Which phenotype you have?

Hello fellow Sup Forumsack

lets analyze our phenotyps

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Jewish nigger faggot

Nice try Shlomo

You look like a T*rk

You want to be noticed, I notice you user but don't forget that Jesus loves you and that only faggots and degenerates post selfies online. Stay safe user in Jesus name amen.

I bet you dont guess my Heritage right

Dox much shekelberg?

>sage goes in all fields
>Jews go in the oven


Kill yourself, T*rkroach.

Im nothing arabic or turkish.

Its not about that. I want to test Sup Forums
If they realy are that much "educated" / "red pilled"

I wanna cum in your beard

actually after seeing your other selfie no thanks

My face looks eerily similar to yours except my nose has a bump. Same hair and facial hair too.

Well from the side anyway

Post picture or are you afraid?


is that a beard or did a tarantula cum over your neck?

you can't classify someone only with a sidepic, from that pic best I can think of is some sort of Alpine-Med due to the height of the skull and the flat occiput, but curved forehead and concave nose + pigmentation

You are good. On the right path. What the nationality would you guess?

Its not a beard. I only shave like once a week

You're Italian or somewhere near, with a hint of Jew as well although you probably don't know it.

bah, could be from all over the Euromed countries honestly, from north Iberia to south France to north Italy to Greece, it's a common combo

Italians are not Jews

A proboscis monkey from Madagascar.

I'd say northern alpinoid.

You look kinda like Enoch's slavic phenotype

That's not what I'm saying you brownshit, I'm saying somewhere down the line your genes probably got Jewed.

More honey=pot bio-metrics categorizing of Sup Forums users? Oh FBI, you so crazy!!!

>brown hair
>dark black eyes
>shitty beard
it's pretty obvious you're a mutt probably a fucking mestizo and Jew mix though I can't know for sure since I don't know you at all.

definitely some african admixture in there

My mom is Croatian my dad is Czech
I am US citizen like my parents and born in this country.

Well would someone else please offer his/her portrayal


I'd say you are the virgin type.
>american flag
Every fucking time.


You got a problem fucking Somali fuck

Dude thats not a beard. On this picture it was only 2 days of grow.
I normally shave once or twice a week

I'm white/jew hybrid

Sorry I should have called it facial hair on your face instead.

Take a DNA test OP


>The eyebrows are generally well-defined, somewhat bushy toward the nose, and tapering off toward the extremities. The eyes themselves are generally brilliant, both lids are heavy and bulging, and it seems to be the main characteristic of the Jewish eye that the upper lid covers a larger proportion of the pupil than among other persons. This may serve to give a sort of nervous, furtive look to the eyes, which, when the pupils are small and set close together with semistrabismus, gives keenness to some Jewish eyes. The lymph-sac beneath the eye is generally fuller and more prominent than among non-Jews. The high cheek-bone gives as a rule the hollow cheek that adds to the Jewish expression, while the nose in full face can be discerned only by the flexibility of the nostrils, the chief Jewish characteristic of this organ (see Nose). The upper lip is generally short, and the lower projects, giving a somewhat sensual appearance to the face. The chin almost invariably recedes from the lip, leaving an indentation beneath it in the great majority of instances.

>giving the facial recognition database a way to link you to Sup Forums
Don't do this kids

close enough, the adriatic coast also bears those types


My sister looks more "slavic". she has grey eyes like my dad.

I have dark brown hair. My mom has black hair. My dad has "dark blonde" hair and my sister light brown

how do you do fellow nordic aryans



You look mediterranean
Southern France till Greece
To light skin for a spanish/latino



Does someone here has experience with 23andme ?

LoL where do you get this knowledge?

i believe they´re reliable enough


>1% Scandinavian

You have to go back.

glow in the dark CIA nigger


The Jew's Body by Sander Gilman


His face definitely doesn't fit his genetic destiny. He should be overjoyed.

White men should shave daily. Beards are disgusting and are indicative of being a gay Jew. The only thing that could make you more unattractive is being seen walking around with mixed kids.

LoL you Aluminium hat is burning

Jews is it not allowed to be gay

This is a picture of my friend. How jewish does he look?


Very very jewish

On a scale from Woody Allen to Moshe Dyan, he looks like Andrew Anglin drew him.

Why the fuck haven't you gassed him yet?


East Baltid.



tyler fleet phenotype

Blue eyes, dirty blond hair, strong jawline, sharp nose (((not that kind))), and some muscles from hitting the gym 4 days a week so I can be an Aryan god :,)

Heritage: homo


Please don't fall for this trick, they are gathering pictures of your face. FUCK them jews.

brush my teeth

Looks like a caricature of a Hollywood producer. The kind of Jew who would steal your money and then accuse you of theft when you try to take it back

Oh god fucking dammit, why does every single one of my kinsmen living abroad have to be a fucking retard?

nice earings kike.


Never knew dad, im guessing dutch? help plz