Is there a single good thing about being British?
Is there a single good thing about being British?
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>not being canadian
I'll give you a guess
No, there really fucking isn't
We are the best at rustling European jimmies
How the fuck did they even find out some kid had fake bullet buttons on his controller in order to raid the house in the first place?
have a classic
They have a good accent
>bike wheel
hahahaah fucking saved
>3243 west pennywood lane
Yeah right, like we have legible road naming systems that mean things, more like 15 cocktimber avenue
My sister is dating a Mongolian chad who's 6'3 and ripped and he walks around shirtless sometimes and i get to put a blanket over my lap and masturbate.
it gets more and more silly
All of their offshoots hare more successful than them. They're living the American dream.
> Belfast
> British
> Burger education
3B's and you're out son.
I remember when i was 10 and my dad taught me how to chop wood. What the fuck is wrong with bongs seriously??
says the chinaman
Holy fuck Brits are retarded when it comes to anything even remotely approaching a "weapon" So fucking cucked.
Ignore my flag, I'm a Saffa whose family moved here to escape white genocide when I was young, I'm going to Burgerland when I finish my degree because this country is honestly a fucking joke.
Oi M8 bin that knoife etc
I'm sorry officer, i didn't know it was illegal
it's a funny joke though
Just live in upper middle class neighbourhoods and your fine lad, haven't seen a non-white irl for a week.
>being taught HOW to chop wood
are you the sharpest tool in the shed?
UK has become a literal sketch in itself.
Yeah, being Welsh.
We do that too m8. These are all extreme cases, hence why they make national headlines each time they take place.
Even tiny solid bits of plastic in the shape of guns are regulated.
Press freedom and integrity.
northern ireland is part of the UK, m8
This isn't true. Why make blatant lies? These are funny, but it's nothing short of a smear campaign against Brits on Sup Forums at this rate. None of us have ever experienced what these news articles detail, or else they wouldn't be so rare they would be in news articles.
Triggering that one Swede who always shows up in these threads.
>be britbong
>go down tescos for a curly wurly and a meal deal
>young gentleman from the estate eyes me bag
>orwoit m8 you gottaniphone charger?
>pulls out comb
>tug me forelocks in fear of the young coloured gentleman
>"my apologies squire I was just on me way to get a potta pasta and some crisps"
>get shanked for not picking fried chicken wrap
>limp to a red tele box full of tramp piss and discarded kebabs
>call her majesty's police service for me bruised intestines
>pajeet on the line tells me there's a three hour waiting list
>starts raining like cats and fackin dogs
>coppers show up
>"oi m8 says ere you gotta a parker pen wivvout a licence"
>three years in belmarsh
desu northern ireland is a lot different than the rest of the UK, it was an active warzone 20 years ago
Again, it's in the news, meaning it's rare af. I know people who brought bullet casings over via plane a while back from holiday.
You cherrypick news articles and act like the average Brit has experienced anything of the such. I don't quite understand why, did a bong fuck your girl? American bitches love British accent, especially a Scottish twang like mine.
country's been fucked for years, don't think anyone really cares though. think we've all just sortof accepted humanity is coming to an end. everyone i know doesn't even bother working anymore, we all just get pissed and pump ourselves full of heroin and whatever else we can get a hold of. last person to work in my family was me dad, he was a plumber up until early last year. quit his job and sniffed his savings so he'd be illegible for jsa and housing benefit. he's been pissed every day since and never been happier.
>another cherrypick
What a surprise.
>Avoiding thought crime this hard
Good job citizen!
You get to share an island with cunts like this. Bravo guv.
Holy fucking shit, the absolute state of Britainistan.
It's clearly not working since muslims stab people every single day here either.
cherries are delicious!
To be fair the kid does look like a sociopath
>Smuggling a piece of brass into D.P.R.U.K. is noteworthy
I don't even know why you'd bring this up.
>make toast
>have to ring up local knoife enforcer officer to renew my knoife license
>he gives me the unique and ever changing code to open my knoife safe
>remove knoife and fill out paperwork explaininh reason for knoife withdrawal
>forget to put on time and date due to being so hungry
>officer comes round to check my paperwork and inspect knoife safe
>finds my mistake and I am jailed for 15 years and lifetime ban from knoife licensing
>I had to go on a 3 year culinary course to obtain that fucking knoife license
Cozy culture and Brit/pol/
Islam is a pretty cool guy. Fastest growing religion. Strength in numbers, part and parcel, doesn't afraid of anything
>Fastest growing religion
When you have 6 kids each with 4 wives it's easy to expand your religion.
leads the world in fascism
>Be saffa
>Get white genocided in South Africa by niggers
>Move to Britbongistan
>Get white genocided in Britongistan by pakis
>Move to Americo
>Get white genocided by spics
Man you guys get no fucking break do you.
Handguns are legal in N. Ireland
>American girls love British accent
True if:
1. They're complete gutter trash
2. It's from an investment banker on vacation
Otherwise, no. Even our women are aware you all are on step removed from serfs.
I own that spork
you'd be in jail in the UK
Unfortunately, burger, you are mistaken - every Yank lass I've met (including some well posh ones) has been after a bottle of plonk in the car park and a bite of me pepperami round the back of the Asda. Try learning some Shakespeare you swine.
Asda? What an uncultured plebeian.
Unfortunately our people seem to be cursed, maybe our ancestors found an ancient ooga booga statue in Africa when we first settled there and annoyed some spirits or some shit.
Hey, maybe I'll go the Czech Republic instead.
I mean, it's a valid issue to bring up. Stores aren't supposed to sell knives to kids over here, knives are classified as "adult" so you need an ID to buy them.
t. kid who had a pocket knife at 10, I don't think it deserves an article but I understand why the mum is pissed.
Everyone knows Aldi is where it's at
>floppy bit of serated foil that is about as sharp as your needle dick
>a knife
It's a knife in legalese. If he'd walked up to the counter with one they'd have told him to fuck off, but they let him buy it in the package. I assumed the article was the mum REEEEEEing about the carving kit not being labeled as adult because she was worried her little tyke would stab/get stabbed with it.
Y'know there was a time when boys could be trusted to run around with a knife in their back pocket and get their first plinker for christmas when they were 10. Don't you lament the pussification of our societies at all?
it was a saw
I'm pretty sure they've got a point on them so you can stab into the pumpkin.
Gotta love not living somewhere that has to have weapon sweeps, all we have are "Asians" in German cars robbing houses and some dude stringing up cats at night.
I do. I really do.
pumpkins are soft, you can puncture them with your finger
are you saying we should just illegalise all blades and use our hands instead?
your women seem to think so
Not the kind of pumpkins they sell over here for carving. They're thick as hell so kids are less likely to break them.
Banning knifes worked out lovely for London.
>bomb squad
>for ammunition
holy jesus fuck, my place would look like a nuclear arsenal to them.
Save a knife, bin that life!
American pumpkins must be different that euro pumpkins
Brits are subhumans who need to be expunged from the gene pool.
I used to run around with a Swiss army knife, lighter and air gun all the time as a kid and go on random adventures innawoods, shoot squirrels and birds, make a fire, butcher them, eat them.
How society has fallen.
For what it's worth I've never actually seen a knife bin, despite living right on the edge of London. I assume it's more of an inner city thing. The only assault I remember hearing about here in the last year involved someone's wrist being broken by a baseball.
>air gun
>a baseball
What the fuck are "weapons sweeps," anyway?
Do they just randomly turn up at peoples houses without a warrant and confiscate shit?
first is always best
not being Swedish.
Fuck off cuck
So the cops are pretty much stealing from these people lmao
It's not stealing if you're the police!
God kväll mina herrar
pics m8 seriously
Quick glance at Brazil
>F Cup Titties
I just can't. Tell me this is a parody account.
It's real and that makes it funny
link the account please im dying
I'm not on twatter anymore
>that side news
baby negro?