My liberal friends, who still have a Bernie 2016 bumper sticker, told me I am a bad gay because I support Trump.
How should I feel about this, senpai? I welcome all your fag hate comments because they help me be aware of my flamboyancy, and I do not want to advertise my lifestyle or annoy anyone by spouting my faggotry.
>I need information to shut them up about pence "wanting to murder all gays."
I'm a bad gay ree
Go to the gym and get yourself new friends.
Pence doesn't want to kill them though. That woI lent be Christian.
He only wants to electrify your lifestyle with zapping energy
>not forcing yourself to be straight and suppressing homo thoughts
this fuck jpg has been typoed for like 4 years
>inb4 tits or gtfo
I'm white
I'm pretty sure Pence only wanted to allow electroshock as a voluntary option for gays who wanted to try it in an attempt to be cured, the pray away the gay type. As for your friends, try telling them that being gay doesn't define you? You are gay, not GAY. You 'identify' as yourself, not as a gay man, and thus vote for what you think is best, not what the identity archetype 'gay man' votes for.
everyone is a faggot here, there is zero chance that pence would kill all gays even if he could, thats just illogical
Russbro, how do I make new friends at the gym other than dikes, because I know I'll oggle the men.
That's what I told them at first, that Pence just thinks the CBT helps them become straight if they opt for intervention. I personally don't think it's a cure, but might help some who are desperate for hetero lifestyle and strong willed, like breaking an addiction.
I try as hard as I can to act more masculine. Not into typical gay club scene or degenerate bath house/theaters, and I'm momogamous.
I always assumed the jpg was purposely typo'd to imply that liberals and niggers poorly educated.
YEah but it's wrong to be gay
I just force myself to date girls
Can you give me the source where it explicitly says it's wrong to be gay? And does this source have supportive evidence?
You should honestly just link to an imgur folder with pictures of your bare chest,back,ass,ass spread,legs, feet tops, feetbots, soft cock and hard cock. Thanks you'll feel better.
jk disgusting
Unlike a lot of the rest of Sup Forums, I don't mind fags as long as you keep your lifestyle out of the public eye. Our movement needs allies, just no kikes, muslims, or niggers.
Seeing as how Trump has been in office for almost a year now and none of you have been rounded up and murdered, that should be prima facie evidence that their hyperbolic hysterical rhetoric was totally unfounded. In fact, your faggot friends are rioting in the streets and assaulting people with impunity all over the country.
LoL, then stop being gay, or find new friends, or shut their stupid mouths, do something else besides posting on Sup Forums
Use Islamic homophobia against them.
Quran 4:16, 7:81, 26:165, 29:29
These verses are tame compared to some of the stuff in the other Islamic holy texts. In those you'll find the throwing gays off of buildings and all that fun stuff
Well you are inherently self defeating and ignorant.
Pretty easy desu. If it's really just because of the idea that Pence or Trump hates gays, just tell them to look around. No gestapo rounding em up, no camps for fags, literally no federal rights taken away. I'd ask what makes them the authority on what's best for gay people and why they need to shame their fellow gay friends for their individual choices.
It's foolish to think 100% of gays went for hillary (though it seems like it). The yaaaaas kween slayyyy group just proves that they were certainly loud, yet not the majority and got btfo in november. Just being loud/faggy/obnoxious does not give their chosen truths any weight. Personally, my fb feed is loaded with gays that repost shitty occupydemocrat memes all day. They always look really stupid doing so because they're honestly very behind on the news (still harping about tax returns, muh russia, muh pussy grab). If the gays themselves are for the most part deluded with their world view, how the hell can straight friends know any better?
Everything is for the cause.
You might get told your welcome because you are xyz. But disloyalty is not tolerated.
it's the same with blacks. they become uncle tom house niggers if the don't support the left.
It's like a cult.
Bullying and shaming is all they have left. The falsity of their ideas is far too apparent for them to win arguments anymore.
Here you go, a hot fresh redpill, just for you.
Nice info.
>bad gay
do you know what redundant means?
He supported state funding for _voluntary_ gay conversion.
State funding for sexuality transitioning is little different than funding for sex transitioning. They are both experimental and currently scientifically poorly supported procedures.
Of course a homosexual can at least in some cases become a heterosexual, yet a man can not as of yet become a woman ... so they are not entirely equal, but close enough.
stop posting thicc catgirls in every fucking thread, bolivia
I mean I don't really mind them...
Pick a map, user. It's Colombia, your main vendor of coffee.
I'm not sure you can truly blame homosexuals for the anti-discrimination shit. Like woman they are good foot soldiers, but the real blame lies with the jews.
When they were still in the closet, they were not scheming to infiltrate government and media to get pro gay propaganda and laws made ... that was the jews.
you dont needed to do that! how to unsee!!
>he's actually jealous of someone with chest hair
Fuck you cunt.
I'm probably a better asset to my community than you will ever be, and I can be in the closet while doing so.
You're ok.
Directed to:
This goy is a soy boy.
Only the best quality is posted. Ugly art is despised everywhere.
Well except you are posting fatties.
Why is he your friend?
>giving a shit about what the vp thinks about your sexuality
They are not fatties, just big breasted.
Wide hips =/= obesity
Hey she has big breasts and wide hips, you must like her.
"thicc" is a tumblr psyop to get you to like fat acceptance.
I know you want all those pics. You can't turn back now, fag.
Your children will have a chance to be gay then, so youre just continuing the cycle. It's ok to be gay. Just not a degenerate gay, for example, if you think you need Truvada to avoid HIV then you are sleeping with too many random men and are degenerate.
Honestly, I would prefer to be straight, but I am me, and if its a mental illness, so be it. Perfectly ok with being discreetly gay. I'm just tired of being used as a liberal demographic and demonized when I disagree with their ideology.
I should ask you the same. Stop posting fatties.
Your post was very insightful. Thank you for the advice!
They are not fat, there are differences you know.
A lot of belly size = obese
Wide hips = thicc
Big breasts = this
It's not the size but were that size is located
>He thinks that isn't fat
when did the government start killing gays? are they being rounded up into fema camps? how is this being done, exactly?