How do we Make Chicago Great Again?
How do we Make Chicago Great Again?
Go back in time and Nuke Chicago instead of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Wouldn't that produce a race of radioactive super jews?
Go back in time and stop Lincoln from freeing the slaves.
but keep the nuke small just enough to nuke it and not to go out of the area
Go back in time to prevent Lincoln's assassination and get him to ship the negros back to africa
One word. Seedbomb.
how is it even possible to live in the city where 1/3 of population are nigs, another 1/3 are spics?
ahh now now thats better
You see how the OP picture is mostly fucked except for the very top? Anyone with any money lives north of the map in jewish suburbs. The rest of Chicago only speaks Spanish. Cohencidentally those neighborhoods are all Jewish & they're raising the property tax by 10% next year.
It's too corrupt and democrat. Sorry, it's too far gone.
>make latinos kill niggers
>whites kill latinos
This is a good plan.
Build a wall around it and close it off from the rest of society. Film the chaos and broadcast it to pay for the wall. Once everything is burned to the ground, gentrify it.
>>whites kill latinos
Deporting illegals is a fate worse than death aparently.
You r right, lol
But many latinos born in USA
Hey now, that bottom left is free and clear too. The rest of Chicago does not speak spanish that's only parts of it, a large chunk of the west and south sides are black and they barely speak english let alone spanish.
Replace every nigger with working class European immigrants which is how any American city became great in the first place. Of course this is impossible and we're quite frankly fucked.
It'd be a disaster if someone threw extremely invasive seedbombs in the ghettos... they would just destroy the ghettos completely and get us closer to racial conflict when the niggers would get out of their ghettos.
Is it possible to get blacks to actually work by paying them in chicken & shoes? after seeing empire of dust I'm not so sure.
How would it be any different than detroit? That entire city is being taken back by Nature.
>0 homicides in Boystown
live amongst the poofters I suppose
The solution is in your image. It's not happening fast enough though.
>Comparing homicides to dying slowly from aids in a rainbow hair haired black lives matter displaying rainbow hair neighbor neighborhood
Oh yeah, that's much better.
So how do we speed it up? Isn't President Trump cutting off Gibs soon?
Oh yeah, great neighborhood.
chicago is a doomed city my boy. its only 1/3 white and every white neighborhood is super trashy, ala jefferson park and portage. the entire NW side infact. go shamrocks
Go back in time and convince English colonists to import Irish identured servants instead of Africans.
It was white back then tho.
Bulldozing Chicago south of I-290 looks like it would get rid of most of the nigs. You'll still have liberals, but at least you could probably take back the statehouse.
The bottom left is where all the cops live.
Born and raised 30 minutes away from chicago, you cant, (you also cant fix gary IN as well)
Do you live in Wisconsin? My ex wife and my son are from there.
They're slowly leaving the city.
it seems to be working already
More like slowly leaving this plane of existence
get rid of niggers
Wicker park was a black neighborhood until roughly 2006 when whites gentrified it.
Its happening slowly, but whites move in, cost of rent goes up, and mexicans move farther west and blacks south to the suburbs.
Thats why westchester, cicero, midlothian, even highland indiana are shit now.
Pilsen and Bronzeville are turning over now. Considering the infrastructure is being built down in the South Shore area I'm guessing that'll be the next big turnover. Jesse Jackson's son just paid over $600,000 and about $100,000 over the asking price for a house on 72nd street; that has to mean something.
Chicago resident.
Hard to say. If you’re not black or Hispanic, you’re a liberal, if you’re not a liberal, you’re in danger of ostracization from social groups and the workplace.
I work in software and all my coworkers have been hyper liberal. Can’t even voice an opinion if I want to keep my job.
One caveat to this is the polish and Romanian population. They’re alright and have common sense when it comes to politics.
You should come join me in the construction industry. I do not work with to many liberals.
Most of the Hispanics I work with hate Rahm. After the next census when the city loses 2-4 black aldermen and replaces them with Hispanics, the political climate will change.
No offense intended, but I don’t want to take a pay cut to do manual labor.
I don't do manual labor and am paid very well.
Construction companies need IT as well...
Kudzu spread throughout the ghetto in early spring?
Hmmm... That might actually work.
Do you think they are all truly brainwashed liberals or just live in fear of being ostricized by others or beaten up by nogs that they feel the need to overcompensate and constantly virtue signal
I’ll look into it
A combination. Many went to universities here in the city so you can imagine how they turn out. Others are just smug as fuck and liberalism attracts that (so does Software, perfect storm), and the rest of it is just media conditioning into believing that everybody deserves a free lunch regardless of who has to actually pay for it.
that was only bought because it was a rarity, only one of two houses with private beach in chicago.
$45 million verdict this week for police misconduct
previous record was $25 million
Chicago is Titanic-ing...
unless you want to play the Ghetto Lotto
previous record holder, Thaddeus Jimenez, $25 million for Chicago Police misconduct
buys fleet of choice BMW’s
rides around old neighborhood blasting Ave Maria
shoots friend while filming
back in jail
friend suing him for $25 million
that’s Chicago, boys and girls
Truely the land of opportunity. No where else could someone so retarded that they film their crimes, become a millionaire.
He’s young, got $25 million from the police, and all he does is buy a fleet of BMW’s and ride around his old neighborhood blasting Ave Maria
then he shoots his friend on camera
friend gets the $25 million
He has braindamage if he can ruin luck like that.
Parts of Chicago are the best in the world.
Old Town, LP, Gold Coast
You literally never have to venture into those gang areas ever if you do not want to. Only people who want drugs go there.
Richfags have their drugs and sex worker delivered.
>a place where negros kill each other by the thousands
>wanting to change it
Great Chicago Fire 2: Backdraft Boogaloo
It rhymes with penocide
WTF was that?
Can I get a Quick Rundown on this?
WTF are hispanics going to do?
This desu