Manafort is going to roll over like a bitch and sing like a bird.
Manafort is going to roll over like a bitch and sing like a bird
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on democrats
He's going to unzip Trump's cronies. Manafort will let him get others. Eventually he'll make Flynn talk and that will be it.
No way...trumps team is pretty fucked. No knock raids don't just happen on drug dealers because they didn't pay parking tickets.
They do no knock raids over like 30g of weed wtf are you talking about?
Manafort already "sang". So did Mueller. So did Comey and many others. They are singing to earn reduced sentences. Treason is the Death Sentence.
Don't bother, trumpfag denial is impossible to overcome.
>muh 18000000th fake scandal on the clintons
>Surely... this will be the end of Drumpf.
It's all over for Drumpfty
You mean how he was a democrat plant working for the podester group to get trump the republican nomination?
Once you realize Trump was never going to lose all along (silent majority and just a damn good campaign), it makes their lies even more reprehensible.
>this will be the end of Drumpf.
No, not while the GOP controls congress. But if the Dems control congress...
Honestly though, I prefer Trump over Pence.
Look at the mainstream media coverage the last few weeks. Listen to the latest Panetta interview.
Leon Panetta, a former Obama cabinet member is calling for investigation into Clinton stuff? What?
The MSM has been trying to get the normies ready for bad news. They've been following bread crumbs and stalking Mueller's team.
With what evidence could the dems impeach?
>Post yfw hes pushing charges on Hillary since she ruined his name in this bullshit investigation that only revealed she was the one colluding
>No knock raids don't just happen on drug dealers because they didn't pay parking tickets.
You can get any autist swatted without much effort.
Sup Forums used to swar streamers live for the lulz
It's not that. It's that you demshits have been proven wrong again, and again, and again. You've got no credibility, and you genuinely think it's because people who supported Trump can't see, don't listen, and won't think. Well they see you, hear you, and think your fucking INSANE.
>Leon Panetta, a former Obama cabinet member is calling for investigation into Clinton stuff?
"clinton stuff" I love these weasel words
Anyway, it's almost like they're not the corrupt monsters you guys like to think. I mean, they're average corruption given our political system, not even as bad as the Bushes, though.
Well Congress decides what counts. I mean, they impeached Clinton for lying under oath, I'm sure they can get Trump on some tax charge, something about the emoluments clause, or whatever. But it might not be politically wise.
If the Russia thing is what it looks like, that Trump colluded with Russia, trading help in the campaign for favorable treatment once president, then you might even get Republicans on board with removing him. If Mueller can get the evidence.
>Well they see you, hear you, and think your fucking INSANE.
I don't know what you're talking about, I know I have this meme flag on but I'm not especially doctrinaire, not that the dems have much of a doctrine.
But the GOP and conservatives in this country are seriously, seriously brainwashed. It's like half of you just want tax cuts and power and don't care how heavy you have to lie and deceive and manipulate to get it, and the other half just believed it
>muh global warming hoax
>muh war on christmas
>muh tax cuts pay for themselves
>muh socialized medicine has failed everywhere it's been tried
>muh culture causes poverty and the fact that we've impoverished tons of white people and they turned into fucking junkies doesn't mean anything because
>muh niggers
>muh vince foster
>muh creationism
and on and on.
What I'm saying is, sometimes thinking others are insane is itself a symptom of insanity.
are most average, run of the mill conservatives borderline retards? yes, that's fine
but this was a rather selective and disingenuous assessment of the events at hand
>not as bad as the Bushes
right, much worse
>right, much worse
Bullshit. It's sad how conservatives have decided that the massive corruption of the oil and defense industry cronies lying us into war is "normal" and doesn't count.
Clintons have done nothing remotely close to this.
>this was a rather selective and disingenuous assessment of the events at hand
Not really. I rarely hear a conservative say anything that really makes sense, or if they do it's as cover for some shitty attempt to make the rich richer, e.g., sure we need to simplify the tax code. But they never just try to simplify it, they always use it as an excuse to cut taxes on the rich and, in the current case, raise them on everyone else.
I'm really having trouble thinking of a conservative plank that isn't sleazy, deceptive bullshit.
>rich richer
>muh Clintons
so, they didn't benefit at all or make moves accordingly as the table was set?
do you not see the irony involved in your line of reasoning?
my thing with the whole parade is, if you're going to feed me a shit sandwich, at least call it a shit sandwich.
don't condescend to me about my rights or worth when you don't truly believe in them
>so, they didn't benefit at all or make moves accordingly as the table was set?
Sure they did, but they didn't wreck multiple countries, killing tens of thousands of civilians and thousands of US soldiers, for it.
>don't condescend to me about my rights or worth when you don't truly believe in them
I don't know what you're on about, but I have my suspicions. You guys need to stop whining about paying taxes. Taxes are the price of civilization, you have your vote and your rights. Instead of making an argument you're spewing propaganda and lies, because you care more about your pocketbook than about this country.
I guess that's your right, but getting on your moral high horse about pure selfishness, well, you're just about like all those black people acting like affirmative action is a moral necessity. Selfishness masquerading as piety.
me coming for your waifu
you're right, but you may be forgetting he was working with the DNC and specifically the podesta group for years orchestrating deals between russia and podesta/hillary