Something's up with these white people

Just can't put my finger on it

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Bump for implicit whiteness

We white people are just the worst arent we? We should all be killed.

we should all bend over and grab our ankles and say we are sorry for being white(liberals)


Typical merchant tricks.

> as a white person
> (((pavlovitz)))

And who is this person, why does he get a blue tick and why should I care

seriously what the fuck is the deal with Jews doing this shit?

i don't understand this at all. It's uncanny how much they do this, like what the fuck


>what the fuck is the deal with Jews
really? eat the pill all ready.


(((Fellow white people)))

it's always the jews wanting to legalise various drugs as well. Why is it always the god damn jews

Maybe it's because they are all psychiatrists

What if Sup Forums adopted the jewish shapeshifting identity actics and the liberal idea of ''your feelings dictate your identity''.

We jews should breed less and step down from positions of power. As a jew, I think it's the duty of jews to stop hiring other jews. Jewish supremacy has to be stopped.


Pretty sure I had one of those for pudding earlier.

I found this old article by him. It's super-interesting.

>Ctrl + F "Jew"

>I being Jewish at the time , was curious. they told me, that it was more important to focus on what Jesus said and what he stood for , rather than what He looked like.
>I being Jewish at the time


This is actually an interesting idea.


this + open borders for israel should be much bigger on social media than they are


Dear fellow white people,
You -- I mean we -- should all be ashamed of being white. Keep watching niggerball while the mudskins rape your -- I mean our -- women.
Fellow Whitemanbergstein

>tfw you've shown your friend tweets of Jews pretending to be white when they want to badmouth whites
>he tells me that he'd throw these dirty kikes in the oven

>every time

Shalom! fellow goy. It's time for us to admit that the future means we are obsolete and that we must let in more Muslims to replace us.

I mean, they're white, aren't they? Yet something Can't quite put my finger on it.

they have no accountability


Is he referring to the one in Sheville today? Because I'm pretty sure they rebranded it to a Blue Lives Matter rally

Yes the jew is referencing that. I'm not aware of any rebranding though

If "white lives matter", why do so many of yall shoot up schools?

Now he knows how we feel when we see a BLM rally


Because we actually go to school.

If black lives matter, why do you kill each other so much?

I thought all the propaganda said your island was a wasteland with no electricity, but can still print custom t-shirts

Oh please, the only reason blacks aren't beating us in that is because they don't go to school.


Drove to Burger King with WiFi, you want some tendies?

Yeah, thanks bro

jesus christ, does this really exist in the world I am living in?



Literally every single fucking time. At this point, it's just sad.

Literal heretic and anti-Christ.

>"I don’t believe the Bible is without error."

The number of crazy crackers shooting up school is nothing compared to the average thug nigger shooting up opposing colorguard members for wearing blue in urban environments. Get fucked. Statistics aren't with you on this one.

The blue tick is basically the new star of david.

Its funny how every jew no matter how irrelevant gets one but it takes them forever to give them to people who arent jews even if that person is relevant.

That's the only "days without jewish tricks" pic that ever should be used here.

There isn't a single day without kike tricks.

Drive-by Jewish tricks

Pavlovitz's main book says all you need to know about his agenda
>A BIGGER Table: Building MESSY, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community
He's obsessed with inclusiveness and enabling haphazard, weak approaches to faithfulness to Christ, the same shit that's killing several denominations

It's a skill that is passed on from generation to generation. They teach this to their children at a very young age

They are chameleons, thats why these creeps try their hardest to look like europeans and not their cousins back in the middle east.

yes (((fellow white people))) he is right, we should be ashamed


>Pic ((related))



Why are you posting this now?

(((Certain)))) people are making this so damn obvious. Jews need to tone it down, else the blow back will hit them very hard.
Don't these retards sense the change in the winds?
Their silly game is over. Poking the big jew head out at this time is very unwise

add it to the pile

Because they don’t get called out for it. The only person I’ve seen call them out IRL for claiming to be white was a Mexican.

One of my absolutely favorites. The evidence is out there. That's their Achilles heel.

Top kek

>jews aren’t white
this is a meme

Dont hate niggers, muslims and jews

Hate your fellow white cucks first



It's ok to be white


Because white people kill each other for being proud to be white

Yall been an arrogant, self destructive clump of fools

For you.

Whites and jews are the same thing

Oy vey fellow white person, what could you possibly be talking about?

the hate order goes
>white women
>white liberals

>implying memes aren't reality
Ask me how I know you're a newfag
Jews are not white.

They hate whites with every inch of their soul. If you're ever around jews in real life you'll notice this as well.

Oy vey!

Fucking cuck. I bet he is jewish, or just an insecure white knight, who'd rather see his culture destroyed than to offend anyone.

When you have a gun with 2 bullets in a room with your enemy and a traitor: Find another pistol, beat the traitor to death with your bare hands and then challenge your enemy to a duel.

then give jews partial credit for meme-ing this into reality. i think it actually seeks to show separation from whites and their/our purported oppressive nature. rather than be scientifically accurate. But really, they are ethnically jewish above all else making the jews are not white statement very plausible. also mizrahi jews are def not white

90% of Jews consider themselves white, but 10% of Jews are running an international cabal and dance around between the two in order to promote white genocide. OP pointed that out perfectly

Jews are just a tribe of smart/selfish whites desu senpai

Glad to know he considers a white lives matter rally is worse than a lynching party

So after posting that Jews are white, you now post that white women should be hated more than any other group? Try to be more obvious

jews have a large amount of self-hating white nationalists though. me and my mom are 100% jew but absolutely despise kike trickery and most of our kike family. we’ve also never been thought of anything but white people. at the very least, some jews are white

fuck me are you really this dense?
2016 was the time he posted saying he was jewish, now is the time he posted as a (((fellow white person))).

Oy! He's right, you know, shimshons. Yo- we whites really need to feel guilty about all this racism.

Say it with me now, "what do we want? DEAD COPS. When do we want it? NOW." That's progress, goys.


white women are by far the leading cause of cancer and aids. you’re a retard. even jews would be powerless without them.

>90% of Jews consider themselves white
Bullshit. Jewish DNA is a cancer

Didn't your aupervisor send out a memo that the "Jews are smarter than whites" meme doesn't work? Mixing it with the new "Jews are white" talking point that you've been pushing won't help

Wrong, women like children and should be treated as such until they prove otherwise. They are the submissives that crave dominance.
>White liberals
>Useful idiot colored liberals
>Actual Muslims/Actual Niggers
>The bad chinks/gooks
>The Swiss
>The submissive gender that just wants to be led by dominant men

new tweet!

How long these kikes gonna play this 'fellow white' game? Every time over 80% of responds are calling them out and naming the jew. Are jews just doomed to repeat their parasitic behavior until they get kicked out like 109 times before?

Jews are whites that use "white" as a shield just like pale niggers pretend their ancestor look-a-similars give them individual worth

You're supposed to lurk for two years before posting, newfag

Jews are smarter than the average white but are still "white"

it's okay, I like to pretend I'm jewish when it's convenient

So a Jew becomes a "Christian" preacher who preaches anti-white and gay marriage. Imagine my shock!

Fuck self-hating whites, they should all be rounded and killed

You cannot play by their rules. They created the game, the whole framework of social discourse on the topics of race and identity... If you even utter that phrase, "jewish supremacy" you'll just be labeled an anti-semite and opinion discarded. You can't butt heads with that anti-white conditioning, just keep doing what you've already been doing Sup Forums it's waking people up slowly but surely.

women aren’t like children, they are children. regardless, they have too much power and influence and too little brains, which makes them incredibly dangerous.

>Jews are white
Jews are not white. Being pale doesn't make you white