangs. The alt-right is a peaceful movement. Stop believing everything you hear on CNN shit fake news.

Violence will be the death of our enemies, you retard.

Heyer died from a heart attack. There was one CIA nigger with a NSDAP flag. So what?

>violence is legal when used in self-defense

Tell that to Chris Cantwell, who is currently sitting in prison for using pepper spray.

Tell that to the guys who were attacked by DeAndre Harris with a baseball bat, who are all behind bars right now because they fought back.

Tell that to the three guys in Gainesville who are in jail because they fired a warning shot after an antifa hit their car with a baton.

>retarded opinion

checks out

Hello FBI! Have a good one mates!

cute barista eleni

Shows about Nazis on documentary channels are among the most watched and are especially popular in Germany.

People generally don't subject themselves to things that disgust them if it is easily avoided.

You can go fuck off now.

You are completely correct. Everyone who calls for violence against th left and niggers is a false flagging kike or a 12 year old, both should simply be humiliated

I don't think you understand the scope of the problems we face, and the minimum solutions required.

>Funn Cuck
I dig that look.

>>It taints our movement

Clearly a lefty Sup Forums JIDF shill. You're not one of us. Fuck off.

> Look at the turnout of Gainesville after what happened at Charlottesville.

The fact that you use that in an attempt to brand the right as violent shows you're a leftist shill. The fat bitch had a fucking heart attack. AND THIS WAS AFTER ANTIFA attacked the dude's car, and he was scared that he was about to get killed. Fuck off shilling faggot.

anyone posting porn is a slide thread
stop replying and sage boys

He already argued that it smears the movement, gets people in jail, and polarizes people against conservatism.

Axioms ARE arguments because the fact that they exist demonstrates that the majority of the population generally disagrees with the use of violence: thus its not advantageous to openly work against their societal norms/squeemishness.

Now address him you retard.

James Fields.

I don't know why he did it. Maybe he was just scared. But maybe he wasn't, maybe he was angry.

The point is that someone that unstable should never have been in the movement at all, and if anything like that happens again, we'll see a shutdown on an unprecedented scale. We can't afford that.

If you're not willing to get thrown in prison on trumped up charges perhaps you should do more funding and less thought leading. That's not even the beginning of what's in store for anyone on the cusp of changing this race replacing degenerate souless fake jew run democratic system we have.

FBI doesn't try to persuade you NOT to commit violence. Quite the opposite.

Violence is inevitable you fucking brainlet

I'm waiting for him to qualify "violence is bad", sorry, "optics" just isn't a good enough answer.

>smears the movement,
Which always backfires and redpills untold thousands every single time.

>gets people in jail
Not an argument.

>polarizes people against conservatism
We're not conservatives. We're national conservationists. Big difference. Conservatives conserve nothing and should be tossed into the shitheap of history.

>The point is that someone that unstable should never have been in the movement at all

A movement isn't something you sign up for. It's not a group you join or get kicked out of. It's an idea, an ideology. Now stop concern trolling you fucking kike lefty FBI/JIDF nigger.

>it's not always wrong
>it certainly can
>at present, semi-true
>self-defense shouldn't be a crime, but much of the system is against us at, again, present

Believe it or not, there are a lot of us who see a current, deliberate refusal to engage in violence as beneficial. You're not alone in that, at least.

You are fucking retarded. Nazis were involved in huge amounts of street violence before getting into power and if it wasn't for them, Germany would probably have become communist instead.

The trillion dollar waste in Iraq and Afghanistan blew the shit out of OP. They didn't defeat the muricans by rolling over and licking dogshit off their boot. Or by protesting in the streets. I've just been put on another list no doubt, but the facts speak for themselves.


might make right

violence is the only option if your opponent doesn't see reason
our opponents are communists, are you really going to try reasoning with them?

They would go into the most communist cities and hold rallies in their beer/public halls. Dozens of NSDAP members were killed before 1933.

violenceis a result of inability to understand reason

liberal people are stupid in general, conservative are clever in general

liberals want gibs and vote for eutoritarian socialistic governments with big % of jews, jews immediatelly start to try to extract money from conservatives

in such cases violence is inevitable. sadly

Almost all of them in 1932. The KPD would kidnap people and they'd never be seen again.

We're not the ones being violent shitbird

>wears a choker

You just know she's an absolute freak in bed.
Would pound all night and then never call again.

>tfw those people got utterly BTFO

He was a card-carrying member of Vanguard America. So were the Gainesville trio.

This is what I mean by my main points.
I don't believe that violence is always wrong. Obviously, in cases like the Revolutionary War, violence was justified in order to preserve self-determination.

But at present, for our movement, in the society we live in, violence is a terrible and retarded strategy that will fuck us over.

let's try logically moving through your points just to see if you are right -

"It's wrong" - this is a pretty hard point to make. You are basically saying violence is an a priori evil, that independent of all experience violence is just evil. But I have a hard time swallowing that because I can think of a million examples off the top of my head where experience shows violence isn't always wrong. A serial killer breaks in your house to rape your daughter but you shoot him first. Doesn't seem very evil. I don't think you are going to get far with this a prior approach.

"It doesn't accomplish anything beneficial at all" - This also doesn't ring true with just the one example I gave above. In the example above you get to have an unraped alive daughter. Seems pretty beneficial.

"It gets people arrested" - This is essentially an argument from authority. State says it's wrong, state is the authority, therefore it is wrong. Thomas Aquinas said an unjust law is no law at all, and if we accept that as true then we shouldn't accept that something is just simply because it is law. Arguments from authority are usually pretty shallow and an attempt to not debate the actual merits of something but rather dismiss others opinions entirely because "authority". poor argument.

"It taints our movement and is used as an excuse for suppressing our ideas" - I don't even know what the fuck "taints our movement" means. Try to use common terms and phrases in a debate so you can actually have a conversation about things. If we aren't both on the same page with definitions we can't really have an argument. So please define "taints our movement". Violence has been used to suppress ideas and that is generally wrong.

- "Critically: Sane white people are repulsed by violent criminals" - Again I don't really understand your construction here. I also don't see how race plays into this. Most sane people feel repulsed by violent criminals. Strangely they also love soldiers.

the media killed the "alt right" by helping Spencer hijack the term for himself.

now it's MAGA or GTFO

You're making up shit again. He just had one of their shields. Heyer died from a heart attack regardless. Right from the fat cuntmothers mouth.

Violence is a good thing if done correctly. I’d agree with james mason’s interpretation of the manson family murders. Targeting cultural icons polarizes society and shakes the populace Could you imagine what would happen if the kardashians were hypothetically targeted by nazis?


>Nazis were popular before all that happened, not after.
They were also popular during.

Dehumanization of leftist and non-white filth can overcome whites' revulsion towards murder. The solution to off-putting violent tendencies within our movement is to harden our rhetoric. Play up the non-white threat and the self-defense narrative. Ensure that non-whites are associated with gibs and rape and violence, even while claiming to suppprt ethnic solidarity for all races. The normie can and will be trained to view our movement as anti-violence, as a security measure against the migrants.

In fact, leftists have already done this. They don't apologize for Islamic violence. They've gone as far to convince normies that terrorists have legitimate complaints about Westerm foreign policy. We can do the same thing. Already white soccer moms are saying leftists are racist against white people because of affirmative action. If we have any faith at all in the white race, we must recognize that it can be roused, that with the right messaging strategy it can be made to support violence.

I'm not speaking of some kind of principled non-violence, just a transitory manipulation of optics as we continue to transition some aspects of pro-white ideology into the public mainstream. Once its use becomes or is proven to be no longer useful, we move on.

Violence solves everything, youre such a brainlet for not figuring that out yourself.

>>It’s wrong


horrible taste

The only thing I agree with you types on is that the NSDAP died in 1945 so the flag shouldn't be flown in 2017. As for everything else. I'm afraid the facts disagree with you.

Btw writing about non-violence on a right wing board is probably the best way to get the CIA niggers on your trail. You will get more scrutiny arguing against violence than arguing for it, because the facts are so obvious. They will assume you have an agenda. Especially if you're written semi-violent posts over the last few days.

... Of course people must know that Hitler was right, the flag belongs in museums and on the internet is all.

What's this bitches Instagram?

1920s German society was already right-leaning and, dare I say it, mostly German. They had more militaristic values and were in a massive economic depression. People tended to overlook street violence, especially if it was just nationalists beating up communists.

Current American society is extremely far-left leaning compared to postwar Germany. Leftists are the ones holding institutional power. For now, the common people are either brainwashed or too apathetic to sympathize with our cause.

Violence would make us look like dogshit, just as it made Antifa look like dogshit (until after Charlottesville when their attacks against "Nazis" became justified in the public mind).

>arguing against violence when all the facts btfo
>plebbit spacing


>card-carrying member
Literally who? This entire thread was about the "alt-right" and then you mention some obscure group that no one has ever heard of. Not even Vanguard Alliance, but some group website that has 10 members. And they are NOT the alt-right you fucking faggot. Believe it or not, there's different groups that aren't interconnected. The alt-right can't control every single person and fringe organization in the world. You expecting them to exposes your Jewish nose faggot.


I highly HIGHLY doubt they actually had cards they carried around. No "far-right" group has membership that you apply to join for except for FBI honeypot groups like the Klan which are well known to everyone as government organizations. People on the right are smarter than to carry around a fucking membership card; and if you're just using that as a turn of phrase, then explain exactly what you mean by "card-carrying member" because that's something that is hard to prove unless he signed his name on shit. You're making outlandish accusations that are almost certainly unprovable and probably stem from the ((((media)))).

>So were the Gainesville trio.
Once again, the whole story hasn't come out here. We don't know much of anything other than some guys got into an argument, some nigger attacked the guy's Jeep, and he attacked the guy who hit his Jeep. That's what ((((they)))) claim anyways, but once again i HIGHLY doubt that any of our guys would randomly provoke something. That's not what our people do. And they never released the guys who got arrested stories.

I was personally involved in a physical altercation at a Hillary rally, in which i was attacked by ANTIFA and fought back in self-defense. The charges were later dropped in court, but the ((((media))) wrote it up as I punched someone in the face for no reason, which was completely 100% false as i never punched anyone. They just took the "victim" (ANTIFA member)'s word and wrote it up.

violence is fun nigger

No it's not you nigger...

Might just be me but this bikini barista is kinda busted. Stop using her image. She's gross; think about it:
1) She's flat as fuck
2) She's got little teeth
3) She's got no earlobes
4) She's got crazy thick eyebrows
5) She's a bikini barista likely on hwy 99
She likely tastes like old coffee grounds

I'm unaware of any facts that suggest attempts at conscious manipulation of perception towards a defined end should never be attempted and then discarded if unsuccessful, which is all I'm saying.

And we're all on a CIA list somewhere. :)

It is just a matter of propaganda. Violence has solved more conflict than any other force in human history. The left uses it very effectively. The only reason the so called alt right can't is because they have no voice in the media to defend or downplay their actions. Which brings me to my point. What violence? Right leaning politically motivated violence is more rare than shark attacks, lightning strikes, or even winning the lottery. It happens at an exceptionally rare rate. No organized movement, no areas in any city dangerous to traverse because of it. You don't have anyone, let alone respectable positions like college professors, openly advocating it. So in what sense is it a problem? What is there to be stopped? Right wing death squads? Gang stalking? Libertarian alien abduction?

So i can tell you from firsthand experience that anything you read from the controlled Lugenpresse can't be trusted. They are allowed to lie about us, and they will get away with it, and the only person to tell the truth and defend my name was me. Nobody at the Clinton rally, nor the Police who didn't witness the event, nor obviously the Antifaggot would tell my side. And the (((media))) jumped on the opportunity to write up a juicy story about a Trump supporter violently attacking someone out of nowhere. To this day they haven't retracted their libelous articles, and when i even tried pressing charges against the faggot who attacked me first, I was told to fuck off by the Magistrate's office which was run by niggers.

No one will tell our side, even if it's the truth. Stop believing everything you read if you weren't there to actually witness it.

>2) She's got little teeth
>3) She's got no earlobes
>4) She's got crazy thick eyebrows
>5) She's a bikini barista likely on hwy 99
that's what you're looking at? if you're that much of an autist, you must never get any ass.

>Gainesville three
They didn't follow the plan, and paid for it, if the current story is at all true.

>oi vey, look at all these bad goyim that tried to fight back against (((us.))) You wouldn't want to be a bad goyim too, would you you stupid goyim?

It wasn't until the last year when I realized how something like the holocaust could have even happened. Then I realized how much you kikes actually deserved it.

If violence doesn't solve the problem you're simply not using enough of it. I hope the ovens keep you warm this winter.


>It doesn’t accomplish anything beneficial at all

This violent Irish nationalist conquered 1/3rd of the UK and ruled over Ireland for decades. Worked out pretty well for him.

you are probably some fat nearsighted fuck with backne and you are complaining about some chick out of your leagues teeth being small? this is why you faggots have to FGTOW, because you refuse to accept that you are fucking gross and that others imperfections are dwarfed by your own lack of personality and values. you are a shit human, thats why girls don't like you, that and your backne, and every girl you ever meet is going to have some kind of little teeth somewhere. learn to live with imperfection, you certainly have a lot of it.

>You're making up shit again. He just had one of their shields.
This was a CYA move by VA.

You're right about everything else, and those are exactly the points I would make if I were arguing with a leftist. But that doesn't change the fact that the crash should never have happened at all.

Sure, the car was hit by a baseball bat right before it hit the other car. But would you have put yourself in the same situation? There was no sane reason for James Fields to have been speeding around in his Charger on a road with pedestrians on it.

>Leftists are the ones holding institutional power.
Good. That makes it easier to push the narrative that whites are facing an existential threat.

>until after Charlottesville when their attacks against "Nazis" became justified in the public mind
They didn't. Whites still side against antifa. If whites were to vote majority Democrat (never happening) then I'd be more concerned.

>It taints our movement and is used as an excuse for suppressing our ideas

The only violence the alt-right commits is reciprocal violence, aka: we get hit first and then have the moral justification to counterattack and rape them in the ass.

You, on the other hand, are a purist queer that wants some kind of MLK-style protest from a movement that demands a white homeland, as if you'll be able to displace nonwhites in a non-violent fashion. What a fucking queer you are.

You see, this hits on the fundamental problem. We aren't in control, people who hate us are. This means we have to adapt our strategy dramatically.

I am actually against that kind of self-defense, because if you hit someone who has hit you, inevitably their attack will be forgotten about and the law will focus solely on your counterattack. If someone hits you, the proper response is to block or back away. If someone has gotten close enough to hit you it's all over at that point anyway.

It's just some generic girl in underwear. Have a wank, you will realize how ugly she actually is afterwards.

Fucking jews, I swear...

>we get hit first and then have the moral justification to counterattack and rape them in the ass.

The moral justification, sure. But what happens when it's edited by the media (who the masses still blindly trust) to make us look like the aggressors, as the events of Charlottesville were? What happens when that edited footage is used as an excuse by politicans and other forces to sue, disrupt, and completely shut-down innocent rightist organizations and websites?

Who will believe our "moral justification" then?

Youth is 90% of beauty and she has youth.
Baby fat is the ambrosia of the gods

You really can't seem to remotely grasp what victory will take. Perhaps that's the point. You want me to post pic related.