Redpill me on the (((flu shot)))
Redpill me on the (((flu shot)))
it's like the cumshot but without flu
Every year I've gotten the flu shot... no flu.
I think it's for weak pussies.
They inject flu virus in you along with a helping of gay gene.
fucking idiot the last few flu shots did not even protect you from the flu because it mutated. not to mention a lot of people get sick as fuck right after a flu shot.
stupid brainlet fuck
like im going to let some motherfucker stick me with a needle
Shit is a scam, they can't predict the mutation of the virus. Just jew psyops.
What's the joke?
They predict which strain of flu comes from the other side of the world, which then becomes the target for which to make a vaccine. Travel ban is impossible for travelers who just may be carriers. Expect predictions to be sometimes wrong. If you are sick before the flu shot, you will be unwell in any case.
this. get your flu shots guys it's basically free with insurance and takes 5 minutes at walgreens or cvs
vaccines are jewish
the fact the alt right havent picked up on this but slowly getting it with the opiate epidemic....
white genocide
they push vaccines on pregnant women saying safe and effective yet there have been no testing.
have fucked up children go for it, have fun suing a company that has full protection by the government
you might want to loosen up that tin foil, Alex
All you need to know is that most healthcare personnel don't get vaccinated
The mercury is killing you slowly dumbfuck.
I don't trust those flu shots, there's been too much shady shit surrounding them. I wish I was a normie who could take one without worrying about it.
bullshit, virtually all healthcare professionals get an annual flu vaccination
This. Dying from the flu is natural causes so tough shit old people
Last year my doctor told me not to bother it was so ineffective. It's a scam
Wasn't there just a recent revelation that flu shots not only cause miscarriages but increase the likelihood of miscarrying in the future?
Never had a flu shot.
Never had the flu.
Anecdotes are useless.
>post rick and morty
>thinks vaccines are actually good for you
It really says it all
they are ineffective & toxic, as anyone who has done even a little research on studies not funded directly or indirectly by the corporations selling them.
I got sick every time I took it.
my little sister got strep throat after her shots yesterday
You want a real answer, the answer is they don't really know 100% what virus/bacteria is going to become big during this season.
So they make an educated guess on which it is going to be, but obviously they don't know for certain.
Though the stuff that's in the shot probably won't do you much harm, there is also a conciderable chance (forgot the exact numbers of how often they're right) that the shot doesn't help you in the slightest, simply becuase another virus or bacteria broke out.
to be fair you have to have very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty memes.
IMO flu shots are really only necessary if you live in uban areas or have lots of contact with random people. Its is true that new strains of the flue virus manifest itself and you need a different treatment each time a new strain comes around, just like the common cold.
There is no Mercury in vaccines anymore, that used to be in there, and even if there was, its such a minute amount its negligible, infarct you probably get more mercury from eating fish.
All in all, if you dont wanna risk getting the flu get it, if you dont come in contact with people dont, flue shots are one of those things that dont really matter, and its not really effecting your health one way or the other.
Well I imagine it would at the very least bog down your immune system leaving you susceptible to all kinds of shit
I don't like the fact that vaccine companies can boost their stock price by forcing people to get their stupid fucking shot
Never got a flu shot. Had the "Swine Flu" when that was going around. Felt like I had a moderately bad cold. Still don't believe that I actually had it.
Have you ever known someone who died from the flu? I haven't
I work in a hospital. We all get one.
The flu shot is a low-risk moderate-benefit sort of thing. It might protect you, and it might not. Since the risk is negligible, the cost is zero, and the flu sucks, I get the shot.
it stops you getting one strain of flu
Your IQ is so fucking high
I work around sick people so I get the shot every year. Never have I gotten the flu. Colds on the other hand are a bitch.
>Redpill me on the (((jew shot)))
it's all a racket to sell needles.
>the medical community, people who've dedicated their lives to help others, is conspiring with jews to kill westerners
>no sources needed, just trust me
Got the flu shot two years ago. Still got the flu. Apparently the vaccine was not a match to the virus that year (or something) I won’t get the shot again.