The world is not going to be the same a week from now.
Whatever God you believe in, you need to start praying very loudly to it.
The world is not going to be the same a week from now
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The world is never the same week to week, dumbass.
Come on faggot, at least make up something juciy.
shut up queer eye
Put me in the screencap
spine beetles?
>Whatever God you believe in, you need to start praying very loudly to it.
>implying there is a God other than Jesus Christ, His Father and The Holy Spirit.
> Literally and unironically worships a ghost
I believe in human thought. How can I pray to that? Right here, perhaps, but I can make no generic prayer. For what delivery should I pray?
The happening is not happening.
History shows Jesus lived. Atheists and jewish scholars agree as well.
>christcucks worshiping ghosts.
Why won`t u looses open up a history book for once?
>The world is not going to be the same a week from now.
Captain obvious over here
lots of history books and you'll find it was ripped off from an older fable and previous other beliefs that derived from probable contact events.
What do you know that the rest of us don't already know?
It depends on the race
Euros Japs are better off by themselves
The parasitic races are better off leaching off of us
Nice combo. Scripting much?
Israel BTFO
Got em.
Are you nuclearAnon?
Are you going to n00k me son?
Well then you'd better go balls deep.
dont post this graphic again you alphabet agency shareblue douche. no ones buying what your selling. gtfo
>be believer in machine god
>executing prayer.exe
thanks user
>t. 1 post by this ID
>implying that there is a god
Life, Light, Love.
The humorous pattern within the chaotic waves. God is perfect, desu.
Praise the Void Dra....Omnissiah!