Can you just sum it up for me
White families are great
They help their children succeed
White families are white supremacist
Fucking and having white babies is bad. Fuck a nigger instead
Jessie (((NYC)))
White families are inherently in opposition to marxist-feminist goals, and we should:
1. Prevent them from forming
2. Have a national dialog about the damage white families cause
>fat coal burner wants to be gassed
One of the reasons white families are so damaging is that white parents want the best for their white children.
White parents not only pass down their wealth to their white children (instead of giving it to blacks), but because they "want the best for" them, they will support the racist policies that protect them, like the policing of black bodies in defense of petty property.
This is gross and wrong.
lol you referring to niggers as bodies is even more condescending than us calling em niggers
I thought was the most consume concise explanation until I saw , but both are good
>very bad
>being this redundant
>taking sociology seriously ever
I'll take a mocha with no whip thanks
Literally the whole """""science"""" of sociology is to reach a conclusion and then try to find evidence that supports it, rather than the other way around.
It's probably the biggest fucking joke in academics besides the full meme-tier degrees like woman's studies.
Bullshit. Its just really really good for trolling people.
If you wanna know how society works, it is the right place to ask questions. Just don't ask the marxist side.
Source: Look at all the rich people winning by knowing their shit.
>to reach a conclusion and then try to find evidence that supports it
Like the 9/11 commission.
>even kikes think it's a joke
You're confusing sociology with economics and marketing
Source: I'm fucking Jewish
wrong, the elites "win" by using their massive wealth to corrupt systems, but where they fucked up was by actually buying into their own sociology nonsense
So do these people believe white people are superior or what? These comments make it seem like they are aware of it.
Yeah, because economics produces such good results. Not.
Talk to the right people and you will get useful answers. I mean, you don't present african "physics" (i.e. magic!) as the solution for our space craft either. Why ask american feminists for solutions...?
Does every jew have to major in economics or can you scrape by with a minor?
Fuck off kike rat
jesus fucking christ, the way jews reveal themselves is a tragicomedy by now.
are they doing this on purpose?
>whites believing in having both mother in father to successfuly raise children in non abusive homes is racist because niggers cant help but be criminal and abusive to their children and that is also white people fault so white people should just be more like niggers in order to equal the playing field instead of niggers stop being niggers because it is racist to expect niggers to ever try to better themselves because of slavery they never experience and microaggressions
>t. fellow white person
>p.s niggers plz fuk me im fat with low self esteem and white guilt in a multicult roach motel city
These stupid woman are unmasking all the feminist/queer theory academic crap that upper middle class woman used to collect. Most of the books are really expensive too.
1) She deserves an oven. 2) She would be baffled as to why she's in an oven, which makes it more fun to imagine.
Haha she is old and alone
When she dies her cats will eat her
White families are superiour to any other kind of family and marriage, and that makes her pissed off because she's a useful idiot