As a White Male if I open my mouth and say anything that honors my ancestors I get labeled a Nazi. If I want to exclude third world immigrants from my country I am labeled a Nazi. If I attend a rally and to look for political solutions for White people I get labeled a Nazi.
Why shouldn't I just become a Nazi?
Give me one good reason not to be a Nazi
Other urls found in this thread:
you can believe in all those normal things without wanting a totalitarian orwellian superstate you know
You wont be listened because when people hear that you are nazi they ignore you without trying to understand you
Think of it more in terms of Jewish-gentile ethnic conflict. Take the gentile side:
Because the left will call every movement that is even vaguely on the right nazis but that doesn't mean that the public will accept that assertion equally. They called Trump a nazi but he still won despite the vast majority of Americans hating nazis, because Trump voters didn't buy into the idea that he was a nazi. If you are an actually nazi however everyone will believe your a nazi and you will have zero chance of political success.
This. Nation Socialism as a political ideology is actually retarded
>and you will have zero chance of political success.
I don't think there is a political solution. All political outcomes lead to Whites becoming a political minority in every country their ancestors built.
Why should you let your opponents dictate to you who and what you are?
It can't. At least, not in this modern age. Hitler turn Germany from a degenerate third world shithole into a wealthy super power in the span of less than 10 years.
They lied about "the Holocaust".
Read Mein Kampf
The biggest possible Red Pill is Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.
Did they demonize Hitler, and even lie about “the holocaust”, just to keep people from reading Mein Kampf? Yes, they did.
Mein Kampf is the most logical, well written, concise, precise and clear book ever written. Words cannot begin to describe the sheer depth and clarity in which Hitler shows you the truth. You will have to read it to see it for yourself, it is literally the total Red Pill that cannot be beat, it is the only needed Red Pill.
No other “so called” Red Pill is anywhere near Mein Kampf in truth. All the problems of today are clearly expressed by Hitler, because they are the EXACT SAME problems that caused Germany to fall apart during the period that lasted to after WW1 and before WW2. Before the Jew takes it off the internet, go download it and read it real quick, and save your copy because the Jew will be trying to suppress it.
>current year
>not a national socialist
Honestly you people deserve everything that will happen to you and your cunt.
>you can believe in all those normal things without wanting a totalitarian orwellian superstate you know
Enjoy your "democracy" when whites are a minority and therefore a voting minority, where the minorities (aka blacks, azns and spics, now the majority) vote overwhelmingly democrat.
You will never see another party win again. Why even bother playing the democracy game? We won't even be represented.
Forgot pic.
Now image this pic right here if whites aren't the majority. They might as well elected the white-genocidal Robert Mugabe, we would have no power left.
fpbp. eugenics is a good idea that originated in america though
>I get called a faggot
>so why not just be a faggot?
That's what your saying basically.
Because the answer to an over-reaching communist government is not a larger over-reaching fascist government.
You lost
Get over it
Move on
stop trying to beat a dead horse
easy peazy
just embrace it and make a note of who is enemy and who is friend. the day is fast coming you will need to know who to count on.
>as a white male..
Burger, please.
Jews control the west. if you say that you are a nazi, they will arest you
You aren't German. Whatever you think of the ideas, in the end the Nazis were a German solution to a German issue.
Instead you should focus on coming up with a system that works for the character and traits of the people being governed.
i would prefer pic related over picture here I posted.
>almost 2018
>being a Nazi
The future is already here, comrades.
>be nazi
>get punched
The minorities only uniting political issue is taking power away from White people. Then the spineless White Liberals that think that's a good thing.
every straight normal white person is inevitably going to turn into a Nazi. you may as well be ahead of the curve.
>that quote
Karl is full of shit.
>Because democracy works out just fine, right guys?!?....R-right?
Who gives you flak for marrying a white woman?
I bet you have the Mongol epicanthic eye fold don't you.
Put "white only" on your dating profile, recieve abuse.
Well it certainly doesn't seem to be a liberal republic which has to let the communists run rampant either.
Let's say the commie took over America. Would you accept "you lost, get over it"? Is might in fact right?
>yfw the same quote can be used against you
The left can't meme.
gif very related
Well maybe but still if you want to date white girls no ones stopping you.
If you make a point of it, you at the very least run the risk of some cunt trying to get you fired for racism or whatever.
Such is the world we have found ourselves in.
The entire world will reject your ideas and beliefs on the fact that you're a Nazi no matter what. The only way to be a Nazi in the modern day is to cal it something else, as the common man isn't smart enough to truly associate new groups with older ones. They will call you a Nazi, but not because they actually know you support their ideals.
>inb4 if I'm called a Nazi why not just be a Nazi
Because what's official is more important than what's coming out of the mouth of people you don't like. If you officially state that you're part of a Nazi organization you will be demonized even if your intentions are good, and people will not give your arguments consideration.
>inb4 I don't care about what other people think
The only way to help any nation legally is with the power of persuasion, and putting up a sound barrier between you and the public will inevitably make you unable to help others, regardless of race. If you truly want to advocate a better existence for your people, it's only sensible that you would want to do it in the most effective way, with the least amount of backlash and complications. Being a Nazi is certainly not this way.
>totalitarian orwellian superstate
>National socialism
You meant Communism you mongoloid
There isn’t one.
>be nazi
>get punched
Come at me bro
Check Sup Forums's catalog right now. There's a sociologist saying that whites shouldn't be having kids.
You will prove them right.
no, Hjalmar Schacht
Sure because you know so much about it right faggot?
every time
you are not white, you are a pig, not even yuropoors are white, not anymore because everything in the world is so mixed up that you may even have cat dna in your veins
You got me shaking kike
>totalitarian orwellian superstate
You know nothing of NatSoc lol
Nazis killed 6.5 million Jewish people in the Hall of Cost....if that is the legacy you want to followed then so be it
Let's have a discussion on it. Please outline exactly why.
> mfw references a guy who never worked a day in his life and lived off inheritances
>implying many implications
Ideas stand on their own. Marx is a faggot, but that's simply ad hominem.
>As a White Male if I open my mouth and say anything I get labeled a Nazi
Welcome to /our world/
fuck you gay natsoc faggots. You don't even realise how leftist your views are. You hate freedom and you love big government. You should be executed for treason
There is none. There is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi. If you are a straight White male and don't support White nationalism there is seriously something wrong with you
Is Monarchy left wing?
Wrong, the state should direct the lives of the people so they don't abandon their race and culture. Just as the state should regulate the market so living is affordable and reasonable for the people.
monarchy is gay medieval bullshit that no one takes seriously except middle aged british women who subscribe to womens weekly
>totalitarian orwellian superstate
This is what we actually have under fake bourgeois liberal 'democracy'. National Socialism is the only political system that provides real genuine true freedom to the people
Monarchy in itself is diverse enough that it can be left or right leaning depending on if it's proper monarchism with vassal states, or unified one state monarchy that possesses very strict central government.
Nothing wrong with a good big government.
nice flag adolf. Everything is wrong with big government. You hitler cock suckers are seriously an embarrassment to pol
Your post makes me prefer the fake bourgeois liberal 'democracy' desu
Subjugating the individual totally to the interests of the State is a totalitarian ideology which leads to human slavery and a police state.
It is fine to have pride in one's nation and to organise to resist the influence of Marxists and the Synagogue of Satan, but this can all be done without capitulating to a totalitarian political movement.
>Having leaders that care about things past the end of their own nose, never mind their people is a thing of the past
Well, I mean you're not wrong...
k Enjoy your anti white dystopian zog future and the eventual inevitable demise of European people
Why is big government bad to you? And what do you define as big government? I'm American btw.
>the only options are democracy and totalitarianism
>being this autistic
The only downside of National Socialism is its authoritarianism. While I consider authoritarinism to have it's good sides, it's still not for me. Everything else fits perfectly with my views (except some of the socialist policies).
Monarchy literally defines left and right. The origin of the term from the French revolution had the right (literally the right hand side of the chamber) being those that support the Monarchy, while the left being revolutionaries.
The specifics have changed to include more positions in more modern times, but absolutely fundamentally Monarchy IS the right wing.
t. alienated rootless mongrel who doesn't understand the concept of kinship and the national community.
Your version of (((individualism))) is fake and manufactured. Real individualism can only exist in National Socialism through the struggle triumph and hard work of the people in order to achieve greatness and fulfillment. Individualism is meaningless outside the context of the national community and striving to achieve communal goals.
Here is a post of someone that actually took the time to read Mein Kampf. It is truly crazy how spot on Adolf is on problems that are very persistent today.
i look at examples of socialism and then i look at examples of capitalism and then i make an educated decision on what i like better. Socialism is a pipedream that relies on the entire population to be hoodwinked into believing the government has their best interests in mind
The state is not God or your parents, it's a necessary evil
Because Fascism is better without NatSoc autism. Racialism is important but obsessing to the point of getting into phrenology and shit is ridiculous. EVERYTHING in NatSoc is rooted in race. Other Fascist movements took a different approach to race. Read Evola.
>is its authoritarianism
National Socialism is not authoritarian the leader has absolute power but is also ultimate responsibility to the people.
Why do shitskins in Oklahoma vote Trump?
Hail Hitler
Also because despite what people here on Sup Forums will tell you, Hitler DID look down on Slavs and that's a stupid and non-viable viewpoint moving forward and it'll be difficult to get some Slavic peoples on board as long as you run with the Hitler thing. Like, Serbs are racialist and very nationalistic but anything that smells of Ustase is gonna be a big NO from them
>Individualism is meaningless outside the context of the national community and striving to achieve communal goals.
>Real individualism can only exist in National Socialism
Good goy download it on your personal computer.
Its much better than buying it in cash from an other rascist nazi
One man system.
>one good reason not to be a Nazi
they are commies without the internationalism.. and commies are bad, any commie is a fucking fag
nationalism is basically a posh version of communism
what you want to be is a rich guy.
if you are rich.. then you can buy stuff.
That picture is beautiful.
Make America Fascist Again
the irony of that quote
So? It has often been said that the best form of government is a benevolent dictator (obviously the issue with this being finding the right man for the job).
You're American.
>implying it's not me
Nazism is a shit ideology and it comes with a racist genocide. Never again.
If you want to defend the west, be a white nationalist.
Don't be a sheep to a propaganda machine that's been dead for years
Take elements you like about Nazis/facist & integrate them into you own personal philosophy
Don't be a lemming & blindly follow moments that don't give a flying fuck about (you)
No individualism in modern liberal 'democracy' has been reduced to being able to pick from many brands of smartphones and getting the latest quirky xD haircut.
Real individualism can only be achieve through struggle and the natural desire of man to achieve greatness. This flame can only be harnessed and put to use in a constructive way under National Socialism.