Is there an argument for no minimum wage? Should minimum wage be higher?
Minimum Wage
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>Is there an argument for no minimum wage?
Is there any argument for minimum wage? Do you know how labor demand works?
>do you want to do an easy job for me on a weekly basis?
>do you agree that your labour is worth less than minimum wage due to the easy nature of the job?
>Is there any argument for minimum wage?
Yes, so that workers are entitled to a fair share for their labor so that companies don't underpay them.
>inb4 you can just leave if you don't like the working conditions
and starve while you struggle to find a new job? I don't think so.
And that sums it up. You're not automatically worth anything, guess what, you're not even worth the value of your output, you're only worth what you negotiate you're worth.
But companies shouldn't be able to decide what you're worth, because ultimately they're the ones that hire and this results in gross mistreatment of workers as we've seen throughout history.
>But companies shouldn't be able to decide what you're worth
Your solution to this problem which doesn't exist is to allow the government complete control instead?
Well how else would you prevent mistreatment of workers?
It's axiomatic to your argument that you are being worked at gun point.
If you don't like it, leave, there are already a plethora of laws in place for any infringement by an employer imaginable.
>If you don't like it, leave,
Yes there are arguments for it but at the same time there are arguments that it shouldn't be mandatory, you could have something like in Scandinavia where IIRC unions negotiate wages pretty fairly throughout the entire countries.
>Is there an argument for no minimum wage?
Yes: businesses will employ more people when it's cheaper to do so.
>Is there any argument for minimum wage?
Yes: reducing wages isn't the only way to get businesses to employ more people, and the standard of living of the working poor is higher with a minimum wage than without. Plus a minimum wage encourages businesses to invest in automation, which makes them more productive.
>Should minimum wage be higher?
Generally the minimum wage should rise above the rate of inflation. But without knowing exactly where it is you're asking about, and the economic circumstances in that location, you can't get a sensible specific answer.
>you're only worth what you negotiate you're worth.
So you think negotiation skills should be the primary factor in determining how much people are paid? Unfortunately that's likely to result in the poor being exploited even more.
No one in the western world starves to death between jobs. How about you present an argument?
>no one would have anything bad happen to them if they just up and leave their job because they tried to "negotiate"
Sure thing champ, because jobs just grow on trees?
I asked for an argument and this is what I get? Pathetic. Don't ever respond to me again.
Easy way to destroy #fightforfifteen cucks and all the rest:
"Does raising the minimum wage help the poor"
"Are there any noticeable drawbacks to raising the minimum wage?"
"Okay so why don't we raise it to twenty an hour? Or fifty an hour? Or a hundred an hour?"
>b-but... I...
*unsheathes gas chamber*
Definitely, no minimum wage is the way to go. All salaries should be competitive based on the individual's hard work.
When you raise the min wage, employers can easily replace workers with machines so business can be cheaper. Some workers don't even deserve a min wage raise.
Competitive wage is the way to go. Everything will settle out naturally based on competition. This is what capitalism survives on
>Plus a minimum wage encourages businesses to invest in automation,
Which puts the barrier of entry for any competition nearly unattainable for small companies or family businesses. This is why billionaires and big multinational companies always shill for this and don't ever complain too much.
Hows your minimum wage in Australia? What's your personal standard of living there? How much do you earn? How much land do you own? How hard is it to start a small business?
>that workers are entitled to a fair share
What do you do for work? What do you get paid?
It shouldn't exist.
>Is there an argument for no minimum wage?
If we implemented UBI we could abolish minimum wage.
Raising minimum wage has serious drawbacks, but it does raise quality of life. It may cause an unstable system to collapse sooner though.
Doesn't matter people should be able to live off of their work regardless without some soulless compsny fucking them in the ass
>If we implemented UBI
What do you do for work, Gomrade?
Maybe they should find work which they can live off instead of being as entitled to think that handing me fries is worth $25 an hour.
So what do you do for work? Tell us about your job, your wages, and your standard of living.
Where I live its federal min wage but everyone starts out at 12+ anyways. Min wage is a huge fucking meme that fails to account for cost of living.
No minimum wage is by far superior as it helps anyone get their foot in the door of the employment world. Anyone willing to work can work for the right price, and it keeps youth off of the streets.
However, it depends on (1) having a stable - see: low inflation, or even deflationary - currency so workers aren't fucked over, and (2) having a deregulated economic environment where competition lowers costs.
I hate commies
there is an argument for no minimum wage
An employer had to 2 teenagers working for him, many other teenagers wanted to work for him too. He wanted to hire them, but he didn't because he wouldn't be able to afford paying a minimum wage to them.
Those teenagers would happily work for less than minimum wage, why is this not allowed? Why is it better to have them unemployed?
This. If the government want's people to achieve a basic standard of living, they should do it themselves instead of forcing businesses to pay more than what someone is worth.
again see you retard. As much as you want to jerk off over people "negotiating" with companies people cannot just up and leave thier job and go pick up a new one. It's funny how you haven't given an argument to this.
Minimum wage and cost of living are dependant on each other. When one raises the other should and will too, like rent and shop prices.
Minimum wage is based on profit margins. Places that offer minimum wage jobs have a profit margin below 2%. If the wage is to be raised, all prices need to increase in order to cover the raise. The minimum wage workers' output is too low and unskilled to warrant this.
I haven't got the argument yet because you haven't presented it.
Go ahead and post statistics for all the people who die of hunger in the western world, I'm sure the "couldn't find a job" column will be massive.
It's not like there's social services in every western country to deal with this already or anything.
What do you do for work, Gomrade? How much do you earn? When's the last time you have starved?
post on internet forums tovarisch :^)
UBI was first proposed by capitalists to deal with the inevitable problems of automation, by the way.
The problem with capitalism is that its like the US constitution. Both are systems that are designed such that the reality of existence, that people are assholes, might be held back from just destroying everything. Any system would work if everyone was nice and kind, but thats not the way things work, and so these systems must be designed to stop things from getting too out of hand. If the government ever tries to take over completley the constitution is there to stop them. They try, all the time, and people say "look at these assholes, its a good thing we have this absolute defense against their jackassery". But then when it comes to capitalism, instead of chastising people who play right on the line and try to do everything they can to subvert the people for their own benefit, instead of considering these people the same way we do politicians and judges who try to squeeze every loophole out of the constitution they can, we consider them great admirable entrepreneur and buisnessmen.
What needs happening is for people who exploit the system to its maximum to be considered the same as we consider the judge who loopholes the constitution, not praised. Wealth is not a virtue, in fact it is evil. "productivity" is not a good thing, it is a meme word subverted to make people feel it is virtuous to produce money instead of value. In an ideal society a company would produce the perfect lightbulb and then thats it, the lightbulb company would shut down, periodically starting up to replinish the supply, but as the bulbs are not designed to break after a set number of hours, only accidental destruction would need them to be replaced. And the light bulb makers? They would just live on UBI until needed.
The floor of a wage is the disutility of that wage labor.
I.e., the amount of value paid to the laborer must be more than the value of the labor to the laborer.
E.g., Bill the truck driver quit his job because the cost of maintaining the truck and value of performing his job outweighed the amount of income he earned from that job.
The ceiling of the wage is the utility of the wage labor to the employer.
I.e., An employer cannot pay a laborer more than the value of the labor they perform.
E.g., Bob produces 15 dollars worth of value making pizzas to Company A. Company can afford to pay him 14.99 and still make any profit... assuming all other expenses tied to the labor are zero.
>Why is minimum wage a bad idea?
Businesses have widely varying business plans, and people have widely varying preferences. What a minimum wage is is an arbitrary floor for wages regardless of the environment they are in. Businesses and free workers who would have made contracts in their own interest are now being forced to make contracts illegally or leave the market.
not only that, if peoples security was asured, companies could start up offering little or even no pay initially, but just stock in the company. Then people attracted to the idea and determined to make that company work would come join it. It would insure only dedicated people with real drive would be taking up any jobs. It would be a great boon to small business. Since most of the funding would come from large businesses though it would be difficult to get to happen.
>Is there an argument for no minimum wage?
Yeah, it's a price floor and creates a surplus as long as it's binding, if you're assuming "muh perfect competition". In reality employers are in de facto collusion and are pushing wages down anytime they can. When everyone does it, it functions like a monopsony.
>Should minimum wage be higher?
Yeah. $15 was too big of a jump, but small increases every few years don't seem to have much of an effect. Profits are up yet poor people are still struggling, so it's a reasonable thing to do.
Personally, I'm more in favor of making jobs programs to force a tight labor market and make a minimum wage irrelevant, but that's just me.
Literally doesn't pertain to the argument at hand retard. Stop attacking me personally and attack the ideas.
It literally is an argument. People cannot just walk off their jobs and be all hunky dory.
>social services
So you'd rather just pay them through taxation? that's fine by me. You still haven't addressed how you just find a job laying around like they're abundant.
The true minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the rate it is set at.
>UBI was first proposed by capitalists to deal with the inevitable problems of automation, by the way.
You can call Gommunism whatever you like, but "free" shit isn't freedom. It's dependency. The rations of a slave; hay and a barn for two legged cattle.
Thanks for validating my point that you're unemployed though. I'm sure if you wish hard enough big daddy government will take care of you.
Every single one of you gommunists that claims to be a champion of "the workers" or memes about minimum wage never actually answers the question of what they do for work.
Tell you what, Gomrade, why don't you and all your Marxist buddies start a corporation and pay everybody whatever you think is "fair".
The abolition of wage standards and the welfare system could go hand in hand with UBI.
Then abolish all taxes in favor of a single tax on lands values to control for rent.
Any country that could achieve this, so long as they also deregulate business and dismantle bureaucratic red-tape, could become extremely productive and have a high standard of living in a short amount of time.
>No one in the western world starves to death between jobs.
Since you can't get a job after you're dead, that's a statement of the obvious.
It's also rather strawmanish - people may not starve to death, but they do die of health problems related to malnutrition.
That barrier to entry can be reduced by reducing interest rates. Another's sometimes also the option of using subcontractors.
>Hows your minimum wage in Australia?
>What's your personal standard of living there
Low by Australian standards, as I started a small business but it's struggling. The problem isn't high costs, it's a shortage of customers.
>Is there an argument for no minimum wage?
There is but it's a terrible one because the last time we left it up to the free market in a market where the employers held all the power people got paid just enough to not keel over and starve to death.
If we were in a labor surplus and market structure like that of the 50's where no matter how much you paid employees you made out like a bandit THEN I could see no minimum wage.
>Should minimum wage be higher?
Depends on where you live but I say yes but not some weird $15/hour thing to flip burgers but maybe $8-$9 as even that 75c to buck 75 increase would mean little to most corporations and mean a lot to their employees.
Lets look at history shall we.
When poland btfo of germany and captured a bunch of teutonic knights, harvesting season came. The knights asked to be allowed to return home to harvest, poland agreed and they returned home and (some) came back to captivity.
This ilustrates something. All these men, and people in general, vast swathes of society, they worked very hard during the harvest, but as the crops were growing? You had some farmers to tend to things, but most people who participated in the harvest, which you can consider their actual 'job' (its what kept society stocked in food so nobody starved) spent most of the year idle, doing their own things.
This free time off, this is what drove civilization. Some became soldiers and wars were fought, others became thinkers and inventors. History and civilization is driven by people not doing jobs, but following their own desires.
The modern concept of daily jobs where a person is paid in (((fiat))) currency for his time, and not working for the actual product removes the agency of the people. It enslaves them to subservience and menial tasks the entire year. Where as in the past only skilled craftsmen dedicated their lives to their work, and they earned based directly on that work rather than a set wage - and one day became masters themselves and effectively got to run their own business, now everyone works a (((steady job))).
This removes the ability for people to be creative, to invent, to conquor.
The entire point of this system is to make people compliant, subservient, and not give them a chance to do anything. Romans had idle soldiers build things because they knew keeping them active was the way to keep them docile.
You should be working half of what you do for double the pay. With that time off, most people would just waste away, watching TV or being useless, but some wouldn't, those ones would drive civilization forward.
You clearly don't know what communism is. UBI would also not create a poverty trap because, unlike our current welfare system, people wouldn't be making less when they go out and find a job and lose their welfare benefits. It would supplement rather than replace income, so not only do they contribute to the economy, but business doesn't have to suffer as much paying a minimum wage, and the individual could invest more of their money into the economy through entrepreneurship, lime what we've seen with Qatar and other nations that implemented a citizens dividend.
Nice reddit spacing by the way, shows where you get your info from.
>i dont even understand anything, so ill call him a communist
ignored :^)
>employers are in de facto collusion and are pushing wages down anytime they can.
Citation needed. Seems to me like it benefits the cost of established firms to keep cost of labor (barrier of entry for potential competitors) high. Though I'm sure you can tell me some examples of your business and your employees that will say otherwise... I'll be waiting.
>making jobs programs
Can you cite any examples of this sort of thing ever working?
>Literally doesn't pertain to the argument at hand retard.
It has everything to do with the argument. Your answer will let people know whether or not you have any experience with the topic you're trying to discuss and it will let them know what your motives may be for whatever agenda you're trying to push.
So come now, why is this such a difficult question to answer?
>With that time off, most people would just waste away, watching TV or being useless,
I'd say that choice of time spent would slowly widdle away as people either got bored with it or the subsequent generation would rather do something else. Hell in the summers when I was too young to get a job and I spent all my free time playing video games, watching anime, and masturbating, I got hella fucking sick and tired of that after 3 months.
>You can call Gommunism whatever you like, but "free" shit isn't freedom. It's dependency.
UBI is literally a libertarian idea. Compare it to jobs programs. Suddenly employers have to treat potential workers as equals, because workers have options.
Libertarians want to maintain a system of wage-slavery, which means making sure that you have to go through an employer to get a survivable income.
>Citation needed.
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book 1. Seriously bro.
>Can you cite any examples of this sort of thing ever working?
Sure, any time you hire someone and pay them your jobs program is working. The point is to give people work, after all.
To be more specific, I see the jobs programs as supplementing the current unemployment system, where if you don't have enough work in your base year or have been unemployed for a long period, you can just get a job if you want it. I'd be in favor of making a local system to determine what we want people to work on, but the point would be to give workers an alternative.
Libertarians like to act like people are free when they agree to sell their labor, but in reality they have to either sell their labor or die of starvation. This is coercion, wage-slavery. Well, as a society we still need our people to work, myself included, but we can at least give workers more bargaining power by giving them an alternative.
>That barrier to entry can be reduced by reducing interest rates.
Also inflationary and still likely doesn't really help much since really big labor saving automation is well beyond what most small businesses could ever touch.
>I started a small business
Good luck. I hope you find success.
>people got paid just enough to not keel over and starve to death.
What do you do for work? Are you starving?
What sort of farming have you done? Care to explain how little work it requires?
>You clearly don't know what communism is.
Because if I call "to each according to their needs and from each according to his ability" UBI I can pretend it's not Gommunism.
>Nice reddit spacing
It's called paragraphs you contemptible turd. I've never even visited Redit. Perhaps your illiteracy is part of the reason you are unemployed and wishing on a star that daddy government will give you free money (at who's expense?).
Cannot refute my argument.
There is many good arguments for no minimum wage.
For example...I'm employed by a multi-billion dollar company who doesn't pay a wage/salary they just give us all a company visa card and tell us to spend freely. The only limit being that large purchases (over $1000 have to be approved by the board). That limit doesn't include rent/car payment.
With no minimum wage companies could afford to pay people to half ass it at work, then lazy people would have no excuse.
Okay ill be going on a bit of a rant
Minimum wage should be lower because businesses like to have a set budget so if the minimum wage is made higher, they will cut jobs and increase work load to have the same amount of income. If minimum wage is lowered more jobs would open up and work loads will be decreased per employee. Minimum wage jobs are for people who don't have any professional skills like engineering for example. The minimum wage should be enough to keep a small family above water and possibly pay for a higher education like college or uni.
The People who are in the labor party in the UK are fucking morons, they want to increase the minimum wage and lower the unemployment level, even if this works this will put a incredible strain on companies and employees and could even lead to an economical collapse
I know it's the government's job to look after the public both higher and lower class but both sides want too much from the government.
>UBI is literally a libertarian idea.
It's a Marxist fantasy that suggests that free shit will just rain out of the sky. From where is all this (((free))) money derived? Why even stop at a "basic" income? Why not give everybody millions of dollars, then CEOs will have to treat everybody equally because we'll all have 10 million dollar beach front homes and yachts?
>Sure, any time you hire someone and pay them your jobs program is working.
So how many people have you hired this year?
>they have to either sell their labor or die of starvation
So what did you say you do for work again? When is the last time you missed a meal?
>What do you do for work? Are you starving?
I was referencing back to just after the industrial revolution when monopolies ran everything and employers got the pick of the litter. We're now in a similar situation but due to a labor surplus. When labor is in surplus the only thing preventing McDicks from paying employees $4/hour instead of $7.25 is a federally guaranteed minimum wage and to a tiny extent is social pressure. it's why a lot pay $8 now rather than $7.25 so they seem like they care while the company brings in record profits each year that just end up sitting in a bank never to be spent.
>to each according to their needs and from each according to his ability
This specifically refers to workers being paid in subsistence irregardless of their working ability, hence the use of the word "need" instead of "want". It entirely removes the notion of paying someone based on their value to society. Lets not forget that under communism there is no surplus of wealth.
So in other words you have no argument. It's pretty evident by that considering you consider single-sentence strawmen and ad-hominems to be arguments. Go shitpost somewhere else and leave those who actually have something to contribute.
>the company brings in record profits each year
So why aren't you buying shares of McDonalds and sharing in all those "record profits"?
How was work this week? What was your paycheck after taxes?
Why are you so frightened about telling us what you do for work and how much money you are paid?
That comic isn't quite right. The tide is automation and it goes up no matter what the minimum wage is.
>It's a Marxist fantasy that suggests that free shit will just rain out of the sky
OK, 1. fix your fucking spacing retard
2. I'm telling you, it was brought to prominence by Milton fucking Friedman you moutbreathing mongoloid faggot
Fuck off.
>When is the last time you missed a meal?
This is what's called "the iron law of wages". Again, from the giant commie Adam Smith.
>those who actually have something to contribute.
Speaking of which, what do you do for work?
>minimum wage
Everything is priced higher
More small business struggles
>no minimum wage
Underpaid employees
Jews rake in the cash
I work at a nursing home, I make $15 an hour, and I save most of that because I budget every month, I don't have a car, and I bought the cheapest cell-phone plan possible.
Now that I've removed the possibility for you to keep posting "where you you work?", address the arguments given to you. Failing that, fuck off and go post dank pepe's and wojacks to entertain your reddit friends like I'm sure you'll do anyway.
The minimum wage is a scheme to reduce labor competition by locking off the bottom of the ladder. I sympathize with the impulse to advance the gains of labor, but not at the expense of the poorest.
>Milton fucking (((Friedman)))
Great, some Jew told you that giving everybody free shit for just existing is a good idea.
Now answer the question, what do you do for work and when is the last time you have starved?
You keep harping on about working and starving, surely you have some actual experience with this right?
And seriously, you've never heard of paragraphs? If you had been taught basic literacy instead of the Gommunist Manifesto in school perhaps you would be working and I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to get you to admit you're unemployed and living off of mommy and daddy.
No. Why all the min wage threads?
There should be a high minimum wage for all the people I dislike so they can't find jobs. For everybody else: no minimum wage.
Friedman in no way shape or form would ascribe to the left's economics. Before just shouting JEW at anything you may want to see if you're being tricked by a (((democrat))).
OK, so under your totally not Gommunism, UBI, how much money would you be paid by this magical money fairy? From where would that money come?
Can you explain how breaking a line between paragraphs is redit? Is this not accepted construction anymore?
>So why aren't you buying shares of McDonalds and sharing in all those "record profits"?
Shares of McDicks sell for 165/stock and the dividends on an individual stock are very low. You'd have to buy a lot at once for it to ever amount to anything in a year or two. Majority of people do not have that kind of cash and working at a minimum wage job the banks would not give them a loan.
>Why are you so frightened about telling us what you do for work and how much money you are paid?
I work weekends while I study in school so what I do for work at the moment is rather irrelevant. Working 14 hours per week (breaks have been excluded) I make $112/week before taxes and about $100~ post tax with most of that going into helping with the house and paying some fees for school (gas + parking).
As for some of my co-workers who work full time they make about 12-15k/year depending on their pay which is roughly 8-9/hour (They're older with more experience so thus more pay). Most shitty, run down, ghetto af, single person, apartments in our area run about $500/month which equals out to $6000/year. If they finagle in a roommate somehow that's still 20-25% of their pay just to keep a roof over their head without utilities.
Robbing the worker to give to the bum isn't actually gommunism in practice, but it is always the bait.
Why can't we talk about your work?
I work at Best Buy, but not by choice. And yes, I was having to skip some meals before getting this job. Also I like the fact that you resort to a literal (((ad-hominem))) to cover up the fact that you're an ignorant fuck.
Seriously fuck off.
What trick, exactly? It's funny that you'd take some redditor's side just because I have a memeflag on. By "funny" I mean "sad".
>how much money would you be paid by this magical money fairy?
This depends on who you talk you. Some propose half the poverty line, some propose poverty line plus 10%. My personal beliefs is at poverty line, adjusted for locality, as having a national or provincial average inevitably means paying people in cities less and paying people in rural areas more, which defeats its purpose.
>From where would that money come?
Taxes, just like everything else in society. This is another point of contention amongst UBI supporters, but I personally believe in scrapping all taxes and replacing them with a single tax on land values, which does have the ability to provide UBI and basic government functions (so long as that definition doesn't include trillions of dollars of military spending, subsidies, retaining our current welfare system, etc.) You can read more about that here:
>Can you explain how breaking a line between paragraphs is redit
You're not breaking text by paragraphs. Those are sentences. It's obnoxious and unnecessary.
Yes, minimum wage is shit. Collective bargaining is actually a better alternative than that.
>dividends on an individual stock are very low
Wait, I thought they were making record profits?
>I work weekends while I study in school
High school student. That's cool. Everyone was there once.
Now instead of feeling like a fucking victim and believing that some government regulation will improve your standard of living beyond that of a plantation slave, you should very much be focusing on how to improve yourself, build your own value, and acquire wealth (assuming that's even something you care about).
If the job you have offers no upward mobility or doesn't allow you to buy stock, hopefully at least it is giving you some useful experience (you could start your own business to compete with them?).
Honestly I'd rather see you make success in life instead of feeling the victim and trying to knock the legs out from someone else. Being successful and building wealth isn't a zero sum game.
>what is inflation
>muh unions
enjoy your stagnant, inflexible labor market
Why do people call it "gommunism" here instead of communism?
Honestly, we're going to need a lot of inflation to bring housing prices back to something reasonable, once we break this shitty professional-class stranglehold on the lives of workers.
>I work at Best Buy, but not by choice.
Cool. Do you feel as though they're exploiting you and making wild profits off of your labor? If so why are you not investing in best buy stock? Do the managers there make decent money? How many of them are promoted from within? Are you learning anything that will make you more marketable or help you start your own business?
Here's one:
The minimum wage negatively impacts the economy due to its side-effects: (1) it eliminates a good portion of the starter-/summer-job that teens could get, (2) thus denying them "job experience" for when they graduate high school, which in turn increases the difficulty of getting a job directly out of high school. [A tangentially-related subject is that of jobs senselessly requiring university degrees.]
Going back to (1) we can see this in the form of movie theaters: the movies used to have guys who would clean the floors regularly between showings, this is the sort of job that gets cut and the task gets rolled up into a more general role, say, "janitor".
>If so why are you not investing in best buy stock?
Alright, I've had enough of your shit. I've put a tracker on your PC and once it finds your child porn the FBI will be there ASAP.
You'd be wise to burn your hard drive.
>Wait, I thought they were making record profits?
They are but remember tens of thousonds of shares in a company exist. Owning 1,000 shares of McDicks will make you rich while a single share will not.
>High school student.
University student about to graduate. I also don't see myself as a victim but have been stating fact. Throughout all of history when the upper echelon of the markets hold all the power they will gleefully abuse it.
Here are some good things that came out of government regulations
To prevent you from needlessly getting hurt on the job or outright losing limbs to save the company a few shekels
Prevent the company from poisoning the environment and water you drink
>Anti-monopoly laws
Prevent the same shinanigans that company towns started under
>Minimum wage laws
To prevent companies from abusing labor surplus markets.
Now I will agree your average, full time, minimum wage employee does very little to change their situation. Knew a guy who dropped out of college to work and support his GF going through culinary college. When I asked what his plan was when she got her career up and running he just shrugged and couldn't figure out what would be a suitable move, maybe finish his art degree. I told him he should look into a basic trade certification he could nab in a year or two max if he couldn't get an apprenticeship. Dude never did and to this day continues to bitch about how little money he makes.
Hell with 3 years of employment under his belt he could've at least asked to be trained as a shift manager.
>This depends on who you talk you.
I'm talking to you, the guy wiping arses at a nursing home for 15$ an hour. Is this free money going to be paid by your taxes to give to Mohammed and his 7 wives or is it going to be paid by someone making slightly more than you so that you can have a pay raise?
Do you ever plan to own land? How are property taxes in Canada now? Do you suspect higher property taxes to pay for this new (((free))) money will wind up raising your cost of living or make it even less profitable for your employer?
Paragraph: a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
This can be one sentence if it is a single theme or idea. As far as I know there is no rule to the contrary, but then again I've been out of school for some time.
It's just monetary unit. Japs get 1000 monetary units per hour minimum, but their purchasing power is worse than Amerifats or Brits who get something like 8 minimum, despite about equal living quality otherwise.
It's retarded pandering from retards to retards. In fact, alt-right should adopt it as platform since it has no real effect aside from feel good effect.
>Is this free money going to be paid by your taxes to give to Mohammed and his 7 wives or is it going to be paid by someone making slightly more than you so that you can have a pay raise?
You would know this if you read the source I gave you.
>Do you ever plan to own land? How are property taxes in Canada now? Do you suspect higher property taxes to pay for this new (((free))) money will wind up raising your cost of living or make it even less profitable for your employer?
Again, you would know this if you read the source I gave you.
Since you apparently have no actual interest in seeking out knowledge or answers to your questions, and are only interested in shitposting and ad-hominems, I think I'm done with you. Good day.
Scandinavian countries don't have minimum wages. In fact the government makes an effort to never be involved in wage negotiations and the wages are MUCH higher than almost anywhere.
This exactly
>Owning 1,000 shares of McDicks will make you rich
OK, so these "record profits" really don't amount to a whole lot compared to how much is invested. Still though, blue chip stocks are a wise investment. If you start now (pay yourself first!) you can build wealth but investing even a little at a time.
I can tell you definitely don't have any experience in the workplace. OSHA is a fucking joke. They don't give a shit about you not getting hurt, they simply exist to write fines for frivolous shit to justify their own existence. Businesses don't want you to get hurt because you'll sue the fuck out of them and they'll pay more in the long run for worker's comp insurance.
Dear God. Again, sold to the goyim with alleged good intentions but exists only to dole out frivolous fines to justify their own existence. Neither EPA or OSHA ever hurt the establishment, but are just more means to keep the boot on any potential competition to the status quo. This is my whole point. ANY ham fisted regulations you dream up will ONLY ever hurt the small guys and only worsen the very things about which you claim concern.
>companies from abusing labor surplus markets.
Who is being abused? If companies were really getting over on "the worker" paying minimum wage, why would they be automating to get rid of them whenever possible? If you believe there's something you can get somebody to do for minimum wage that's worth more than minimum wage you should be starting a business doing so.
>You would know this if you read the source I gave you.
I'm not reading your bullshit link. I'm asking you because we can discuss how this applies in a real world situation. If the author of whatever collectivist tripe you have linked wants to come here so I can quiz him on how this shit is going to play out in reality I'm open to the debate.
>the wages are MUCH higher than almost anywhere.
Sure, before taxes.