Why do American women think they are such hot shit and can do everything they want? Americans are corrupting everyone with this behavior
Why do American women think they are such hot shit and can do everything they want...
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Because they can.
America BTFO
inb4 amerimongrels come in to the thread and go we wuz whites or some stupid shit
t. Skippy
Fake and gay
this picture is extremely offensive to me as an American, please take it down at once or I will be reporting you.
Poor grandma. Not as bad as the tranny and his grandad though. I didn't save that one unfortunately
No one tells them not to. Lots of fags on this site enable it.
careful, don't want to get arrested for your hate speech.
we are just catching up to eurowhores. Euro trash women have been hedonistic a lot longer
Because America let in a bunch of spics, niggers, and gooks.
White women are the most demanded pussy on the planet. White women have the most demand.
They have the highest value on the cunt stock exchange.
If a white dude don't want a white chick, she can find a desperate gook, Mexican, Indian who doesn't mind she 10000 nigger dicks. The white woman is a status symbol for them.
INB4 Americans defend freedom and prosperity.
Your country would breed this degeneracy if you were this well off.
Even our poor have iPhones and flat screen TV's. Rest of the world can't compete. I'd hate us too.
Multiple wives research, time to stop this filth.
Godspeed anons.
>the entitled little princess whore syndrome
>want to post slutty stuff on Facebook
>don't take the five minutes to set groups so your slutty pics go to friends but normal stuff goes to friends + family
Women are a bad meme.
He's like a Muslim version of Alec Guinness
Because we are hot shit?
parents stopped beating their kids
That looks like a typical Jew
White women are trash
Some guy was trying to reason with his degenerate granson that he was actually a man and not a woman and the tranny pos was having none of it
Eternal Italo.