For all of us who hate those soulless Krauts
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i would rather have a chnia hate thread.
Rightful austrian clay
I'm sorry saupreißen, but it's true
Austria is just a tumor on glorious Germanys ass
Does Jamal know you are on Sup Forums instead of your cuckshed? Delete this thread or I will tell him
you should restore the habsburgs and claim southern germany
adolf kommt vorbei
jetzt ist er auch schon hier.
Germany isn't a real country and Germans aren't a race they are just random Central European white niggers
Nobody could possibly understand that language, outside Germany (and Mordor)
you forget about protestant heretics
and österreich and die schweiz and parts of südafrika and auch the kompletten nederlanden. thats 4 countries + colonies.
Nice thread, Shekelberg
and a lot of koreans and japs who think we're the hottest shit ever
Why the fuck do germans even speak that trash?
Literally entire world think german is fucking retarded and germans sound like screaming retards all the time
they love the bigger dick, we're literaly central asias cultural enrichment.
Neustria here
Let's form an Austro-Neustrian alliance and divide Germany
only meme flag could post this.
i will tell you something about the german languege. it is much harder to learn than english and takes longer to speak. thats why english won in the poll for what should be international standard.
but if you need to or have to describe complex subjects in large detail, the german language ist DIE BESTE SPRACHE for discussion..
the only german sounds english speaking people cant make are reverse vowels ä, ö, ü; or the SCH and CH.
SCH is the equivalent to the english SH. just pronounce it as in "Ship", "Shovel" or "Schuldgeldsystem" löl.
the CH is this scratching sound from the back of your toung, like this scratching sound 90% of arab is composed of BUT without letting it your tongue rolling the sound.
Yeah, whatever. Now spread your cheeks and smile. For daddy 'Dolf.
>For all of us who hate those soulless Krauts
>I'm a peasant migrant in a country, I post flag under, the country, that has many inter-winded values with German culture and even language, but phleazze, leave the topic on, as degenerate had lost every single other argument in a why subhumans should exist
you have to accept that Germany is the holy roman emperor of Europe, there's no escape from this. They were endowed with wealth from the beginning, they pushed science forward. They have an enormous potential and always were candidates for being the strongest country in Europe. You have to negotiate with them, instead of hating them or trying to turn your back on them
i love germany and germanic people, sage
> writing empty line after each line like a plebbit fag
> not knowing that majority of complex scientific papers are written in English
> lecturing me on German, as if any sane person gives a fuck about language of retards
> implying complexity is better than simplicity, like a bureaucrat
> failure to admit that German is just an ugly language; defending it no matter what (submission to authority and sheep mentality)
Only a kraut could write this.
>90% of arab
like the german population, ahmed?
What happened to your ice hockey team?
>reddit spacing
German science and engineering is the best in the world
imagine what we can achieve together.
wait 4 more years until AfD poses the Kanzler or Kanzlerin.
it is easier for me to not feel guilty for the blitzkrieg than for you to accept the permanent damage we have brought on over your nationstate and it's people.
"Bestürztheit" is what i feel when i reflect on what our grandgrandfather and grandfather have done to each other. It is basicaly the noun for "zaniepokojony" but more towards horror and disbelief than sadness.
and then i think to myself if this makes me run tears without crying how do you feel.
i want for us european people of individual nationality that this monsterous incomprehensive offspring of mischief hatred may gain grasp on our noble hearts.
now i will go kms for this cringe, over and kraut.
fuck the german language and fuck germany
I like Germany just not their politicians,
Manche menschen von Niederland kannst du nicht gut verstehen brudi.
Not even germans like german politicians, holland-kun
i just cooked a nice kirschkuchen and a nice apfelkuchen, german krauts aren't so bad
i wanted to kms but your stupidity fires me up burgerfag.
>empty lines
that was the explanation my grandmother gave when i asked her why german hasnt the world languege and she was alive and a teacher at that time. so much empty words though.
>implying complexity is better than simplicity, like a bureaucrat
where? i intentionally used the verbs need to and have to. i also like it simple but sometimes you have to become "kleinscheisserisch" (smallshitterish) as we call it.
i wont make an effort to address the rest of your 'points' because you're obvious lowlife for getting angry about the chance to apprend something new and after all this is a german hate thread so give your finest.
you can read it for your self again and feel tingly in your tummy. now really out.
Why would anyone hate Germany?
Yeah your political situation is even more depressing.. Good the AFD got atleast some more votes. Also isnt the NPD pretty based? My gf told me so atleast
Swedish poster. Also Pekka i found it kinda fucked up to read that Sweden didnt even help you during the soviet invasion. Wtf?
Thanks for killing our Jews
because they're subhuman
Daily reminder that ottoman rape babies have nothing to do with ancient greeks and that hairy balkan greeks are closely related to ethopia.
>'migrant background'
The problem is that you have no idea how that is legally defined.
Greeks are no more Ottoman rape babies than you are Russian rape babies Hans. Invading armies rarely have any substantial effect on the conquered peoples genes.
>*fucks children*
>*fucks animals*
Go pick a fight with some Turks orsomething
by recent migration
turks that live in berlin for example aren't mentioned
They really wuz kangz though, our entire civilization comes from them swampnigger.
In my opinion the whole Bundestag is a laughing stock without exceptions
They sit all day long on their arses and can't agree on hte simplest things
The federal governments of each different state (North Rhine Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Bavaria, etc.) have way more sympathy as far as i'm concerend
They can concentrate on their local problems and actually do politics
nice try Abdul
i like it when subhumans try to talk shit
I knew Iceland was up to no good
how many of those threads are you going to create? Nobody cares if some irrelevant basement wanker hates on germany
>by recent migration
"Eine Person hat einen Migrationshintergrund, wenn sie selbst oder mindestens ein Elternteil nicht mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit geboren wurde. Im Einzelnen umfasst diese Definition zugewanderte und nicht zugewanderte Ausländerinnen und Ausländer, zugewanderte und nicht zugewanderte Eingebürgerte, (Spät-) Aussiedlerinnen und (Spät-) Aussiedler sowie die als Deutsche geborenen Nachkommen dieser Gruppen."
Yeah, except it's not. The 3 million German late expatriates from the former Soviet Union are defined as migrants aswell so their children have a migration background aswell.
Germany deserved all the rape from the soviet union!
And after that what did they do? as we were progressing all they did was smashing plates and eating gyros. Also nice country btw dude.
Its literally part of your history you turk blooded mednigger
oh so basically you're so fucking cucked that a few million shitskins now will be the majority in a few decades?
This pic is from a protest in London btw. But nice try have a (you)
Germany is nice
fuck off hans or i report you to merkel for hate speech!
dont hate, appreciate
Turn off the proxy, subhuman.
The unification of GAYrmany was the biggest mistake in the human history. We should have kept the Germ-Hans divided.
have one back
>oh so basically you're so fucking cucked that a few million shitskins now will be the majority in a few decades
See, even with "all the shitskins" we have, we are still not as broke and fucked as you Greeks are. Your rebuttal?
fuck off you shit-tier austrian
Byzantine empire (which was Greek) was far more impressive than northwestern Europe well into the middle ages. I doubt Netherlands would have lasted even a decade on the border to the muslim lands.
Turn off the proxy Hans
We must break it. There can be no peace in the world while a united Germany exists.
>Turn off the proxy Hans
Italians are the fourth largest minority group in Germany: After Turks, Polacks and Syrians.
Fake as fuck. Where is Sweden? Where is France where is Albania and Bosnia? Fuck off gyrosnigger.
>compares 80 million to 10 million that never really had a big industry
you seem a bit upset
>90% of arab is composed
>actually thinks that this is something good
Germanic shitheads are the lame of EVROPA. The mediterranean masterrace is the only superior race of human beings. Germanic shitfags would still live in clay-and-straw-made houses living like nomads raping houses and burning women if it wasn't the true civilization like the Romans and Greeks who evolved the civilization introducing science, philosophy and literature in the world. If wasn't for them, germany would still be like the world's shithole: Africa.
We lasted against the fucking british empire. During our golden age we wouldve been fine cuckboi. Even you couldnt beat us. You lost a ton of Danish clay thanks to us.
can confirm
You'll have to try harder roachbaby. Go get Cyprus back orsomething lol. You're genetically the closest race to turks together with Albanians. Let that one sink in. But nice LARP regardles. Inbefore your next post "b-but muslims.." Meanwhile your country is getting floods of muzzies yourself and our country just sends some food there so they stay in Greece.
GAYrmans the destroyer of Europe. Gotta love them.
I have never met an Italian who didn't hate Germany, be it IRL or on the internet. Whoever wrote that is either functionaly retarded or not Italian.
>We lasted against the fucking british empire.
and? when did they ever manage to conquer anything that was at the same technological level as they where?
Bundesdeutsch dialects do sound aggressive and completely shit compared to austrian and swiss dialects. germans are literally the worst german speakers.
>Not cucked beyond repair
user i...
i used to hate them but now they are removing themselves so i like them
they won't be missed anyway
nobody likes germany, not even germans. self hate is part of their culture
Germans bombed frankfurt
They mightve you know.. fought off the Germans in ww1 and ww2. But hey what do you know abdul. I bet they dont teach that to you during koran studies.
it was used on here before reddit newfag
During WW1 and 2 and prior they fought and died for their country. Even to this day soldiers volunteer for the German army and theres plenty of nazis.
Nothing a good ol' flood won't fix. Plus it'll get rid of Amsterdam.
Did you get a weisswurst pushed into your ear whilst you were a child orsomething? Where does this hate stem from? The fact you refuse to pay debts?
i approve this notion
Agreed. Amsterdam is capital of degeneracy. most left wing city in the country yet culturally enriched to death.
>itt, cucks and libertarians shitting on their superiors
Show me JUST ONE PIC of any other nation that ever looked this good
shut the fuck up sorb you are one of us
>Claiming Germany as your own
just why