Possible Happenings
Rally moving from Shelbyville to Murfreesboro
Antifa plan to show up.
Tennessee anons please stream
Possible Happenings
Rally moving from Shelbyville to Murfreesboro
Antifa plan to show up.
Tennessee anons please stream
Other urls found in this thread:
first for fuck MPC
Oh, is this another tiki torch parade?
good luck faggots
>hail victory
being a bunch of fat gross boomer WN1.0 faggots who make the movement look like shit isnt a victory
please post more streams if you find them
>Alpha white man who has actually do something other than shit post for his race
Gas yourself optics faggot
nobody will remember this rally because its already forgettable
Murfeesborough ohaoha 1488 live stream notourguys yet just signaling people.
Very bad Goys
>we are murfreesboros loves
Tell me when there's a happening
Anyone who counter signals is a shill
Off by 100
>tfw living in Murfreesboro
>tfw I live like 2 minutes away from the live stream
This is a strange feel, seeing Murfreesboro and my local news on Sup Forums like this
I'm too much of a lazy faggot to go out there though, way too cold right now
this is fucking cringe
But the nice Jewish fella at my school told me that’s not true.
>47 degree
lmfao amerifags.
man up soldier this is the opposition
Fuck flumpf and fuck white people
I feel ya user. I'm in nashville and this 20 degree drop has me sitting on the couch.
>90% to 60% pop in 50 years
>Constant kike media smears whites
>Herion epidemic kills more whites than Vietnam War
>More whites die than are born each year
>Muh white privilege conspiracies while actual white genocide is under way
The time for talking is over, now the white man needs to begin to hate.
It was fucking 74 yesterday!!!
I always found this shitlib insult confusing, they're the ones that are always shrieking about how Trump is going to gas everyone to the left of George Bush
Go play with a tiki torch fag
>T_D faggot intimidated by someone who actually goes out and fights for our race.
>mfw 90% of the people there are FBI/CIA plants
>muh optics :(((((((
fuck you stupid faggots, stay in your basement if doing stuff IRL is so cringy
Murfreesborofag here. Tried to drive over like an idiot but city blocked off all parking. Bout 20 minutes walk from the square. Any other Murfreesborofags wanna meet up lemme know
not likely, schizo-pol. maybe a few
Does she apply the same logic to POC?!?! If so, good for her, she's honest.
anything above -10 is for nigs. brb while i finish cutting my igloo
SA weren't good optics either
virgin nationalists
>Stranger Things is right, redheads are coalburners
#whitelivesmatter trending worldwide good job goys
We have . forgotten the face of our fathers!
These people just make this worse.
White supremacists were asking “Where is Heather Heyer” to protesters during Shelbyville
Sup Forums should have lynched a few niggers at the rally to show that we are serious in our goal of reclaiming America for the White man.
>so neither of those things are white
Kek, she was born to shitpost.
>have a thing for redheads
>get bombarded through the media that they love nigger dick
>see real life examples of them loving nigger dick
>terrified any redhead I hit on has seen miles of nigger dick
life is suffering.
She kinda liked it you can tell, but that turned her off
I get the nigger meme but when your entire life has been spent enduring a cold 37 degree winter you adapt to the heat and start loving it.
bringing the bantz kek
White americans are an ethnos
Someone tell this dumb fucking broad
>Fuck white people, you are what's wrong with this world. You will be a minority in a couple decades and there's nothing you can do about it racist peace of shit
Holy shit, leftists create these wars then wonder why the other side is fighting back. Blows my mind that people can actually be this stupid.
>fighting for their race
they are not fighting shit they are standing around talking and looking like garbage the media portrays white people as
Humans are just migratory and nomadic, its why urbanites are all mentally ill.
I dunno who this bitch is but if she's a federal USG employee report her for violating the Hatch Act.
Why are white American women so ugly?
The chant on the livestream is a lie.
>No hate
They hate everyone that thinks differently.
>No fear
They're afraid of everyone that thinks differently.
>Everyone is welcome here
Then get them to come in legally.
Do you hear anyone saying, "I'm proud of being Nigerian!" No, you don't - so quit the semantics. If Black Lives Matter can be all encompassing, so can we. People like this would get the bullet first before one single enemy.
>that nose
I guarantee you she's (((white))).
Meanwhile in Europe:
>There is no Swedish culture
>There are no French people
>The UK has always been a melting pot
>and so on
pick a lane cunts
>everyone is welcome here
desu she looks jewish
>guise omg we need to police our language
>guise omg kick that dude out of the rally, jews are upset
>guise omg we can't wave that flag, jews are upset.
Kill yourself T_D nigger.
My optics career has the best optics on the alt right, goon
Think they started fucking with the algorithms.
Do black lives matter though?
jesus christ how did you decipher that?
That's a much better way to express the hypocrisy.
>Alt right
they're civic nationalists
Hol up!
If she says BLM is racist for the same reasons then she's just being honest.
was gonna post this lmao.
this is shit, i might even go back to watching tv
I hope to god these morons have learned their lesson from Charlottesville and this is just a setup for Antifa and no one shows, except for Antifa. That way when they chimp out and the CIA fags try to set up another false flag, none of our folks are even there. Though, in reality if that happens they'll just stick a Nazi flag and the hands of some Antifa fag. You really can't win with these public displays. Time to stop fighting this battle in public... Can't win in that space.
Shes like the leading protestor in the ountry
I know this guy, he's a nice guy
come back in twenty
>If she says BLM is racist for the same reasons then she's just being honest.
Except she didn't say that. At all.
>any reason to stay in my basement and shit psot
Whatever excuse you need.
I was about to join a paramilitary group and fight in the next civil war but I couldn't because they had BAD OPTICS
These white pride idiots are almost as retarded as antifa. Tho af least they haven't been starti g violence and riots. Just dumb enough to fall for bait from "peaceful" counter prltests.
Inb4 it escalates bc of antifa and it gets blaimed on the protestors anyway.
lol tell me more
Any interesting steams right now? the M'boro loves feed is boring as shit
>she persisted
didn't the bitch they based the poster on quit her job at the factory within the week?
I live about 45 min away from Murfreesboro and Shelbyville and honestly both towns are shit. Shelbyville has a huge Somalian presence because of Tyson. No one wants to kill chickens, then gut and de-feather them. Tysons brought Somalian in for cheap labor.
>Sacco Vandal
>Mike Enoch
Really? I hope this is true, post sauce friends
I like Kike Enoch, but the celtic cross is too fucking much