if blacks are so dumb then why is there music so good ?
If blacks are so dumb then why is there music so good ?
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it's not
Found the nigger!
It's not.
Musician here
Its not.
This is not to say there are no good black musicians, but pure ethnic black music is horrible.
It's not.
give me an example of "good black music"
Because you shit taste in music and you are a nigger-loving faggot and you love to suck nigger dick
bretty much entire RnB
and hip hop ofc
gtfo beaner
What's good about it? Music Theory developed by whites? The instruments developed by whites? Recording equipment developed by whites? Or the fact that whites buy it?
Louis Armstrong
Scott Joplin
The Ink Spots
Ella Fitzgerald
Fats Domino
Jimi Hendrix
James Brown
Marvin Gaye
MC Hammer
pic one
>no culture
>killing niggers east and west
>blow your horn olifant on ronsarvollen
>niggers ran scared away when they heard the sound of the lur
why are niggers always so scared?
>people will actually try to refute these talented musicians
you only think this garbage is good, because it's "old" and you're an amerishit who had to grow up getting brainwashed by it
now he start
god damnit he starts to cry
I guess somethings never change
You have no taste
also I'm just posting historic shit
But have you ever, I mean ever, heard our womyn sing?
If you have not, you don't even know what music is. They will make you lit cry. There is no comparison to this in the entire world
oh you
Jazz is nice, I give you that, but it was based on swing big band principle (whitey) and tunes with white instruments in white society.
piss off, taste is and has always been completely subjective
from my perspective, it looks like you're shovelling shit into your mouth, whilst telling me you really like it
Name one famous black musician from more than 100 years ago. I'll wait.
>Germany has a statue of the convicted rapist known as tupac
Top cuck
yeah you just listen and cry bitches
she made the king cry with this song
his mother used to sing it to him when he was a kid. Is very relevant today, surronded by enemies
If you are creative and you live in a world of shit, you have the potential to make good stuff until about age 26, 27. (That's why there is a 27 club)
Most famous artists had bad childhoods. It could be argued that niggers have worse childhoods than most white people
no its not and nigger speak is cancer
I'm not sure what kind of social experiment was used on you, but "black music" is one of the worst thing ever invented
their music is garbage lmao,Blues is good,rest is shite
Pick one
Yeah Jazz is as good as degenerate music gets. The ultimate red/black pill is that all music that came after classical is degeneracy.
I pick music
More specifically, look at a bunch of successful artists and look how many of them had dead parent(s) at a young age, or a missing parent, a common theme in black families. Jimi Hendrix mom died when he was 15 or 16
why is jazz degenerate?
Yeah bro, let's listen to violins and shit in 2017 because the Jews made everything else and we can't enjoy shit. You're so pathetic haha trying hard enough bud?
because they just follow their ears instead of trying to mass produce Classic Rock Song #9384759834.
For sure, first aid kit is fucking amazing. i know they're from sweden, but same area i guess
what music do you like, austria? most europe-fags I've met just like our pop-music from five years ago cus of the cultural delay.
what do hansfags even listen to?
(((They))) get their creative ideas from (White) ghost writers and hand it over to black puppets. I know this from personal experience, and of course I wasn't paid a penny.
Let us examine the evidence and compare.
Melodic PoC proving their musical superiority: youtube.com
BTFO White folks unable to compete: youtube.com
Yes, my Afro-German brother, "there music" is indeed so good.
You've literally never discussed music with a European have you
> today's European music
We know about today's European music. Your proudest, most noble and glorious music competes every year in the last remaining vestige of democracy in Europe, the Eurovision Song Contest. Unlike the shadowy Councils of Europe and European Councils and other shadowy, poorly-understood bodies of the oligarchic European Union, the Eurovision Contest allows the people to vote on the best music in Europe and to elect a king or queen of European pop. That's why you were all subject to the benevolent rule of the philosopher-queen-empress Conchita Wurst, princess of Austria.
rlly nigga
Let's take a moment to reflect upon Ireland's greatest contribution to European culture: Jedward.
Suck my dick beta cuck, your taste in music is shit
>taste is and has always been completely subjective
Wrong. There are objective standard everything must meet in order to be good. If you enjoy something that does not meet these standards, you are either being contrarian or you have issues.
A creamskin will never shred sick riffs like this. Ever.
excellent shitpost
last guy i talked to about it had a tattoo on his side, unironically, that had the quote "life is not measure in the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away."
Because making music doesn't require math beyond counting to eight.