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Is he wrong?
You may not like it, but this is what the new normal is.

Our population is so fucking tiny, this is worse than any other white nation right now, we will be outnumbered very soon at this rate.

>Is he /ourguys/? Crashing Canada, with no survivors?

>Crashing Canada, with no survivors?

The libs seem to want that. Whether sinister or foolish i don't know. Maybe both.

holy shit, watch the retirement age for Canada rapidly climb.

>more leeches
>more people on gibs than putting in, thus, pushing accelerationism
Is he /ourguy/? Crashing Canada, with no survivors?
Are most minorities in cities in your country, just like here? (Excluding injuns)


The new normal is the new suicide.

You don't want the new normal


>Are most minorities in cities in your country, just like here?

lel that it will, the boomers let this happen so fuck them and their retirements desu

Inciting racial hatred is the new normal.

Which will win the race to 1%, the US or Canada?

My bet is Canada.

>holy shit, watch the retirement age for Canada rapidly climb.

Canada, no question

Europe honestly

shove them up in Northwest, Yukon, and Nunavut and let them build off the land

I did not state my wantings, I made a factual statement; Mass migration is the new normal.

No need to get defensive.

T. Le 98.5% face

>let them build off the land
lmao they don't come here to build, just take

WTF ? It's 160.000 more than us, and we take 40% of europeans
And we are 68 millions

I don’t get it, surely even a poo in loo can see that letting in millions more shitskins will so nothing but make Canada even worse? Or maybe he’s cool with it because he has no sense of commitment to Canada because he’s a shitskin too who will flee like a rat as soon as the shit hits the fan.

We are. As if the retarded quota isn't enough, we have illegals walking in from the US everyday

Would you accept 5 million immigrants if they were all Ukranian or Greek?

The new media headlines will be

>"What on earth is causing Canada's massive increase in health care costs?"

They will play dumb with you until the bitter end, just like in America

Dude our census data just came out. 21% of our population are FOBS and somehow still only 22% are minorities (probably bullshit)

Google: 2016 Canada census


>Canada has a nigger immigration ministry
Is this real life??

It wouldn't be as bad. I'm not sure it would be awesome either.

The quality of life is decreasing, owning your own house is now only for the top 5%? Racism is to blame

who the heck would not?

mind you, as long as those are actual greeks and not thracian t*urks

They didn't include the 5% of aboriginals in the "minorities" amount...

Actual "whites" are under 73% now

Don't you know? Canada ONLY exist to serve the population of other countries.


Alright canada. You win. I'm sorry for making fun of how cucked you are all the time.

Please just get rid of this government of yours. Just make it stop

Well this winter we get our visas for Canada lifted,so prepare for alot of gypsys to come and enrich you with usefull professions such as profesional begging,swindling,pickpocketing,stealing metal of anny type attached to anything,mugging and robbing and a whole lot of respectable proffesions.
Canada will be much richer with such people and Romainia at a grave loss.

Not any kind, he's a Somali migrant. Weedman would do anything to look progressive

Reminder that retarded leafs voted for their own destruction because "dude weed lmao" and "Trudeau is so handsome".

Canada will no longer be a cumskin country. This is a good thing. Nothing you faggot cumskins can do about it.

damn, that is actually faster than USA

USA took 25 years to go from 85 to 75

Canada is hellbent on taking the crown from Sweden


Hahaha no.

Let all the Spics flee north to Canada.

Same here.
They use taxes, zoning and utilities to literally make you pay for you're own destruction

I feel for you leafs, I really do. Is 14/88 just an impossible dream, friends?

I won't be happy until the USA becomes like Canada in terms of immigration policy.

there is a international contest about how fast you can fuck up a country

lol I'm sure you guys didn't knew

saying "Canada is gone" is meaningless cause there was nothing there to lose to begin with. It's a truly worthless country.

Not a leaf but I have faith in the white man. If anyone can do the impossible, it is us.

>Is 14/88 just an impossible dream
Seems more like it's an inevitable future desu

Hope, my Friend, Hope


14/88 is weak as an ideology. The right, generally speaking, has weak ideological foundations because it has weak ideological workers. The right doesn't even realize that cultural relativism is more in line with its thinking than objectivism.

Most people here would probably agree with the motto "to each his own", yet will also rail against the "ravages" of relativism and post-modernism. That's why we lose in the intellectual battle space pretty consistently.

Just being honest senpai, i know the truth hurts

I'm so fucking glad I left Canada 15 years ago.

Yep. You could assign them parcels of land in the far north for free and they wouldn't take it.

Don't care. I'm getting married to an Eastern European and getting the hell out before it collapses. I made no investments in this country so I couldn't care less

Imagine if the west wasn't cucked

I'd elect someone instantly if one of their platform promises was a 10 year stop to immigration so our economy could stabilize.

To go where?

Canada is long gone. Don't listen to any delusional leafs here posting about some "great white areas". They only exist where the weather is so cold no one would dare want to live there. Any liveable city is being overthrown. Canadians are all cucks.

Good good, now only Australia to go and all anglos will be finished!

>Canacucks moaning about 300k
>If only ours was that low
>UK immigration estimated by little old ladies who sit in airport departure lounges and make up answers to surveys
>Yes really

>letting 300,000 new immigrants a year into your country isn't normal
>but on leafs it is

He deserves a bullet

In all seriousness, why have none of you killed this fucking piece of shit kike traitor?

Canada is now 21% new immigrants. Crazy.

praise allah


Is your immigration above 600k? Because that's what this is equivalent of in terms of % of population. Also 300k is just the official number. 1.2 million up to ten year living visas were given out in 2015.

He's more normal than most white people in Canada. From the point of view of his group interests, it makes perfect sense for him to increase the number of people who can neutralize a white majority, whereas it makes no fucking sense at all for the white group to simply relinquish its control because "feelings". So I'm not sure at all he's the one that deserves a bullet.

Whites, in general, are quite literally gullible degenerates idiot hell bent on giving up the key to their house to new comers on the basis of a narrative in which they themselves are the bad guys to be eliminated.


who else is getting out of here by 2021?

Election 2015:
>How do you want your government?
Just cuck my shit up.

Based Somalishit, not taking 1.8 million like those dumb Germans, i can see that man doing great things.

By then I plan to be full ghost living off the grid. But still in Canada .

Fucking THIS. I never see these new pussy-ass migrants live off the land and build settlements. Just a bunch of pathetic government leeches. Fuck em. Useless bunch.

>They will play dumb with you until the bitter end
reminds me of from 5:40.. There is no evidence you present to these people, of which they would accept.
If you asked "Is there any sort of evidence I can present to you, which could change your mind on immigrations from Africa etc."?. The answer would be "no". Even blatant patterns, such as terrorism and Islam, will be dismantled in a Cartesian fashion, until we have reached the conclusion : "we cannot say anything about a relationship between Islam and terrorism". This will never disappear, it will only become progressively worse, as the Universities scares more and more right-leaning individuals away, and create a negative feedback loop where it will reinforce the marxist-culture on campus, which will cause additional flight of right-leaning individuals.

You must rise again Bavarian-bro

Do you have any sources for those figures? I don't doubt it, but sources would be great.

Where the fuck do we even go? I've considered it strongly but have come to the conclusion that EVERYWHERE is absolutely fucked. There is nowhere a white anglo saxon man can run, every single one of our countries have been squandered.

The Anglo spirit died with Rhodesia.

In the UK they subtract emigrants from immigrants too, for their 600k number

Treasonous governments hiding the truth of their marxist ethnic replacement agendas

Trudeau goes up there and says there is no Canadian nation or people, noone says a word.
Just let it all burn, this country is gone, we will be below 50% white within 10 years

Canada is done for, two more years of streetshitters, niggers and chinks and is over.

It's not 300k new migrants
It's 500k new Canadian citizens, its 800k+ new permanent residents on top of that, and another 1.2 million + "temporary" residents on top of that

Every year

I'm going to eastern europe by getting some desperate virgin czech or pole to marry me. I'll even go to Germany

good write up

Hitler was 100% right.

It was back in the current year when Germany was expecting 800k and then they stopped counting because they didn't want the people to freak out, i think the count went all they way to 1.5 million, fun year that was.

It's time to leave Canada, senpai. Go to Eastern Europe, Argentina, Uruguay or Russia

Dont call be Bavarian, im prussian.

I wouldnt call you a Texan when you are from Boston either

Fuck off those places are full, you keep your chink ass there.

Get out of here before it's too late and you're stuck here like whites in South Africa because your degree/trade is considered worthless


Says the Mexican. I'm white and I'm not going to stay here and get genocided

It's about the fact they're non-white, not that they're immigrants, achmed

as an aboriginal i gotta say sucks for you white people and as for you non whites, i sense youre all going to hell, and im just going to sit here in Toronto and be wealthy and watch you faggots kill eachother

I want nothing more than to go back. The fine men who carved this country out of nothing envisioned, and built, a white anglo-saxon paradise. A few generations later is was all fucking spoilt. I read the history of what Canada once was I feel like I'm going to fucking snap. We're nothing. We destroyed it all.

A century ago, Canadian men were lining up to fight for Britain, just as they did centuries earlier. Loyalists to the core, men of virtue and tradition. They fought and died for this nation.

Imagine if Trudeau sent out the call today. What the fuck would young, white men have to fight for? Nothing. Positively nothing. We've been reduced to a meaningless, post-national state. We're Americanized and corporatized to all hell. Our culture has been buried and is in the process of being erased.

What can we even do about this? We are mutual rejects of this poisoned society. I sit and I have my heart broken every single day. We're utterly powerless. Just make it fucking stop.

10,000 curses on the Eternal Boomer for putting Pierre in power.

No please ur just gonna bring in people with the same mentality of bringing in more shit skin with you.

>Says the Mexican.
I'm in my continent and in my country you fucking immigrant.