>I'm a superior because my pale skin
Hey Sup Forums, you don't seriously believe this, right?
I'm a superior because my pale skin
Nice flag, faggot.
After this image was created, White started flooding into Africa? HELL NO
There are people who believe it, some don't. /pol has a pretty different community.
Don't know if you're aware but, you've made a mistake on your image.
Are english blacks any better than american ones?
I notice at least Nigerians are decent people who's family structure hasn't fallen apart.
The alright thinks blacks are superior to CIA jews? FUCKING BASED!
pity reply
Why is the left so obsessed with photoshopping? Why not just use original images, are you trying to be funny?
... God damn Sup Forums you don't even try anymore.
Is that Richard Pryor?
West Africans and South Africans are completely wretched. The east ones aren't great by any means but definitely much better in every way.
Reality doesn't match their views. The left excels with harry potter references, comics and altered images for that very reason.
No. The family structure stuff is all propaganda as well.
the left really can't meme...baka
I'm superior because of my IQ, the civilizations my ancestors built, because we made it to the moon, because we invented every modern technology. Would you like proof? Look at "Zimbabwe" and how fast it fell once the communist negro Mugabe took over. Same for South Africa, Kenya, congo, Mozambique after the Portuguese left. Negroes have neither the IQ nor the impulse control. That's not my fault.
And the negro will never, ever be happy since he compares his lot to Whites other than his fellow negroes. They got a negro in the White House, they are put into movies and given token oscars, every effort is made to help the negro. and what happens? His behavior only gets worse. Negro crime since the 1950s (when they kept to themselves, had families, and knew their place) has increased exponentially. As has the negro 2 parent family. based on negro IQ, by 1965 they had achieved about all they were expected. By the way, I don't want to "enslave" negroes or anyone else. I just think separation would make everyone happier, and give the negro the monies currently going to Israel.
You tell me nigger?
fuggin ryghts and lefz be raysciss n sheeit, all a white inbenshun anyway. what he finna say is lil nigga on 1 side aint sheeit compared to buff nigga on other side.
white bois cant compete
>retarded tranny having better genetics than a black man who doesn't nignog
I've seen genuine versions of this meme floating around.
It's gotta be the only situation in which the left can see individuals.
also sage
shit thread saged
Muh mudtha fuggin bix noons sheeeit
Can you niggers not read
Negroes didn't even use the wheel after it was introduced to them. Yes you heard that correct, "introduced" because they were too stupid to think of it themselves.
If anyone is interested in this, Dr. Pierce has a great broadcast on the subject. GL Rockwell believed basically the same, which is why he supported Malcolm X-mas and the idea of a negro homeland. Every place they go, they destroy. Every White institution is "systemically racist." White police try to keep them from killing each other, so the negroes start killing cops. The only viable solution to all of this turmoil is separation.
Let the negro rule himself, his own police force, his own government, give the American negro their own homeland and take the entire foregin aid budget away from Israel and give it to the negro to start his new land and wish him luck. we can negotiate which states the negro should have, it wouldn't be that hard, 12 million ethnic Germans were displaced after WW 2.
does anyone disagree with this? Negroes will never, ever be happy living with Whites.
addendum- the Irony is that almost all negroes have the blood of slave-owners in them, so their own direct blood ancestors are far more responsible for slavery than mine ever were.
Shit post bias spotted
sage this shit, Soros paid a bunch of salty meme flag niggers to attempt to divert attention from more pressing matters and confuse people, you should realise your tactics don't work
We're all going to hunt you down and cut your intestines out while you're conscious you fucking gay ass leaf faggot.
Checks out
leftists twats are too low iq to speak to them using scientific facts.
Science = nazi, since "white males" contributed most.
They like usijg FEELINGS. And thats why harry potter references get to them.
They are children in adult bodies.
Its called retardation.
And im not joking.
Africans / Sub-Saharan
>longer arms on average
>longer legs on average
>lower muscle density on average
>better at short bursts of speed, quicker (sprinting)
>better at boxing due to longer arms
>better at swinging due to muscle
>better at many other activities that do not require endurance
>lower iq on average
>lower quality of night vision
>lower mechanical skills such as assembly on average
>lower empathy
>still possess tribal mentality
>lower ability to be a leader (causes a problem with next one)
>lower ability to accept being a follower (causes a problem with above statement)
>lower awareness
>lower self interest and motivation
>lower activity levels on average ( lazy would be the correct word )
European / Caucasian
>longer torso on average
>shorter arms on average
>shorter legs on average
>higher muscle density on average
>better at activities that require dexterity / endurance (marathons / long fights)
>better at grappling / martial arts / power lifting
>lighter eye color allows for better night vision
>on average has a better ability to be a follower when needed
>on average has a better ability to take control
>better at management (these two things are why more quarterbacks are white)
>has higher self worth on average that leads to more success
>has very high empathy, but knows when to use it
>higher self awareness
>on average has a substantially higher work ethic
>better at planning (things such as war) that require critical thinking
>on average has higher performance on assembly / mechanical skills
>higher IQ on average
These things are why whites are superior, to every other race. Different traits can be compared to other races. While being inferior in some ways, the other traits will always make Whites / Europeans superior to every race
Look what they did to Dr. Watson for a comment that the negro Iq is not qual to Whites and that they would never be able to achieve White level of civilization. The Nobel Prize winner who discovered the DNA double-helix was fired from his own research institute.
mostly true but I think you miss one big element (may be related to IQ)- negro superstition. Lived in south Africa for a while. Even the "educated" negroes will first go to the witch doctor before a real doctor. They believe in "juju," that raping a virgin cures AIDS, that a witch doctor spell can make them invisible, that albino body parts are good luck, that negro children can be "witches" if a sudden spate of bad luck befalls the tribe.
This is all not to mention the cannibalism. Recently, a village of 800 were found to have all engaged in cannibalism based on the instruction of a witch doctor. All this and yet STILL neither UK nor the Dutch will take the Boers, who are being murdered en masse with the support of Zuma's government.
>wow how dare you compare races. you are not superior, this is superior! haha, take that! By the way all races are exactly equal and races don't exist too.
lefty logic, jesus christ
>be standard Hollywood black bull for cuck interracial movies
>gets cucked
Oh the irony.
> retarded lefty larping as confederate meme-flag fag
> shitty shooped pic of spencer vs basic model nigger trying to look hard
> durrr see how smurt i iz? i buildid a supah awesome strawman!
> doesnt know left from right
you are literally retarded.
>One of these men would die in 8 feet of water; floundering helpless and pathetic.
IQ matters more than running fast and being invisible in the dark.
I am pale as fuck but do not identify as white.
I am Greek American.
Always was told the American part comes first.
Identifying as white is fucking dumb.
Retarded white people are similarly superstitious. The difference is 10% of whites are this dumb compared to 90% of negros.
>has higher self worth on average that leads to more success
Blacks have the highest self-esteem of any race and Asians have the lowest.
Not an argument
i am sorry, is the meme saying that the alt-right believes that the nigger is better than richard spencer? because that seems fucking retarded, fucking what?
>muh IQ
every single time
>I was Kang
the post
if you point out your enemy's mistakes, they win
thanks for calling me out on my micro-agression, justin. i sure hope one day my country will become as advanced as progressive as yours.