These people can't seriously believe that communism will be a utopia, how can someone be so fucking retarded?
These people can't seriously believe that communism will be a utopia, how can someone be so fucking retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
>red army
they talking anarchy foo
>Uniform design
Why are commies all flaming faggots?
>communal farming
they're meat for the grinder and they don't even know it
"i'd like to be in the party"( you know the ones not getting starved)
They wouldn't last a minute in a real world not this fake bubble created for them by better people. And they don't even appreciate it.
The hat chooses for me guys!
Don't bother trying to show them their errors. Just crush them.
But red is the color of communism.
Great times make weak men user.
>"I'd do uniform design!"
>No, you're picking fruit. 12 hour days then sleep in the provided dormitories.
>"But I've got uniform design skills!"
>Okay, go pick fruit now or I shoot you.
>"I'm really good with people, I'll be a therapist"
>No, you stamp out rivets on this machine.
>"But I studied psychology for a semester"
>That's a classist, credentialist bourgeois statement, go stamp rivets.
>"I'm better suited for therapist or something I'm..."
>10 demerits. No rations tonight. Pull the lever on the machine or you go to prison.
>"Y... yes commissar."
I just realized how many former sandwich artists would all of a sudden think the state would support their art careers. USSR was famous for how it treated artists, btw.
>"I'd be a good city planner!"
>We need young bodies for construction.
>"What are we building?"
>A housing bloc
>"Well, that's kind of like urban planning. Maybe I could do interior design for the rooms?"
>Design already complete. Take hammer and nails, go to work.
>"I'm not good with woodworking, I should be a city planner"
>No, you are able bodied, so you go climb scaffolding and hammer nails into wood.
>"I don't think this is fair"
>I'm reporting you to the party for insubordination. Twelve demerits. You now have two shifts per day.
the fuck is that filename
do you see the irony?
these cucks dont understand they ARE the bougious and will be shot
these starbucks marxists would of already overthrown the system once,they will be a threat to the next one when they dont get their free shit as they was led to believe
they will be shot also.
good shit user
Someone post that countersignal comic about this.
>Uniform design
This shit reads like little kids picking roles for their cowboys and Indians game.
It wouldn't be so bad if these people weren't in their late teens/20s/30s. They have zero knowledge of real history.
I'd be the nigger ball washing cuck!
>communal farming
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! So good we have decided to make it mandatory!
Now pick up that shovel.