Will there be civil war when he's jailed, or is everyone basically tired of this guy?
Will there be civil war when he's jailed, or is everyone basically tired of this guy?
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There is a civil war right now
The only good genocide is a Trump supporter genocide.
Weird way to spell niggers.
Jailed? On what charge?
Hahahaha you dumb fucking shills Your queen killary will be Hung
You're side losing . See Boston rally....
Trumptards ARE the new niggers
Bucking the system and not accepting how things are, evidently.
For being a tremendous dick head. He will share a cell with Hillary Clinton .
Most Americans dislike Trump and Hillary.
Shouldn't you be on Stormfront ya racist cunt?
hahaha soon!
stupid weeb. THIS is what a civil war looks like.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
Nice post
He means a civil INFOWAR.
There will be a sharp uptake in right wing terrorism
Thank you
With all the clues that being left and the media picking up on Democrat scandals you'd have to be retarded to think that Trump is getting jailed.
What's he going to be jailed for?
, faggot.
He will die in prison. Mark it.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
The war is a personal war. They want you to pick a side. Be honest with youselves. Thats all i the advice i can give. The problems you see with Trump are expressions of your own ego that you fear and disgust. He is ment to be a manifestation of american consiouness who is in a stage act called the American government.
On Monday a high ranking member of the Democratic Party will be arrested.
The fake Russian conspiracy story has blown up in their faces. All it has uncovered was massive dnc corruption and real federal level crimes by certain high ranking democrats
Nothing the shills do or say can save the party now. Soros has made another bad investment.
The dnc is over. It will never recover. Their attempts to bring down Trump have only brought down the dnc instead.
I’m sorry democrats, your party is over.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
It was just Manaforts realtor. Lol. Get wrekt
>Implying those two scoops weren't the final nail in Drumpf's political coffin.
The DNC is over. It has no future in America
Need a game over capture here with the dems getting raped.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
>Being this desperate
So are you guys gonna list the charge or what.
What's it like knowing your life is completely meaningless?
Me? I don't think Trump should be charged for anything. Trump gave the system the shakeup it's needed for a long time. I only hope it lands in a decent place when this is all over.
If he decides he doesn't want to go quietly then there will be a quick coup where left wing agitators will be mass arrested, Trump will give some speech about how Mueller really colluded with Russia. The pussy hat crowd will riot for a few days before getting tired and after that the Democratic Party will quietly die.
If Trump doesn't want to fight then no the people will not rise up on his behalf if he himself won't. It's really all up to Trump.
> (You)
Feeling great man. Sun is shining and we are about to get our country back. All is well!!!
> (You)
>Most Americans dislike Trump and Hillary.
Hahahaha God bless you
>H-he's really going after Hillary!!
>Mueller's gonna take down the dems!
>Hillary is going to jail!
The absolute delusion
The DNC is done buddy, sorry not sorry.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
>Feeling great man. Sun is shining and we are about to get our country back. All is well!!!
Feels Great man feels great
The kikes are in our list right next to the niggers, you'll be the first to go. ;)
Enjoy your time while you have it.
Message me privately and I'll give you my home address. Please make sure you come armed because I assure you I will be.
I think we broke it, or maybe it knows it's time is coming, it's stuck on repeating loop.
we will end liberals in their homes work and on the road
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
What's your email? I'll contact you for your address, I'll be more than happy to stop by and say hello.
>Message me privately and I'll give you my home address. Please make sure you come armed because I assure you I will be.
The tolerant left, everyone. They wish to kill people simply for having a different opinion.
>I think we broke it, or maybe it knows it's time is coming, it's stuck on repeating loop.
Hahah my sides we are light years ahead and they are stuck in the past what a timeline but but Trump's taxes
What should we do with all the unemployed brainwashed communist lefties, that don’t end up in FEMA death camps, after their silly political smokescreen fails? Reeducation camps with a Roosevelt era style government works program to rebuilt impoverished areas and infrastructure?
A they have been calling us Natzis just saying na am just kidding
>...and i mean it this time
This is probably just going to blow over. You know, like everything the left predicts. Every time they've gotten this excited about something, either nothing happened or it got turned back on them.
Also, I thought you were arguing for his arrest kek
I wonder when they will finally realize what is going on.
Accessory to Manafort and Flynn's crimes.
Sure. Hit me up at [email protected]
Jailed for what?
I think Manafort might be arrested for illicitly gained property
This won’t hit anywhere near Trump’s admin tho. That’s just delusional and has no evidence to suggest it
Plenty of dems have come out as potential targets for arrest from this investigation
I’m betting Manafort and a handful of dems
It's not like the DemonCraps didn't bus a shitload of people in or anything. I've seen them load up buses outside of Pocahontas' campaign office.
Probably McCain for hanging out with Obamas buddy's isisis and for Russian collusion Hillary Clinton for the uranium deal Obama for knowing about it Obama for letting North Korea arm up the list goes on and on these f****** are just too slow when it comes to the news the real news
wow, demoncraps, thats clever, your "mee maw" think of that one cletus?
Daddy is eating popcorn and comfy watching movies... not a fuck given
The left have lost it
I can sense the butthurt
No, your's likes to scream it while I'm buttslamming her.
Most likely something not related to the campaign or collusion. They'll use that to squeeze him for information on the actual Russian collusion with the campaign.
Mueller doesn't leak, yet he leaked this. He's really putting pressure on this person giving them the weekend to panic.
nah, I was saying that bucking the system and not just accepting how things are aren't bad traits when the system is broken.
Nobody thinks Trump will be jailed. It's pretty apparent Trump was just a useful idiot in all this and didn't even want to President. His campaign wanted to badly to win they were willing to commit borderline treason to do it.
Trump is not even on the list of people most think will be indicted. What will most likely happen is the heat will get so high he won't seek a second term. Especially if this eventually leads to Jared Kushner of Don Jr. going to jail...those will strike to close to home for him.
>He will share a cell with Hillary Clinton .
Clinton-Trump hate sex sounds hot
>The problems you see with Trump are expressions of your own ego
Interesting take. I would say the opposite and those expressions are what got him elected.
The ultimate problem here is that so much of this country can't tell the difference between actual conviction and blustery grandstanding. What seemed obvious to some as signs of insecurity and weakness, his supporters saw as strength of will. This makes sense considering his biggest fans; teenagers and racists and rednecks and the alt-right are so mired in their own ignorance and insecurity that they can't recognize it in others, and saw in him validation of their own weaknesses. In his tendency to let his insecurities and prejudices allow to him to fall for increasingly ridiculous ideas and obvious scams, they saw themselves. And since they reject the idea that they could be manipulated into acting against their own interests, they refused to consider how easily he could be tricked. Narcissism has a hard time recognizing narcissism. His flaw is the same flaw that led so many people to vote for him in the first place.
Fuck of reddit nigger
"The niggers good genocide is a Trump supporter genocide" isn't grammatically correct, stupid.
Kill yourself for being so stupid.
Once the criminal indictments start, you know the arrested will be pleading for cooperation deals with federal prosecutors. They won't risk Trump being removed from office and unable to pardon them.
Trump has really turned the swamp into a sewer in Washington and New York, so I hope the whole family does federal penitentiary time. He's the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats.
Still waiting on that message ya coward.
I dont think this take is accurate. I'm not sure why people want to classify Trump as an idiot. He's clearly not. You don't win an election against the establishment candidate if you're an idiot. You don't exponentially grow wealth if you're an idiot. You don't leverage politics like he has since being elected if you're an idiot.
You could call him Machiavellian. You could call him manipulative. You could call him evil, if you see it that way. There are no logical pointers that say he's an idiot.
People didn;t vote for Trump because he is a racist, mysogynistic, or whatever other "basket of deplorable" identities you want to apply to him. People voted for Trump because they knew the U.S. political system had a monopoly on it that needed to be broken. Since Clinton ensured that all other outsider candidates were gotten rid of, Trump was who they had left.
At the end of the day, if you don't like Trump, I don't see how you can't be more furious at her than Trump.
>mistakes millions of dollars of kike bait for Trump losing support.
get gassed
Jailed for what?
How can you do these fucked-up mental gymnastics to get yourself trained to ignore the sheer volumes of corruption by Hillary and Obama?
That's spicy!
I don't give a fuck who's gonna jail who, but you better start delivering some happenings
I'm ready and willing to fight.
Let me explain it to you OP
> I'm not sure why people want to classify Trump as an idiot. He's clearly not.
He's no an idiot, but he's clearly a rube. His own ego makes it so as I said he has convinced himself that he's unable to be tricked or mislead.
>You don't win an election against the establishment candidate if you're an idiot.
That doesn't even make any sense. Not sure how you're even making that connection. The Trump Campaign was run by other people not Trump himself. I highly doubt he orchestrated the pinpoint targeting in the Rust Belt that won it for him. Regardless, I never said he was an idiot.
>You could call him Machiavellian. You could call him manipulative. You could call him evil, if you see it that way. There are no logical pointers that say he's an idiot.
I never did though. I called him blustery, insecure, ignorant, prejudiced and narcissistic. Weaknesses seen as strengths by his most reverent supporters because they have the same characteristics and finally felt justified.
Anyboy that believed Trump was going to "drain the swamp" or "break the system" were just buying bumper stickers.
High crimes and misdemeanours. Have you not been paying attention or something?
>He's no an idiot, but he's clearly a rube.
>Regardless, I never said he was an idiot.
>I never did though. I called him blustery, insecure, ignorant, prejudiced and narcissistic.
>It's pretty apparent Trump was just a useful idiot in all this
A rube is not an idiot, it's a person whose ego keeps them from thinking they can be tricked or mislead. Neither is blustery, insecure, ignorant, prejudiced and narcissistic synonyms for being an idiot.
A "useful idiot" is a political term. Google it.
You on the other hand, are an idiot.
go back