Why do uneducated hicks vote republican?
because the blue states with the big city's stole all their money with high tax rates and sent all their jobs overseas
Stockholm syndrome
Blue states steal our wealth through the (((state income tax deduction)))
Most blacks live in the South, which are red states
2 major reasons.
1. The states with the big cities have the most money, and city people tend to vote more left
2. The south has a LOT of niggers.
because of niggers, welfare, insurance. Know your history fag
>What are spics and niggers
Are republican states poor or are poor states republican? Relation doesn't mean causation
what pays for welfare, TAXES
This is the correct answer.
Also, a rich man can afford to be stupid with his money while a poor man can't.
Daily reminder that the poverty rate is a meme stat that does not factor in cost of living an punishes having children
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
It's the sick who need a doctor.
Poorest cities/states I ever been to are northern.
West Virginia (despite being 'Neck firmly pro union during the Civil War), Flint and Detroit, Upstate NY, Camden NJ, etc.
Why can't democrats into prosperity or perhaps they want their constituency dependent on the state thus ensuring their vote. Really activates the ol brazil nut..
Southerners have always been easily swindled by rich people since the inception of the nation. A small ruling class of elite white families plays psychological games with poor whites/blacks/whoever else is there to keep them under their thumb, either by offering them token things like guns and muh religion, or keeping them occupied with relatively petty shit by inciting racial hatred wherever they can. While all of this is happening they do their best to kill worker's rights and slash education and healthcare, because healthy and educated people who have some modicum of financial stability might just realize how much they are getting fucked and do something.
It's why the white ruling class of the South chimped the fuck out when Eugene Debs was trying to unite poor black and white farmers and if you believe the conspiracy theorists why Huey Long was assassinated.
Let's put this objectively
Also applies to a lot of other non-Southern Republican states.
Explain this to me
If the answer didn't stick the last time you made this bait thread then why would it stick this time? Sage and move on folks
Blue states are states with large urban populations that are largely liberal and multicultural. Republican economic policies are patriotic because they don't rely on mass immigration, which lowers the cost of labour and fucks over the poor. Liberal economic policies are good at improving GDP, but this doesn't improve people's lives. If there wasn't an economic inflation arms race worldwide, everyone would happily exist without immigration. America has enough land and people to sustain itself, and it can export. Why does more than that matter? Cheap iphones are worth the destruction of the white race?
those red states are actually way richer than the blue ones because theyre not in massive debt.
They get away with taxing the shit out of their citizens because those citizens can deduct it from their federal taxes. Essentially having everyone else subsidize their high tax rates. Yet oddly enough, these states are still in financial crisis.
Dumbasses fail to take into account cost of living when comparing salaries.
Hahaha whereas blue states like Illinois can't even pay their lottery winners while they tax the shit outta everyone
>Republican economic policies are patriotic because they don't rely on mass immigration
-t. someone who forgot Bush happily let in as many Mexicans as he possibly could to drive labor prices down.
Also, how is it """patriotic""" to champion free markets by slashing worker's wages and rights to nothing (relying in many relying on welfare/medicare to get by),outsourcing whatever they can while giving massive tax cuts to CEOs (many of whom are foreign nationals), further deprieciating the tax base and straining social programs for actual citizens?
California and NY, even with those federal deductions, still pay a damn deal more in federal tax money than they receive...unlike many red states.
Whites vote republican. The question is why do filthy niggers and wetbacks and illegals vote democrat? Oh yeah, they advocate stealing from whites and giving to the retards.
They're not (Montana, Idaho, Dakotas) unless they also have tons of blacks (Mississippi, Alabama, Lousiana).
I think republican economic policies actually are a mess and allways have been. They all are pump and dump, see Trump and his retarded idea that corporations will spend their tax cuts on growth / wage / whatever instead of dividends / buybacks / shareholders.
Trickle down is a myth and doesn't work since decades, why should it now?
If you don't have dementia or confirmation bias you will see that the democrats economic track record is far superior.
we'd rather stay poor over becoming rich because if we do become rich we'll become over run by nigs
If blue states are so prosperous, why don't they cancel welfare?
This always puzzled me somewhat
The democrats present themselves as intellectual elite, as if everyone north of 100 is democrat and everyone south is republican, but don't most black and hispanic people vote democrat?
How do they reconcile those two things?
Until 1992 they voted democrat you meme
t. 'Bama man
The whole "Blue States" , "Red States" idea is a meme. What does Red State mean? We have several levels of elections, federal, state, county and city. But too often, when the media colors a state Red or Blue, they are talking about a presidential election as if that's all that matters.
As far as voting for GIBs, etc, you'll see cities, which are infested with liberals, vote Blue at the local level to get their GIBS. Those are their senators and reps who promise more free food, education, etc which matters to that city in particular.
So it's a mixed bag much more than you would think. Many states considered Blue like California have had several Republican Governors, mostly famously Ronald Reagan.
You have states like Illinois which has the nigger infested shit hole of Chicago to deal with but otherwise is mostly white and growing corn and shit.
That is probably the biggest thing liberals miss. They don't see every little pocket of "fly over America" as anything significant. There are millions of us, hiding in every little pocket of small town America with small town conservative values. It doesn't matter if our "State" is "Red" or "Blue". At the local level, small town America will always be conservative. And since America is a huge swath of land....there are many more of us than the liberal fucks in the cities.
Republicans aren't pure enough. They could do some good cutting agricultural supports. Government spending doesn't make any nation wealthier; it enriches only the individuals choosing to make the taxpayers pay for them to win unfairly.
This is the perfect trap liberal question to ask IRL and they know it. The answer is there are more poor blacks in these states but if you say that, now the focus is shifted on you being racist. If you say nothing, they smile at you arrogantly. How do you answer this "properly" to not give them that satisfaction.
It's the flipside of braindead niggers voting Democrat
because you're counting all the niggers in those stats, also brain drain is very real, basically fuck the coasts
except this doesnt factor in who actually controls the government at the time. presidents dont do much without house and senate. policy and ability to push through laws and bills depends on the control of these levels of government and is more of a factor than who was president.