Sup Forums BTFO by ShariaBlue. Tick tock drumpftards

Sup Forums BTFO by ShariaBlue. Tick tock drumpftards.


Shareblue employees are literally going to prison. You people reap what you've sown.

Your a bitch ass nigga. Fuck boi pussi.


Prison? For what? Practicing the first amendment?



Collusion with the Kremlin


Seems to me that CNN and even Democrats / Liberals are either in full on panic mode, or heavily deluded. Hillary is getting arrested Monday. We will have to hook ourselves up to a IV of fluid so we do not get dehydrated due to the salt levels.

nothing will happen. knowing that deep down must be difficult for you

Democrats havee gone completely insane with their projection. We get it; you are obsessed with trying to tar the administration with the scandal YOU are responsible for.

Krumpf is so scared I saw him tweeting things that is proof he is so scared he knows the Russia story is coming crashing down him SOON it was true all along Blumpftards btfo LOL!!!!! I'm with her now.

Brought to you by these fucking nerd/morons.


>Hillary is getting arrested

Do you seriously believe that? She and Trump are friends.

Shariablue were the ones posting those "Meltdowns"...

I think that fucking changed after the election.

Her and Trump are not friends you fucking retard. You are literally claiming this because of 2-3 photographs. That is your evidence for your statement. Also, yes, Clinton is getting arrested Monday.

I keep seeing these shareblue threads. Is this like the over-the-top leftist version of The Onion or the Babylon Bee?

>literally shareblue
Nice bait

Fuck rundleblump is finished. It's over. Should've voted for her


believe it when I see it desu!!

haha I shilled on here for Hillary for like 3 months. Was endlessly accused of being CTR or Shariablue but was actually just an basement autist trying to fight the decline into fascism. I feel I made a dent in things even though we lost the election. I am not alone.. I am one but there are more like me who will rise to shill again at the next election. Eventually we will be triumphant and the light of freedom and tolerance will outshine the stunted sermon of isolationism and hatred. The sun will rise again!

Obama was in tears as he picked Malia up to drop her off in college.
Why was he so cheerful when she left home to work in NYC with Weinstein?

What happened?

>grlumpfh is finished its over for him
>shareblue source
kys shill

Trump lied. It's not hard to believe. There's plenty of people who have shit on him during the campaign that are now part of his administration. Kelly Ann is a perfect example. The whole "Trump hates Hillary" narrative is for show. Why the hell do you think he hasn't had her arrested? He's president after all. He would have had an investigation started as soon as he was sworn in, but he didn't. Le deep state meme has nothing to do with this.


>no really guys this time it's over for real