Get in here, lads. Why are Burgers fucking up the world all the time? Why can’t they just stay in their little shithole and eat burgers and drink light beer from plastic bottles?
American hate thread
Nobody forced you to take any rapefugees.
>burgers made you force an entire continent to import millions of shitskins
Beer in plastic bottles hasn't caught on in the US.
Should have won faggot.
Your country is the one that has been fucking up the world for the last century. The US are only taking opportunities to make a profit when they see a shitty situation that Germany created.
Why do you fight in the war anyway? just asking, i'm curious
Well, maybe if you Euro faggots would stop hiding behind our military, sucking socialist cock, and actually defend your homelands yourselves, you wouldn't be as fucked as you are now. Fuck off, you kraut bastard.
is that really a thing? isn't glass infinitely more recyclable than plastic?
If we would have won the war, then we would be the ones fucking up the world, but this is sadly not the case. We lost, get over it.
the joos have us under contract for the foreseeable future. get used to it. oh, and I think Ahmed is banging your wife again. And your daughter. And your mom. And your son. And your chancellor.
I say we change this thread to a burger and Hans hate thread
I c a jew
>the medium cuckservative stance
no hans, it's our fault (but mainly your country's fault) to take them in.
if we bomb em or not it's irrelevant, they should just deported back to africa. also, 80% of them are economc migrants, so they don't come from war torn cuntries, therefore it's not amercian military intervation's fault
yes, glass is awesome
>If we'd won we'd be fucking up the world
Now you're just fucking up Europe.
We fulfill the role of projecting enough power to allow western corporations to operate anywhere in the world without paying too many burdensome taxes to the local populations who occupy that land. This is generally facilitated by high interest loans issued during times when those populations are vulnerable, as well as, basically, traitors within those population groups. You benefit from this arrangement, not sure why you're complaining. You're supposed to lick that hand that feeds you, not bite it. Silly dog.
>America is a shithole
>says the German
OK, I needed that laugh. But seriously, you need to head home now Hans, your wife and Achmed are waiting for their fluffer
>country with the largest white population in the world
>actively trying to kick out spics and send back rapeugees
>black population doesn't even rise because niggers kill each other too much
It's pretty fun seeing the hate on America in every single thread though from Europoors who are lashing out that their countries are doing the exact opposite we are and we still have more whites. Here I'll do some simple math(s) for you Euroshits.
>country with 70 million people
>imports a million non whites
>about 1.5% more now non white
>they each have 6 kids while Euroshit white liberals have 0-1
>country is now around 8.5% non white
Keep grasping onto how white you are though and how non white we are, it's like a corned rat lashing out to feel a sense of control of the situation.
Also this amount of shilling is amazing, there is a new American hate thread every 5 minutes. I wonder (((who))) could want that.
No u
Hey, show those burgers some respect! They just provided your companies with cheaper labor! Why do you hate the global poor???
Germany declared war on the US after US declared war on Japan for attacking Pearl Harbor.
>beer from plastic bottles
Do Eurotrash really do this?
Bullshit. America didn't depose gadaffi on its own. France and the UK are as much to blame for this if not more.
>Africans and Muslims are literally colonizing the entire fucking planet right now, raping and killing cultures that offend them while demanding the world change to accomodate them
>Why are Burgers fucking up the world all the time?
Just shut the fuck up, Mohammed.
>American hate thread
>becomes a german hate thread
so i guess america forced your weak nation to take in this child rapists?
i guess america is making merkel lock you faggots up every time to disagree with your own invasion?
don't blame us for your own weakness and cowardliness.
you are letting it happen,
Someone replace what EU-Chan said with "I see doctors, lawyers, and Veternarians!"
We're just teaching you a valuable lesson that perhaps Machiavellianism is useful in moderation. Europe once dominated the world because they saw the world as resources to be used, even the people that live there. I'm not saying you should treat humans poorly, but you can't let the uncivilized call the shots. They are uncivilized for a reason, and letting them to what they want does not make them civilized, it just ruins your own civilization.
Food for thought.
You've already fucked up Europe repeatedly over the past century.
t. american
he's right you know
shoo, shoo, shoo away Abdul
>1 post by this ID
sage this shit
ITT: Murcans pretending the nigger loving meme isn't a product of their fucked up 56% society.
After WW2 burgers gained worldwide military and cultural dominance. They used that position to flood the entire world with pro racemixing propaganda designed to reduce tensions in the US. The only source of undesirable racemixing in Iceland until like 20 years ago was the degenerate US army base. The only relevant nation in the world that doesn't have an ethnicity is the USA, they can't be ethnic nationalists so they have to ruin it for everyone.
OP is right. Its our fault. US and UK should have taken full governing control of Germany, as Germans can't run as government without fucking up.
t. urk
I'll concede that we're opportunistic, fake, warmongers. But you fuckers have ruined Europe 3 fucking times in a century.
Americans didn't want to fight. We wanted to leave everyone alone and just trade with the winners. But Japan kept creeping toward US controlled territories despite being warned to stop. When they kept provoking we stopped trading with them, which fucked up their production. So, like autists, instead of negotiating with us and promising not to start a war with us, then bombed pearl harbor and killed Americans. And while Americans were reeling from this, Hitler declared war on us. Any support he had here was lost, and we were committed to avenge the treacherous attack on us.
If our governments werent cucked we could have machine gunned these invaders at the border
Beer in plastic bottles is a European thing
>cheap labour
>implying those lazy sandmonkeys actually work
What my complaint is is that you leave too many of the local subhumans alive for us to deal with. Become a real fucking empire for once and start slaughtering these subhumans wholescale.
>drink light beer in plastic bottles
>plastic bottles
user I...
Nobody forced Obama to kill Gaddafi and start the migrant crisis. Oh wait...
Literally never seen it anywhere
>implying Israel wasn't the one that assassinated Gadaffi
Bugs... easy on the schadenfreude.
TIL: They sell beer in plastic bottles.
This seems like it would be a Russian thing since they classify beer as a soft drink, and I'm happy I wasn't wrong.
Well no one forced the government no. Why does no one make the distinction between us and the (((EU)))
hence the "Oh wait..."
Ivgenia Icajewev
>cheap labor
>Europeans actually believe these illiterate inbred shitskins work
Kvass isn't beer.
>Implying that pisswater is, in fact, beer
if we would have finished Russia after ww2 none of this would have happened. Russia is who destabilized the middle-east, Russia is the one bombing these mountain Muslims in the cacus's that now provide the most Islamic militants in the world.
Drink your fucking plastic beer
>If Israel wasn't created after WWII, then none of this would have happened
I wish I could buy beer in plastic bottles.. here we still have cans. Although I will recommend this beer (see pic) to anyone who is lucky to buy it. Germanfags can only dream of beer like this...
fake and gay. We don't sell beer in plastic retard. You can't even vote on the person running your country you should just end your own life and suffering.
Blame the british then. either way it is not america.
They work in low skilled areas, depressing the general low skilled wage levels.
The (((American))) government*
Merkel is American now?
Yeah, sure.
No, she is Polish. The problem is Americans who fuck everything up.
> Nobody forced you to take all those Mexicans.
You may have noticed that it's quite hard to guard an enormous geographic area.
America is actually a shining beacon of freedom for the world. Freedom-loving countries of the planet look to America for guidance and direction. Now that Germany is unified, it is being closely monitored by the US for fascist and expansionary tendencies, lest it need to be stomped out again like in WW2.
Reminder if the RAISE act passes, don't be surprised if tons of Europeans end up moving here. Personally I welcome them here.
That’s a 40, malt liquor. No one considers that beer
malt liquor is in plastic not beer
and you still can't vote for your leader lol get good faggot
Operation Paperclip would like to have a word with you, Hans.
I love America!
You can gladly move to Ohio once the RAISE act makes it easier for Europeans to come here. They have the largest Hungarian American population.
>Why are Burgers fucking up the world all the time
If the EU became a single nation similar to the USA and the states, it would be larger and more powerful than the USA. Cant have that...
You fuckers promoting the RAISE act seem to be really optimistic about the types of Europeans that will be moving here if it ever passes.
Look at what they did to their own countries? None of them have really learned their lesson, they vote for things like gun control and honestly, their conservative is our liberal.
Europeans are cucked as fuck and I don't know why you guys are so optimistic about the Europeans who decide they want to come here.
We need to BREED. White Americans need to fuck the shit out of each other and have as many kids as fiscally possible, while providing them with the upbringing necessary to become financially successful so that they can become good capitalists and have as many kids as they want.
We don't need hippie environmentalist eurocuck faggots who want Muhammad to fuck every European woman they know.
Fuck no I don't want to move, I just said I love America.
So then come here, as long as you don't vote for gun control or for non-white immigration of any kind.
>America is actually a shining beacon of freedom for the world. Freedom-loving countries of the planet look to America for guidance and direction.
What the actual fuck? Since you introduced fascism with Trump, Merkel has been elected Leader of the Free World. Don't you follow the news?
I'm sorry you're quite upset about Europeans moving here Jamal, but that's going to be the case. We'll have an easier time redpilling them then we ever had with you filthy niggers and spics.
>Merkel has been elected Leader of the Free World
by who? What legislative body has made this decision?
>Why are Burgers fucking up the world all the time?
the only world they fucked up is the middle east, which would have been irrelevant if they would have just had the balls to finish the job.
fucking frenchie napoleon was proto-hitler and ruined europe millions of my ancestors died fighting that faggot tiny dwarf
>What legislative body has made this decision?
The world opinion, retard. Majority decision.
I mean I knew Americans were a bit dense, but didn't you fucking ever here of the massive shift in confidence around the world once Trump was elected?
I'm sorry you're quite upset about encouraging white americans to breed, houng chun mein, we'll have an easier time becoming an even greater empire and fighting the jews than we ever had importing millions of you asian fucks.
It's not our fault that the globalists control the worlds media and brainwash everyone to hate on the god emperor.
But you fuckers did force (and still are) other countries to. Fuck Germans, Poland stand strong
I meant in Syria.
>The world opinion
You mean a small mob who convinced a person to write an article on a left leaning website.
That's the Empire.