Post anime character that describe Sup Forums boards

post anime character that describe Sup Forums boards.
I'll start with Sup Forums




based /his/

>ignoring humanities on purpose
understandably, since they shitpost all the time.

/his/ have best Logh threads tbqh

Which board would Reinhard be?

Sup Forums



>representing Sup Forums


was there, can confirm.
better than any logh thread on Sup Forums
he is worshiped by Sup Forums so he hide somewhere in the background.


Satou would be a more accurate representation of Sup Forums since he initially didn't have any interests, and he never cared much for anime. He's essentially a loser normalfag with social anxiety.
And while he isn't into traps, yamazaki did get him into "weird porn".
Tomoko represents Sup Forums better, since her interest in anime and vidya isolated her from the social dogma. Also, "I wish to be the little girl"

/trv/ one and only mascot is snufkin

or worse yet /r9k/ is included


Oh whoops didn't realize the OP said anime character.
Oh well. Eventually, right?

nah it's yamazaki. Sup Forums hates any vidya unless it's JRPG. He isn;t completely rotten as satou, but he is still bind under the social obligation to join society while hiding his otaku self at home. Plus he got rejected by 3dpd and turn to 2d


Sup Forums

You know it's true
>Irredeemably bad taste in waifus
>Gives up easily
>Lashes out at people trying to help him

Sup Forums

manga is fine too

Fuck no tomoko is a autist that is trying way to hard to become a normalfag .Pic related is a much better representation of Sup Forums.
Thanks for the chuckle.

She's a musical prodigy, that's just the only pick I had of her.

this is anime right?




Sup Forums


Thanks for reminding me to watch this

Sup Forums

me in a nutshell

>not going in alphabetical order
fucking normies




Sup Forums



Sup Forums



No, this is /o/.

Sup Forums

Saddneningly accuratte :(((

Sup Forums

wtf moot




Sup Forums

every time



>newfags not knowing about this

>newfag not knowing that replying like "wtf moot/hiro" is the correct way to address this phenonemon.


Nice dubs





The philosophy threads are terrible. They don't even produce memes.

Not possible.
Anons on /fit/ are mostly people with confidence issues who try to overcompensate via physical training, not realizing that it's more their attitude then their looks that turns the 3DPD away.


>hates the ATF and disregards their rules
>gets excited when she hears a crash in the middle of the night
>gets off to outdated guns

Yeah that's about perfect really.

you're rather knowledgeable about that user.

it's basic common sense and what any normie would tell you about people obsessed with fitness or health of any sort. it's one of those things everyone notices except the ones doing it.


thats old r9k
this is r9k now.

Maybe I should start checking out /r9k/ if that's how they're gonna be acting now.


Still no one posted the only correct answer for Sup Forums ?



literally who?

How does this happen pls tell me im a newfagg

literally you

Based ja/ck/


Isn't /ck/ just a load of jaded alchoholics?

You are the one who's new for not knowing the standard response to this.

this fag is disgusting, why /ck/ keep worshiping him?

Who are easily triggered by things like putting ketchup on a good steak, declare food items as "meme food" and shitpost about fast food and not actually cooking.

Sup Forums


Sup Forums

>this is anime right?

Sure is.
