Cat/pol/ - The Second Edition
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First for republican Spain mmmm whatcha say nazis
First for Independent Catalonya!
Fuck manolos!
Fucken czech terrorist, stole my first comment
Pretty ironic Sweden calls me terrorist
Yes my fellow goys.. I-I mean n-neo nazis on /pol, unite under Spanish flag, all catalans are stinky muslim commies.
First for getting back the Franja, the Roselló, valencia i ses illes
Xth for go back to raping swedes Jamaal
Did they leave or not?
t. Ahmed Garcia ibn Castili le Rajoy du Maria
Day 1 of Independent Catalunya.
Mosos under Spanish command, previous boss kicked out.
Spanish flags still in administration buildings, as it should.
All catalans with Spanish passports and Spanish IDs.
All catalans paying taxes to Spain, following Spanish law.
Traitors from the local Govern enjoying the weekend with the families, half smiling, knowing they will spend years in prison very soon, perhaps even planing how to escape.
Some retards still believing they live in a new country (??).
Point, Sup Forums. Point and laught.
>he mixed Arab, Italian and French
Kek good try but I'm not Catalonian
Hello my fellow catanons, viva espanya y la unidad nacional!
Im here in catalonia and people are demanding an end to the destabilizatoon of the crazy seperatists and a return to ordet.
How long until the first shot is fired?
Rubber bullets has been shot already. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
>Gook added a third worlder flag known as catalonia
>still hasn't added US states
2 days.
When the hipster commiefuck catalonians try to stop the police & army from taking control.
I hope those fucking lefties get mowed down by machine gun fire
>Has memeflag
>Supports killing commies
Sup Forums how should I be feeling about this. I'm all about national self-determination, but (1) Catalonia is a cucked nu-male province and (2) the referendum and independence declaration occurred outside of legal processes.
not soon enough
No gun can be fired if there are no guns. No revolt can start if people panic about losing power to buy a new iPhone. This is all a massive deception, brainwashing and naivity. That's what makes imminent crash into reality more fun.
So, user. What has happened since they dismissed the Catalonian government?
They don't even have an army to back their words, and every country that matters already said that they don't recognize it, you should feel pity, they are not going to last too much.
>Navarre joining Euskadi
>Valencia joining Catalonia
>Galicia going independent
>Being this ignorant
Ummm like there's only the Granada, Castile and Aragon so fuck off you EU 4 NORMIE
>imagine being this stupid
Catalan government was democratically elected on a promise to have referendum. They delivered referendum. Spain used police force to abstract people from going to vote. Still 90% people voted for independence. Parliament had vote on bases from the results of that referendum. Majority voted for declaring independence. How is this undemocratic or doesn't represent Catalan people's will?
That’s what everyone says until there’s a leader. It’s possible but unlikely. You never know. People aren’t any different than we were a thousand years ago. If our emotions are swayed enough in one direction there may be no turning back except from very harsh measures.
nice try manolo
Woman reacting to Catalan "independence"
Blocks your path
Yfw Riots happen at night
Stage 1: Denial
if you are quebecois you are in the same boat as us, don't be fooled by imperialist propaganda from countries like canada and spain
vive le Québec libre et catholique
>Still 90% people voted for independence
Lets be honest, how many people do you expect felt comfortable defying police orders to vote No? Only the die hard YES people were determined cast the ballots.
At the very least its a flawed vote.
> I hope those fucking lefties get mowed down by machine gun fire
Then who will pay the taxes? Spain needs the Catalonians because, unlike the Andalusians, Catalonians are productive.
How misinformed are you. Not even half of the census went to vote, even with people being able to vote multiple times, and 90% of those were in for independence. It's just sad at this point.
>Still 90% people voted for independence.
Hahahha, because the "no" voters boycotted it.
The separatists fooled very few "no" voters.
7.3% muslim in 2014. (now higher)
15% youth muslim already in 2014 (now higher).
We had a legal referendum in 1995 in which a majority voted no. Not a illegal vote in which only the YES people voted.
Those stages were found unconclussive, not being accepted in psychology.
You should stop browsing pol and pick up a book from time to time.
because you think people care about your state flags? If he added individual provinces burgers would no longer know who the Leaf posters are.
it would be literally impossible to vote """legally""" for independence under our shitty opressive constitution.
don't confuse legal with legitimate, my brother.
the referendum was absolutely legitimate
>there's only the Granada, Castile and Aragon
WTF!! You don't have enough stealing Aragon's history but now you need to take our land. I dare you fucking faggot. VIVA ESPAÑA Y VIVA ARAGÓN MARICÓN HIJODEPUTA
I wonder if all the people who voted actually thought they would become independant or if it was just for the bants
Having only YES people vote is not legitimate. Having the YES people control the ballot boxes and be the ones to tally the votes makes for a flawed referendum don't you think?
Most of our provincial flags are union jacks with a different crest. Tbh, I'm surprised they haven't changed the Ontario one to a rainbow flag with a dildo in the shape of a crescent moon.
we are a different people from the spaniards in blood, language and culture, real catalans don't feel a part of spain
the only "stake" that has us tied down still is our doomed demography, where we're a minority in our own land
Andalusian immigrants did not go out and vote, and they should not, these are not their ancestral lands and it should not up to them to decide
Never cause catacommies have no guns.
Not if ((they)) somehow give them it
Scatalonia needs to re learn the rules
>real catalans don't feel a part of spain
Probably because most of you are communist sympathizing nu-males who welcome muslim moors and arabs to come in en masse and destroy your culture and fuck your women.
>we are a different people from the spaniards in blood
Top kek. You people really believe this.
the core of independentism is strongly nationalistic, out of necessity, because we're flooded by foreign hordes of manolos and other immigrants
the vast majority of promoters of extreme leftism are immigrants and sons of immigrants, like Anna Gabriel.
You won't see this kind of attitude in PDECAT or ERC, the two principal parties, which while one is left wing and another is right wing, both are nationalistic and want to preserve the identity of our people
but I see you don't want to reason, since you've started to throw out ad hominems, after all I bet you're an anglo-canadian faggot
let the Quebecois go
>mfw not even Venezuela recognized Catalonia
I am a Quebecois, esti d'enfant de Morrocain sale. Pleur un peut plus ok?
I do understand that important decisions like this require standards and not a bunch of fuckwits deciding to hold an illegal ballot one day and only have one side cast ballots. It also sets a bad precedent to just allow anyone to declare independence whenever the please without going through due process.
you'll never be free if you're just waiting for the central government to feed you a referendum, they never will
you need to take the destiny of your people into your own hands like we have done, opposing and resisting the violence of the central state, which beat up innocent people just for wanting to vote
stop sucking your anglo master's dick, you sissy frog
what about bessarabia. i saw it pop up on map once
>Breaking neutrality, Spanish Jews come out against Catalan independence
Wlell, guess I know which side is right.
>Cat/pol/ - The Second Edition
Why is the Kremlin so interested in what happens in Catalonia? Are the planning a communist takeover?
Cossack rebels can declare independence and form custom nations with the country named after the province
Are you implying I am working for kremlin because I made this thread ?
Is there russian minority in Catalonia?
Hi boys!
Godspeed you beautiful spanish catalonians
Fuckin never, the street will never be littered with blood in the west
Says the guy whose "Republic" is ruled by spanish goverment.
Don't wait up
still more of a country than moortugal
at least we're european and not african
Your grandpappies voted for that constitution, friend. If you want to chaneg it you need to lobby pretty hard to win hearts and minds in the spanish congress, which after what you've done, is gonna be very hard. You just put the possibility of a proper referendum back by 10 years at least.
Don't even believe this farce. This is just a move to keep people distracted from the fact that the current government is literally sacking the state coffers. What a coincidence that it has been proved recently that the governing party has been stealing and manipulating the elections, but none of it hits the press because of this joke of an independence:
We have parties A, and B.
At its core, on paper, A and B are completely opposite parties.
Turns out A is unable to rule the country because it lacks votes. So, they get the help of B.
Holy shit, why would A and B fucking collaborate? Turns out the next 8 years A spends its time building up the biggest scam in the countries history which leads to the current big crisis, and B is making money through bribes from the parts they control from the country.
Of course A needs B, so A grants B whatever they want, which leads to B getting more and more power on their territories, and a empowering B's idea of independence.
Fast forward to 2017. Its has been PROVEN that they have been sacking the state coffers, and paying a shitload of bribes.
Some years back the same happened to B, which "dissolved". But guess what, their machinery is still running in this new party called C.
A and C, just want to keep getting bribes, and keeping power, but all the corruption cases which has been proven its making a pretty bad forecast for the next elections.
The farce is the independence of Catalonia. NOTHING is happening, they didn't even fucking removed the Spanish flag from official building. NOTHING will change. A will be seen as the savior of Spain, and C will be seen as a martyr, each of them will successfully retaining power, while attention is diverted from all the news about PROVEN corruption cases.
A is PP, and B is CiU/Cup. Again, don't fucking trust me. Google Catalonia's 3%, Spanish property bubble (started by Aznar, former PP president) for example, Gurtel case... you have stuff for weeks.
Fascist Castilian crackdown when?
How do we defeat the Spanish fascists?
Muslim goku looks based af
>want "independence"
>first thing they do after seceding is beg to enter EU
Yeah real independent, spain should crush these rebellious cunts to the ground, if they still have but a drop of old blood in them
If not, then they deserve to be cucked
80 years too late for that. Spain today is cuckservative and social democrate. Fascist parties get in total under 1% of votes.
How is anybody stealing Aragon history you fucking retard?
The Crown of Aragon history is our history too, we are celebrating it, do you think only people from the modern region of Aragon were part of it or the ones who "lead it"? The Aragonese Crown would have never existed if not for the Counts of Barcelona or the Principality of Catalonia. Do you realize that the Crown was born through a royal marriage between us and them, right? Jesus fuck.
Literally the Almogavars you fap so much about that crusaded Antaolia and were betrayed by Byzantium were called "Catalan Company", which lead to the events of the "Catalan Revenge" against the Byzantine Empire, with the conquest of Athens and Neopatria.
The people of the Crown of Aragon were called "catalans" by the French and Italian chronists, and the very same kings of the CROWN (not the kingdom inside the Crown) of Aragon spoke in Catalan, like James the Conqueror who wrote the autobiographical book "Llibre dels feyts" entirely in Catalan. The same James the Conqueror who explicitly called for a majority of Catalans to repopulate the conquered lands of Balearic Islands and Valencia.
Get a grip over yourself, it's you who are denying history to the Catalans like if they never existed historically.
>80 years too late for that. Spain today is cuckservative and social democrate. Fascist parties get in total under 1% of votes.
To be fair fascism was a failure in Spain.
what my company here said
The crown of Aragon was a catalan state, my man, always ruled by a catalan elite which I will admit was very generous and understanding of other regional cultures, and as such we were succesful in expanding in the mediterranean, but despite the name it was more ours than of the modern aragonese
That is debatable. Unlike other fascist regimes like Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Chile etc they had devastating civil war and country stayed divided throughout Franco's time. Still he was longest reigning fascist ruler.
>Sup Forums recognizes Cat
Calling Franco a fascist is a joke.
Mussolini was a fascist.
One could argue that Hitler was a fascist.
Franco was just a right-wing ultra-catholic dicator.
Fascism implies a specific philosophical approach to life, to society and to the state. To begin with Fascists were laicist and had a quite modern mentality for the time. Fascism derived from ideas or movements like the Italian Futurism, nothing like that existed in Spain.
And Falangists were, at most, catholic pseudo-anarchists with delusions of grandeur and who spend more time looking into the past than into the future.
Visca Catalunya Lliure
>90% approval.
>no international observers.
>counted by the same people that want the independence.
I voted by myself that you're a faggot and I got 2000% 'yes', fight me.
>corona catalano-aragonesa heraldo.es
>Llibre dels feyts
>Catalan Company
Just the name, it was formed by people from Aragon, Barcelona and Valencia
Però no es lliure si pertany a la UE...
Espanya podria haber sigut una unitat de destí en lo universal o una empresa comú més enllà d'aquest periode de PP-POE
>it was formed by people from Aragon, Barcelona and Valencia
So... Catalans?
All of that happened way before you manolos started emigrating en masse to Catalan areas, there would've barely been manolos in the catalan company
>blaverisme sources
I don't have time for this bullshit.
>Just the name, it was formed by people from Aragon, Barcelona and Valencia
But you are eager to deny Catalans their history and very existance just because they were under the name of Aragon. A name that only prevailed due to the nobiliary order laws over the name of Barcelona or Catalonia after the royal marriage that united the regions.