What's wrong with Mexicans anyway?


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Mostly degeneracy.

Also they vote for whoever gives them the most benefits.


The longer the boot the bigger the snake.

Read All The Pretty Horses
Our culture may be dying, but at least we have some sense of respect and honour

They’re genetically and culturally incompatible with industrial society. They need to revert to feudal haciendas to keep their spiritual rot from spreading.

Don't be a hater just cause you can't afford them

Also they are worn by Mexican hipsters.

Mexican pointy boots (Spanish: Botas picudas mexicanas) or Trival boots (Spanish: Botas tribaleras) are a style of pointed fashion boots made with elongated toes that are popular footwear for men in parts of Mexico. The boots are commonly worn in an ironic and comedic way by males involved in the música Trival subculture.

It is said that they originated in the town of Matehuala in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí. The pointy boots have risen to popularity at the same time as "Trance music" and the boots have become a preferred footwear for the all-male troupes that dance to the electronic music.

A modern twist on 15th century footwear.

Ilegals are lazy fuckers that that want everything for free and have never worked hard to esrn themselves a living. They are only in america for that sweet welfare and jobs with horrible and inhumane working conditions for low wages. Fuck them all.

As for mexicans, the mestizos are sociopaths, but not as bad as chinese, we are warm with eachother. Well, the spaniard descendants are warm and intelligent, the rest are entitled fucks because muh kuktur

This is how you get mad pussy.
You wouldnt understand.


they are all chill as fuck



That's the most awful song I've ever heard. This kind of thing justify nuclear genocide you know.

What's wrong with Mexicans you ask?

I will preface this with letting you all know that I live in a town, in central california, that is 80% hispanic and or mexican. (It doesn't really matter, because they call themselves mexican, and they considers mexican to be a race all it's own.) I have grown up, as a wee white lad with brown hair, blue eyes and pale white skin, in a community that is overwhelmingly hispanic. TL;DR it wasn't nice.

Why do Mexicans come here? Mexicans come here to live the "american dream" or so they say. What they actually do is come here and leech off of any possible advantage they can acquire from the state, charities, anything. They spread Catholicism, not Protestantism and they have as many kids as they can. They do not pay all of their tax's and they produce gang members for local street gangs. I am most familiar with the type of mexicans in OP's picture. That phenotype is incredibly common among all of the people in my town.

Mexicans come here because it's "better than mexico" and "it's safer here" many of the people who practice the variety of methods necessary come here, border hopping, getting smuggled, taking a plane ride, whatever, most of them overstay their visas but an alarming number of them come across the border which is completely open to mexico in many areas and will be for the foreseeable future, unless Trump was truly serious about the border wall and beefed up security along our southern border. They get across via coyotes, who use them to mule drugs or exploit them to make money in this way or that way.

They come because even illegal jobs in the United States pay more than what they could have gotten in Mexico + there are all the shitlibs that want to help them succeed and ally with them because their brown and "oppressed" somehow.

Mexicans, at least the brown skinned, short, mestizos that mostly resemble southern native Americans (because they pretty much are) love to drink, party and do drugs. cont v

Old news is old.

>Read Camp of the Saints
Our culture is dying with scarcely any dignity left

What's right with mexicans?

Besides engaging in racial purges everywhere they go to racially scrub all not their kind to carve out Mexican-only barrios on US soil?

Besides all the gang problems and everywhere you have Mexicans you have drug gangs?

Besides the hundreds of billions per year they cost us providing for their welfare, jail, school, food, and everything?

Besides the fact that they have zero respect for our nation and sovereignty, disrespect the fuck out of all the time with waving their flags on our soil, and treat our nation like it's literally theirs to take anything they want from?

Besides playing the race card everywhere they go to make everything in America revolve around them, and how they tried to make the past two US Presidential elections revolve around who promises to do more for illegal Mexicans?

Besides the fact that everywhere they go they use the race card to economically marginalize whites and everyone else under the banner of "we need companies and employees who represent us and speak our language?"

Besides all the shit they expect us to take from them they don't tolerate this shit on their side of the border?

Besides the fact that the Mexican elite rich live like Gods because they don't have to do a damn thing to take care of their own ebcause Mexico's entire social culture revolves around what they can take from America?

We have nothing against them. It's clearly because of racism like Mexicans and leftists say.

I know but to be honest that type of shit isn't really a problem. We've got much, much greater issues worthy of nukes up our ass.

Mexicans will funnel money back to their family in Mexico, and they do illegal jobs that are paid under the table that aren't necessarily taxed by the government. Their economic impact is fucking gigantic, they have way too many fucking kids, so much so that it is demonstrably unsustainable and they shouldn't be enabled by the leftist border states and localities with welfare either. Their kids grow up and are considered legal citizens, because our soil is magic and if you're born here you're a red blooded murican, for sure! Eventually when they grow up, they compete with other americans in the job market and due to the fact there are so fucking many of them, there aren't too many jobs. Imagine that.

Farmers, shitlibs, dumb fuck politicians and the mexicans themselves enabled all of this shit storm to come down onto the border states but the effect is clearly shown via our infrastructure and bloated programs that are suppose to be helping AMERICANS. Not MEXICANS.

Mexican people are inherently nationalist and not too many of them are genuinely nationalist for america, they are mexican nationalists and are simply. "taking back what belongs to mexico" it is le reconquista and much of it can be explained in this video. youtube.com/watch?v=KEkDJ_JL1kk

Mexican people do not like non-brown non-spanish speaking people. They don't, they are prideful and are not tolerant or accepting. There are so many of them that they don't have to learn how to speak english to survive in many american cities that have become mexicanized. They aren't learning english and they are not assimilating. They vote in their own interest and will vote for gibs, as many of you already know.

They put extreme stress on our welfare system, and on every single public service, any public system that is operated and funded by the government gets put under more stress because there are too many people here. cont v

All non-whites are not welcome

I agree with this but hate them more than you do

>We've got much, much greater issues worthy of nukes up our ass.
yeah we know

Grew up in L.A. even fewer working Mexicans, just more drug addicts and gang members. Luckily gentrification is changing that

Man for the most part you just described most chicanos and the type of shitty people that goes to USA. For what it's worth, we also hate that kind of people, probably even more than you do.

>Pan-American Cholo-killing Deathsquads will never cleanse the American continents of malignant indio DNA.

>illegals are lazy fuckers
>work jobs with horrible and inhuman working conditions far below minimum wage

What does your little beaner mind know about hate?

Over time, I am convinced that mexicans are going to vote to become part of mexico and leave the union once they become a complete majority in all of the border states, and at this rate, they will become a majority. If they had only come in trickles, then they would be no problem, save for their genetic inadequacies, those could be made up for.

The issue is that there is too fucking many of them. And it's essentially an invasion with no battles. It's an economic invasion, a replacement, some sort of conquest that isn't really being physically fought. It's fought more or less with birth rates and religion, culture, tradition, language. There have been multiple propositions to allow public american schools to teach in Spanish. If that's not alarming, then you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture here.

This sort of immigration is class warfare, they do work, they are hard working people and I have seen that with my own eyes, but they're also taking over everything and have a very tribalist agenda that is pro-mexican.

Poor people who are american have a harder time finding jobs or lifting themselves up out of poverty because they have to compete with so many mexicans. Mexicans don't just do illegal jobs, they have 6 kids who grow up and have the legal right to work as a citizen, which increases job competition at the bottom of the barrel long before firms and business's can create enough jobs for all the demand.

Mexicans employ mexicans, and so on and so forth. You can see why this could be bad for americans. Even niggers get exterminated by mexicans. There are some white mexicans but the vast majority of the ones I've seen are some mix between european and indian and they have a very solid racial identity to their culture. This is not fucking good guys. Don't let your cities end up like my town.

They call themselves Mexicans and wave your flag. Most of them are from Oaxaca area

>Over time, I am convinced that mexicans are going to vote to become part of mexico
Yeah no, as much as these people shitpost irl about "omg mexico is so great" they shit their pants and cry to go back to USA the moment they're deported. Fuck them.

For one, stop giving them gibs, and stop hiring illegal immigrants for shit, and stop catering to their demands like "hurr make america mexico again, everyone needs to speak spanish here".

Mexicans hate each other all the time.


That whole area, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas are probably the worst states in Mexico in terms of the type of people living in them. The short, indio brown 5'4 types usually come from those places. They're probably the poorest and most uneducated states in the country.

>Mexicans hate each other all the time
Not here, diaspora has a way of uniting people behind a common culture. You even have beaner Chic*no magapedes on Sup Forums constantly defending Mexicans saying the men are hard working, it doesn't matter if they vote 85% democrat, it doesn't matter if they are turning formerly white areas into New Oaxaca, if doesn't matter if most of them are illegal etc. They defend Mexicans and push for more to come and take this place (what they call aztlan) back for Mexico

I don't provide them gibs, my unconstitutional, disgusting, commie state government does. The more days I spend in this area, the more I yearn for the day of the rope.

>Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas
That's where the vast majority of US Mexicans come from. They are the shortest people I've ever seen, dark as hell, dumb, uneducated, all come illegally and worst of all have 6 kids minimum. We are doing you the biggest favor draining these people from your country.

Oh my burger friend. You sure as hell seems to have a superficial knowledge of mexicans.

A mexicans biggest enemy its always another mexican.

Its a crab in a bucket mentality.

Especially get the legals as allies burger, dont underestimate how much the legal ones hate the illegal ones.

I work in a border city and see alot of deported mexicans and let me tell you like 80% of them get deported because the legal ones.

Leftists are so easy to spot

YOU go live in a neighborhood the Mexicans took over, and let us know how that worked out for you.

But that's how you leftists operate with constantlly shoving this shit down everyone else's throats while constantly "white flighting" to stay one step ahead of what you dump onto the rest of us.

I don't understand stand the hatred for Mexicans, whites and blacks commit far more crime and account for more of the welfare drain than Hispanics. Whites - 38% of welfare recipients despite only being 60% of the population and having the greatest economic and social advantage. Blacks 39% despite being 12% of the population.

Same man. There's no use even waiting any more. Pack your bags and go, there's a reason whites are leaving California by the millions. If you stay here your descendants will blend into the brown majority just like has happened in every Latin American country. Do your future children a favor and do not have them here.

Read my fucking posts you brain dead twat. There are genuine reasons to hate the mexicans that are immigrating her en masse.

yeah, legal mexican border patrols hate illegals with passion
t. sonorafag here

I'm a leftist? I'm just saying all non-whites are not welcome here, which is how I feel.

I have worked as a medic for almost 8 years, the majority of which in the central valley CA. I have seen the 3rd world crimes the mexicans et al have brought to american soil, decapitations, executions, gang rapes, child molestation. Absolutely disgusting. Couple that with all the free shit they get. Get this, they have their mexico ID card with their california address....and medical card, and EBT/WIC, etc...and the abuse the shit out of 911....oh boy do i have stories.


Proof that the Spanish fucked buffalo.

If I was Mexican and made it to the United States I would do everything I could to stop Mexicans from coming here. I'd rather be the only brown in a white city than be just another brown in brown majority city like the US is becoming.

those are musical shoes

I worked as a paramedic in the centeal valley for a long time. The crimes i have seen them commit are unconscionable...decapitations, executions, gang rapes, child abuse/molestation...etc terrible.

Fuck off chicano subhuman. Kill yourself.

Why Sup Forumstards hate mexicans:
>dey be stealing muh jobs
>dey use welfare
>they don't integrate if they come in large numbers
Why Sup Forumstards are retarded good goyim:
>the mexican replacement taking place both in legal and illegal labor was agreed and planned by their industrialists when they pushed for NAFTA and caused shitstorms like merida initiative
>welfare and social services use by illegals is actually just corporate welfare paid for by the taxpayer, to offset the low wages that illegals get from working with americans who employ them
>integration doesn't happen because there is a lot of racial and political division in the US, over half of the country doesn't like the illegals nor wants to see them integrate

We have our issues which we've caused ourselves, but to pretend that a bunch of 'low iq' people are organizing and attempting to take over your country is stupid, there are both americans and mexican elite pulling the strings

The illegals are victims of circumstances, they are being taken advantage of by the american 'job creators' and the corrupt mexican government who doesn't want to give up the cash cows from embezzling funds for education and basically any government institution.

Of course, trumpfags and the like have their head so far up their ass they would never take any direct action against the wealthy people who employ them and create these problems, they're brown enough to be blamed 100% for the problems.

People are racist.
Mexicans are based as fuck and act like whites. Don't know why people are even obsessing over a wall.

I live in San Jose and a Mexican kid I used to play with growing up ended up turning bad, burned down Gardner Elementary school with his Chicano buddies and ended up being stabbed to death in right front of my house. They're not a good group have in your country.

Apparently something similar to what's wrong with Finns.

Spotted a racist

What no one realizes is that the cartels have innervated Ca, especially the centeal valley. Control of the I5-99 corridor used to be in san jose but has since moved to Turlock.

you have to go back, paco

wait fucker right here.

If whites are 38% of welfare participants, and blacks 39%, that means mexicans/other are at 23%.

If whites are 60% of the population, and blacks 39%, that means mexicans/other, while only being at 11% of the population account for fucking 23%.

That means in a population of 100 mil, with a welfare recipient total of one mill, whites would have 60 million people with only 380,000 on welfare, or ratio of 1 per 158, blacks would be at 39 million and 390,000 on welfare, or 1 in 100, and mexican/other would be 11 million with 230,000 on welfare, or 1 in 58.

So mexicans are twice as likely to be resource drains than blacks and three times as likely to be resource drains than whites. And you still cannot understand the hate?

Yeah ok. You come see the shit I have seen. I have worked in 4 different counties in CA.

I bet you've never even spoken to a paco

Racism is a good thing and leads to great civilizations like northwestern Europe, the United States, Canada, all formerly extremely white supremacist countries. The moment the 2nd world war ended and racism was basically outlawed in government, they're all going to shit now. Purity of race is not a joke. Mexican who come here, mostly from the Indio majority areas of Mexico are subhuman and destroy civilization. No white man in America likes Mexicans anymore, hundreds of thousands of people were chanting build that wall every day during rallies at the election. If you think whites are racist, then I'm glad to hear that whites are doing their job to keep their county 1st world.

I'm already spoken to your beaner ass, spic.


>I have grown up, as a wee white lad with brown hair, blue eyes and pale white skin, in a community that is overwhelmingly hispanic.
Why are you people obsessed with identity politics? Who gives a fuck what you look like and why does it even matter

>What they actually do is come here and leech off of any possible advantage they can acquire from the state, charities, anything.
As I said whites do the same, they account for 38% of welfare recipients. Most of the Worlds perception of us are Walmarts full of fat white trash riding around in rascals

>They spread Catholicism, not Protestantism and they have as many kids as they can.
Freedom of religion, its the first amendment dipshit. Not like Catholicism is that different that Protestantism anyway

>Mexicans come here because it's "better than mexico"
Whites did the same because Europe sucks

Whites account for the vast majority of serial killers, mass shooters and pedophiles so any crime shit you have on Hispanics is a drop in the bucket to the white problem in this country

The welfare is there to offset the low wages that get paid under the table to illegals, illegals shouldn't be getting welfare to begin with, do you unironically think that's a mistake?

How can I get this chicana to love me :(

The counties i worked in had virtually no crome 20 years ago. Now they are plagued by 3rd world crime. Explain that


As of 2015, California has the largest minority population in the United States. Non-Hispanic whites decreased from about 76.3 - 78% of the state's population in 1970[16] to 38.0% in 2015.[17] While the population of minorities accounts for 100.7 million of 300 million U.S. residents, 20% of the national total live in California.

>they abuse the shit out of 911
wew lad, some years ago I worked in some call center as a 911 agent and you're right, like 70% of the calls were from mexicans and it was usually some bullshit. I remember once this lady called demanding a cop car to her house because her husband had cheated on her with a black man, no joke. He didn't abuse her or anything, she just wanted him arrested for cheating on her with a gay nigger.

Tell us some stories famalam

They work harder for less money so the retard party that only got there GED is asshurt they "took their jobs" when its the most basic form of capitalism. But conservatives don't actually know what that means.

Just go back your brown shithole if brown people are so great. Protip: they are not and your family came to the United States to leech off of European American achievements. Even in Mexico the Europeans are the elite class, ever wonder why? Genetics are real and all that matters at the end of the day.

>If whites are 60% of the population, and blacks 39% that means mexicans/other, while only being at 11% of the population account for fucking 23%.
Blacks are only 12% of the population, dipshit. Hispanics are 25% of the population

I have a friend who works as a para medic and he tells me the same thing. I hope that other Americans come to their senses about this shit.

I thought you meant we can't afford tro have Mexicans in this country and i almost agreed for a second

Had a dude call us out b/c his dick hurt post unprotected sex with a hooker. Since it went out as unknown medical and was a priority 1 call we could not divert to rhe cardiac arrest down the street

They do shit work, they just do it cheaply. They work maybe 3/5th as hard as normal person but do it for 1/2 the pay, so you just hire two of them. You don't need to worry about taxes and social security with them either so you save even more money.

Americans have come to their senses. I've even talked to liberals who are leaving California (where I live) because the Mexicans. Whites and Mexicans cannot live together, and naturally segregate. Millions of whites are leaving California. If anyone is white and lives in California, Texas etc make sure not to have children here and to have them in a safe white state away from chicanos.

Dude, it is the truth. I wish it was not the case.

>flee from niggers
nope ill just have guns

too many

The only thing the mexicans are a victim of is your corrupt political system and the fake revolutions that created it.

Mexicans would not be leaving if YOU, jose, fixed YOUR country. Millions of you are coming to my country and waving your flag and committing crime and mexicanizing everything they immigrate to. Fuck you wetback spic trash. Go fuck yourself, fix your fucking country. Make people stop leaving, quit blaming people who support trump. Trump is the solution to the problem YOUR PEOPLE created.

Get off your imaginary high horse and assassinate your politicians and cleanse your country of cartels. Get to work pedro. It's not all our fault, and the only people to blame are Mexicans for not knowing how to run a fucking country. Honestly kill yourself, you wouldn't even make a good revolutionary with your subhuman reasoning skills.

But the problem is that the people who flee ca enact the same bleeding heart policies in the new states they settle...

This, I've reconstructed my house with my father and we had a general rule. If the work has to be done well, we hire white American and pay full price. If we need shitty temporary work, we hire Mexicans for a quarter of the price and they dona quarter of the job but we are happy because it's unimportant. I've recently convinced him to stop using Mexicans, because I don't want to support their 7 kids who are killing this country. We literally have a white American gardener, he does a great job and is a nice guy. Him and his son come out, do our landscaping, he does a much better job than the Mexicans did and I get to support a fellow American even if it costs more.

sort of like the Papua new guinea gourd penis people.

>all-male troupes that dance to electronic music together

that's gay as shit

Carlos Slim got in early on the telecomm business and made almost railroad money. He used his monopoly on phone service to buy up just about everything. Most commerce is owned by Carlos Slim in Mexico. He is the "Mexican-Jew".
Lots of factors make it bad, but one of the biggest is that everyone who gets fed up with it, just goes to USA. There are not enough strong men in Mexico. Even in hard times.

In that case the numbers would be the same for whites, but for blacks

12 million gen pop and 390,000 welfare recipients which would mean 1 in 30

Mexicans would be 25 million and 230,000 welfare recipients which is 1 in 108.

And no, I'm just arguing against the guy who claimed that whites are more responsible for the welfare drain than mexicans.

I flipped the number accidentally on population for blacks and mexicans, but the results still show mexicans account for more of the welfare drain than whites by a significant margin.

Yes, you are sadly right. I know liberals who dislike how 3rd world and dirty California has become, but go to other states and vote for the same policies.
The reason for this is whites cannot live with non-whites, biologically we are repulsed by them, so liberals keep running from non-whites but keep voting democrat for economic issues.
I highly recommend anyone in California who is white to leave anyway, do not have kids here. It's not a first world state anymore, your children deserve to live around white people like themselves and have a healthy life.

most work a couple hours a day cutting lawns under the table and then collect as much welfare as humanly possible.

I hope no one posts THAT

Watch out cabron those are high level boots that give +5 agility and 15 magical damage

Mean I.Q. in the mid-80's to low-90's
You can't blame them for being what they are.


Every day my dad regrets choosing to stay here. The job market is terrible because of them and it was horrific going through the school system here when I was growing up.

I have gotten into nigger tier amounts of fights because of prideful spics.

>The only thing the mexicans are a victim of is your corrupt political system and the fake revolutions that created it.
So, you deny that there are american interests at play here puppeteering this whole show along with the mexican government?

Just like I said, zero admission of responsibility on part of whites.
>Mexicans would not be leaving if YOU, jose, fixed YOUR country. Millions of you are coming to my country and waving your flag and committing crime and mexicanizing everything they immigrate to. Fuck you wetback spic trash. Go fuck yourself, fix your fucking country. Make people stop leaving, quit blaming people who support trump. Trump is the solution to the problem YOUR PEOPLE created.
They wouldn't be leaving if you didn't give them the opportunity to make money in your country dipshit

And this problem was created by both americans and Mexicans, it takes two to tango.

>Get off your imaginary high horse and assassinate your politicians and cleanse your country of cartels. Get to work pedro. It's not all our fault, and the only people to blame are Mexicans for not knowing how to run a fucking country. Honestly kill yourself, you wouldn't even make a good revolutionary with your subhuman reasoning skills.
More worthless moral posturing

Thanks for proving the point I've made, you trumpniggers would never fix the problem at the root, you prefer to blame mexicans 100% rather than take action against the wealthy interests behind this situation

Yet you speak of 'Manning up' and taking down the government


How is this a thing?

indians are so gross

Mexicans cant numbers

The music is awful but it's funny in a retarded kind of way.