Why are all the Fox anchors smiling.
CNN MSNBC NBC are freaking out like election night
Mueller investigation
Uh oh
Only retarded city shitskins and women voted for Hillary, every last suburban intellectual and god fearing American voted for Trump.
It's his turn and he's taking it.
>two scoops
>two slices
>two terms
>two genders
Because for some reason Fox was the mainstream news outlet that joined the lightworkers. Probably because Universal Law has an humor clause.
because Fox is made up of actual journalists, where (((the others))) push a narrative. Fox has nothing to lose unless Trump is personally impeached which would never happen.
Sean and Tuck are heroes for doing what they do in my book.
>Russia-collusion on Trump side is looked into for months on end
>no arrests
>Russian-collusion on Clinton side is looked into for two weeks
>suddenly we get charges
It's most likely Manafort or some member of the DNC from this timeline alone. Or maybe some really low-level RNC guy. Who knows though.
Remember when the media told us Obama was a lightworker?
>Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.
>The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare. And this why he is so often compared to Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., to those leaders in our culture whose stirring vibrations still resonate throughout our short history.
I would love it to be Podesta, but Mueller is a deep state agent so never ever.
You keep posting this in every thread. You have to vary it or we don't get the rubles, comrade. Be more careful in future.
T. Fellow Kremlin shill
CNN knows who it is. They aren't saying. So obvious it doesn't hurt Trump.
LOL you think Stone is the one going to prison??
in fairness, it's a bigger story on Monday.
Fewer people reached FRI afternoon - SUN
Remember when Obama claimed the planet would begin healing itself just from electing him?
stone and manafort could take down half the worlds governments with blackmail. no chance in hell
If anything it seems like a purposeful cliffhanger, letting it build public hype before the next legal steps are taken Monday. Not to mention the JFK files being released before the weekend so folks have a few days to browse through them. Trump understands marketing, and the same principles are effective in politics.
no - they have a drooling captive audience 24/7 ready to lynch trump. they'd sing loud and proud if it helped them.
that they know of the indictment is a big story in and of itself, and puts them in a risky position - if they're spinning it as a big deal but aren't associating any names with it at all points to a story which doesn't help them.
Has there been any other confirmation on this story besides the most trusted name in fake news? This all could be just a way for them to try and take attention away from U1 and Dossier.
>Remember when Obama claimed the planet would begin healing itself just from electing him?
But it did! If it wasn't for the negro magick we'd all be underwater right now due to the ice caps completely melting! King Nigger and Al Gore saved the world, and this is the thanks he gets... Trump completely terraforming the entire planet into a hellish ball of fire and brimstone in only eight years, all because he didn't sign the Give Chyna a Trillion Dollars Accord! Oi vey!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
A story on Saturday is just as big to the (((CNN))) watchers as it is on Monday morning. Weekends make no difference to welfare liberals.
you're all falling for fake news
shit you didn't think they'd open the door to the weekend with HRC and the DNC in destruction mode???
gotta change the narrative quick.
shit they did this every week from late January - mid august when the Russia shit started to unravel so we pivoted to RACISM
have fun freaking out over anonymous sources leaking to CNN...
I watching Tucker right now and I love how disheveled and or angry all his Lib guests are. Last night that angry old man was very satisfying.
>because Fox is made up of actual journalists
Fox is made up of good goys that don't say anything about Israel, except Tucker
Rice and Cherry Pie
>says increasingly nervous man...
I wonder what the shills will do after the dust settles? Will they run for the border in an attempt to try and expatriate to the land of beans, gangs, and illegal firearms? Will ICE meet them to escort them over personally?
Remember when CNN, NBC, ABC, and friends were ecstatic one election night? Declaring all of the wide margins by which Clinton would take home the election?? Today reminds me a lot of those legendary moments!
Sadly, people are actually believing these outlets again... Which means plenty more heartbroken folks when Mueller starts cuffing up the real criminals.
>Probably because Universal Law has an humor clause.
Funny, isn't it?
They better pray their jew bosses delete their payroll servers with more than just a cloth. Traitors hang before enemies.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go;
Take a look at the five and ten
It's glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door.
They're not smiling, they're grimacing in fear.
>what the shills will do
They'll move the goalposts and keep shillling, of course. Some positions you'll see them take next week:
> Mueller is a Trump stooge persecuting Trump's enemies, and no, this isn't a 180 from what we've said for a year
> Trump paid off [whoever] to cover up his crimes
> woe is us, end of democracy, the tyrants have won
> pee tape, pee tape, pee tape!!!
> everyone's known about [whatever] forever, why are we still talking about this?
> why is Trump obsessed with Russia, when everyone else wants to work on the nation's real problems?
You'll notice some of the smarter MSM outlets started pushing that last one a couple months ago, but the rest of the left was too stupid and stubborn to catch on.
Word is it's Manafort & Podestas.
I dont understand how people look up to those two, I really dont.
Ummm yeah because theres tonnes of anti-Isreal people over at CNN, MSNBC etc....
I don't watch Hannity but Tucker:
>Allows the most intelligent leftist representative of cause du jour he can find a national platform with minutes of uninterrupted speech.
>Decimates him/her with basic logic and good sense nearly every time keeping it entertaining with the sheer absurdity of their responses.
This is a service you find on no other channel.
The left media finds "conservatives" like Scarborough to put on panels and Fox isn't much better.
Tucker just says what America would say to these nutjobs and see how they would respond. It's a rare environment away from having cultural marxism rammed down your throat on every channel and any objection a reasonably informed person might have completely no platformed.
How is that not something to look up to? Free speech at its finest.
just watched a few minutes of cnn earlier...
before i tuned in, I wondered, what kind of anti trump thing is going now...
And of course... Some fat asian chick with a fake british accent speaking about trump's hair, posture, etc... not a word with real content.... tuned out...
I feel sorry for Tucker having to talk to those nutjobs.
>>Decimates him/her with basic logic and good sense nearly every time keeping it entertaining with the sheer absurdity of their responses.
And if he doesn't, he tips his hat in respect to a good argument.
youtube it... he enjoys it a lot! because it's so easy to destroy them and make them look like brainless babies...
I'm looking forward to the huge reality check on Monday for all you confused conservatives. People's desire to believe the world is as they believe it to be is stronger than their desire to know the truth.
Looks like someone is destined for an "accident".
I imagine if Trump wanted to address the nation he'd get Mattis spell it all out. Both sides of the aisle respect him.
Bit too depressing for my taste. I already know these retards are out there. Don't much care to hear them fumble over their prepared one liners and then crumble when their marxist fed narrative isn't treated as gospel because they've never heard a dissenting opinion in their life.
I watch him on youtube all the time. Thats why I feel sorry for him. One cant dive in to a dirty pond with out getting dirty them selves. Who knows how the taint is rotting away at his soul.
OCT 24 2017, 8:09 PM ET
Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta
WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, three sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC News.
The probe of Podesta and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm grew out of Mueller's inquiry into the finances of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to the sources. As special counsel, Mueller has been tasked with investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Manafort had organized a public relations campaign for a non-profit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU). Podesta's company was one of many firms that worked on the campaign, which promoted Ukraine's image in the West.
The sources said the investigation into Podesta and his company began as more of a fact-finding mission about the ECMU and Manafort's role in the campaign, but has now morphed into a criminal inquiry into whether the firm violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA.
Not on your life. Need some truth handed out, not hand holding.
Just going to take this moment to praise Kek
The chaos god continues to deliver in 2017 and I thank him for his bounty.
It's not just 1 person.
Muh Russia
The people he gets are retarded
Meuller is going to part of dossier arrests.
Meuller is doing this as a last ditch effort.
Nothing will stick.
Meuller goes to jail anyways.
Only idiots think that any of this is bad for Trump.
Sean hannity is a low iq retard but if you watch tuckers show it is impossible not to love him. Some idiot will say some retarded shit on tv and ill yell at my tv and then immediately tucker will say verbatim what i just yelled. Great feeling
Sean, yes. Tucker: Hell no.
Tucker is the stereotypical guy who was given everything in life.
Even if I don't agree with everything Sean says, I respect that he actually had to work with his hands when he was younger. It's an important point when I'm installing sheetrock/plastering.
Sewing the seeds of liberal tears.
> why are all the Fox anchors smiling?
Because they've know they were playing on the right team. Because the lies and those who have pushed the lies are being soundly defeated. Because, all along, they understood they weren't 'wrestling against flesh and blood,' but against 'principalities,' and 'wickedness in high places,' and they have understood the weaknesses of their opponent. The outcome we're witnessing was always inevitable. MAGA
All that's happening is because of all the new revelations in the Uranium One deal, the Steele Dossier, and especially Mueller's own involvement in things related to all this crap is that he now HAS to bring indictments down of SOME KIND whether bogus or not so that the issue of him being fired can't go anywhere because people will just say it's because of the indictments and is obstruction of justice etc etc...
Mueller is a piece of shit. The timing is too convenient. Can't fire Mueller and shut down the investigation now because it's simply politically untenable to do so. We are witnessing radical corruption in action and there's nothing you can do about it.
Well. I guess we will know more in a few days.
Im more interested in Uranium One.
You hnow
Oh gawd I hope there faces dont stay that way.
wtf is a "lightworkers" ???
Can someone explain?
Your delusion is strong. When it’s not who you think I would love to see your bitch ass crying like the little commie cunt that you are. If I see your ilk laying on the ground in a fetal position screaming in agony, I’ll be happy to piss in your open mouths.
>he doesn't use the ancient art of Hamon to punch vampires to death
get gud
Lmfao!! To be fair, i think the last person Trump really threatened was McCain. But also, Tony Podesta getting nailed would prob make Cooper cry. He's a big deal in the fancy gay art scene.
Oh i hope Woods is right. Roger Stone flipping out was Fucking hilarious.
Boot them in the ribs before peeing.The peeing would then be insult to injury.
And holocaust 2.0
It's a hippy term for huge faggot
Whenever you hear a deodorant avoiding commie leftist spewing some bullshit about “facts and truth” you can goddamn guarantee whatever they’re saying is going to be the precise POLAR OPPOSITE of truth and facts. Pathological projectors.
I noticed this too checking the streams
It's no exaggeration, the CNN anchors look like they've shit themselves.
Omg. I love how the shills are going 11/10 to demoralize but everyone semi connected to anything is just jerking everyone around.
This is like d day. And i keep getting phone captchas that demand i find things that aren't pictured.
Vanish like always.
Show some evidence like this bro!!
This is good. When liberals are angry that means it’s good for the country. If a leftist likes it, it’s bad for America.
You mean only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump? City people voted for Hillary.
>Roger Stone flipping out was Fucking hilarious.
can I get a link to this or what show so I can search for it?
I know many Los Angeles area people who voted trump! All of them are doctors (I’m married to one) or lawyers and one is a fucking actual rocket scientist for Space X. So much for your asinine post huh.
tl;dr Lightworkers are a concept from new age mythology.
They're said to be enlightened/ascended/higher-vibrational/etc beings that came to earth or came back to earth to help humanity.
They're similar in description to Bodhisattvas.
>Yeah lemme just sit on this huge scoop to make the news even better on Monday
>No other news outlets will ever get it
>The internet doesn’t exist
Dont talk shit about Tuck, he's a bro...he just has a different path than you. it's not a bad thing if your parents work hard to give you a better life and education than they had. Not everyone can be a mudder.
This is true
Just his Twitter. Dunno if he's done an interview yet. Just read his tweets from yesterday. It was basically the kind of shit talk that keeps getting me banned from reddit.
I LOVED Patrick Swayze as the Bodhisattva in Point Break!
thats a /thread, folks
Thats what it seems like to me too. Mueller indicts someone right after WSJ says he should recuse due to uranium one? Hm
rural and suburban and small and medium sized city retards*
Tucker is basically clickbait. I know he's ok. But he's low level and normie. Blowing out nobodies for ratings is meh.
There’s no way possible a bed wetting psychopath liberal outfit like cnn could keep from blowing their wad if it was someone that would hurt Trump.
Exactly. It's literally exactly what's happening. It's honestly fucking pathetic and obvious but whatever... business as usual.
> lightworker
what is the new age faggotry? are you both 35 year old moms on facebook? kill yourselves, I bet you called yourself an Indigo child at one point you goddamn queer fucks, I swear to fucking god REEEEEEEEE
I think its just one of their reporters who knows, anderson cooper et al dont know