>A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.

>The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.
>A spokesman for the special counsel's office declined to comment.
>Mueller was appointed in May to lead the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Welp, how are you fuckers gonna cope with reality when it hits you square in the face? Can't wait for the mental gymnastics from you Trumpanzees.

Other urls found in this thread:

Done for.

fake news

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Why are you talking to yourself?

>yfw Trump resigns under threat of arrest

I dunno.. This doesn't look good for Trump. I'm getting worried.

nice try concern shill

B-but I never liked Drumpf in the first place! Watch the dotards scatter like roaches.

I was talking to the mouse in my pocket, faggot.


Because you're a trumpshill



>tfw you get quad 4s and David Brock still only pays you $.02 for your post

Nah, ya just got caught samefagging your own thread.

Nice try though, ShareJew

You realize that if Manafort and Flynn get charged with something that has nothing to do with the election, it will just bolster Trump's claims of the investigation being a witch hunt and that there was no collusion right?


inb4 the whole democratic party ends up in prison.

Checked. Holy shit! Memes aren’t just dreams anymore


>i don't know how Sup Forums works

Just kys memeflagger.

Fuck yeah, Drumpflets! Is that fear I smell? We've been pounding your board with garbage with months to stop you sperging out on Mueller. Now we're reaping our rewards. SUCK IT, YOU RURAL AND SUBURBAN RETARDS. I'm a liberal Democrat who's had a nice little part-time job with a Democratic media management group and have been sliding all your threads on anything that can pose a fake-news threat to this investigation. Sad to see it go, but this is the moment I and many other forward-thinking people have been working our butts off for.

Mueller's first person the be charged - Mueller.




jokes on you kiddo

I'm an accelerationist


Implying leftists are *that* illiterate and inarticulate. Nice try, Trumpkin.

You don't even know what's going to happen, retard.

Copy/Paste is strong only 2 min apart. I guess to hop on a different proxy server

>Hillary gets arrested
>All shills dissapear

I'm not a leftist. I'm a liberal. The inarticulate, obvious troll is you, which is why you used the word 'faggot'.


That's not a mouse.
It's one of 2 things -
Your little commie dick.
You huge commie clit.


>she'll get arrested anytime now! You just wait and trust trump!
Said increasingly nervous trumpnigger for the nth time

>Making no sense
K ShareJew

If you were a "liberal" you'd be using the Gadsden memeflag not the donkeycrat memeflag. Checkmate FAGGOT

I'm a liberal Democrat, brainlet.


>everyone who disagrees w/ me is a paid shill

Take your fucking crazy pills, Lambright.

Watching Tucker Carlson and taking it seriously is like watching alex Jones nowadays

>hurrr durrf but fox news is a reliable source nao that trump is president
Holy shit lmao

wewlad.. must be some crazy ass mental gymnastics you need to pull. do you stretch beforehand?

I was what they'd call a paid shill, but I did it with full moral awareness and conviction, understanding the good I was doing. We've faced some serious threats post-election, and I'm glad to have played a role, however small, in working to neuter those threats.

I'm really upset here. This could destroy his entire legacy!


I think the libtard shills are way over estimating their hand here. If Mueller over extends himself and indites people on some petty charges not linked to the election it's only going to piss off more Trump voters and further the narrative that Mueller and the deep state are corrupt.

The whole uranium one scandal and his involvement at the time along with the man who appointed him Rod Rosenstein and Muellers democrat packed investigation team stage for Trump VS the Swamp. You guys (dems) should really think twice before going down that road.

Charging Manaford is pointless, he lobbied for the Podesta group on behalf of Russian interests far longer than he worked for trump. If you bring him down then Dems have to answer why they worked with him if he's so evil. Same problem with uranium one, if Russia is so fucken evil why did the Dems sells them our uranium?

$1 has been deposited into your ShareBlue account
Thank you for playing redditor, all hail Hillary

So. Much. This.

Tucker was a respectable journalist when he was on MSNBC and CNN. Now he's a caricature of right wing white fragility.

Your "job" is to slide threads on an autistic japanese image board. man that's sad.
I'm truly sorry for you.


trumps a slimy fuck who's trying to clean up the lovely grime our country has accumulated for the past 8 years if only to cover up the fact that he's a slimy prick. I hate hypocrites, I hate hypocrites on a mission even more. fuck him, praise be to god of the earth.

We all know who it really will be. He’s no longer going to get away with it

> acting as if we don't have any knowledge of what Mueller has in store
This is it. This is what we've been working toward all year. Thanks to your attention-deficit disorders, we've popped this one on you, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Oh god.. We are done for.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!


Same OP as the last thread. Sage this leftypol bullshit.

Yeah, then Mike "Turns Fruits into Vegetables" Pence will be the president.

You gonna be alright buddy?

I voted trump because I wanted the US to get closer to russia.

>Take land by force
>Don't tolerate gays
>Don't let them indoctrinate perfectly normal bisexual children who would never fuck someone of the same gender into thinking they have some sort of "LGBT identity"
I know, muh america isn't like that, BUT IT SHOULD BE.

Trump didn't intend to betray the country.

Without intent all chargers are dropped against the wealthy.

We're making great strides user, be patient.

By the time we're dead, liberalism will likely be viewed as comedy.

Lol. It's literally just his realtor. Suck it Commies

This is a legit news story. Far more credible than 90% of the threads up now. Don't like it, leave. This is *my* thread and I'll do as I please.

you really think the american population (save rural/suburban retards) aren't going to riot as soon as pence start flopping his closet homo dick around with anti-civil laws? He'll resign and move to cayman islands within the year.


I dunno.. This isn't looking good at all. I love Trump, but this scandal doesn't seem to be going away.

it was the leading story on twitter yesterday rtard it's legit

You KIKES can't dodge the ovens forever.

Readying my Mug for lib tears

>everyone who doesn't agree w/ me is a JEW

There are pills for this illness you suffer from.

wow, the leading story on twitter. that's a bastion of fair and balanced opinions

>buying and selling property to Russians
>makes a tidy profit with each transaction and legitimizes the incoming money
>turns out those Russians all just so happened to be related to Russian government
Iiits all just a big coincidental nothing-burger!


you really are retarded stop being such an ignorant close minded lazy faggot

>fair and balanced

Haw haw haaaaww.. you unironically watch Fox News. kys

Yeah, no shit. I'm at the point if I didn't hear about it on Infowars it ain't happening.

samefag, these shills out themselves all the time

>can't arrest a sitting president
>president resigns under threat of arrest

This is why no one takes you seriously.

And there it is.

How dare you. Take it back.

It was Manaforts realtor lol. Suck it commies

He's only being called to testify. Manafort himself will be in custody by Monday.

Watching CNN and taking it seriously-
>3 CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story on Trump Ally
Is like reading the Washington Post nowadays.
>'Fake News' And How The Washington Post Rewrote Its Story On Russian Hacking Of The Power Grid

I can't take much more of this!

Except litterally start a civil war

the person who started this thread is a mod

he's just fucking with us

Yeah, Manafort, Tony Podesta, Paul Singer, Pagliano, DWS,.

You fat fucks couldn't start up a flight of stairs let alone a civil war. topkek

This phrase needs to die considering it was crafted to delete and discredit pizza related stories. There is a picture that shows the birth of this phrase coresponding to the beginning of mainstream pizza coverage. I just dont have it. Hook an user up?

>anyone who disagrees w/ us is a shill, Jew or mod

Damn fine paranoia, user. Well done.

So this just came out...

Plenty of conservative news outlets used fusion god as well. So what?


Seriously how many fucking leaks have these faggots run with that were complete fabrications? What's the count now?

dailycaller lol, might as well just link RT or sputnik

How about Wall Street Journal? lmao @ your pathetic life

government coup. nothing new. we are a banana republic now.