America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from religious persecution

America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from religious persecution.

Why are Americans against refugees now?

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Because there were no immigration laws in pre-colonial America.

There are immigration laws now.

Will you let your drug addict cousin borrow your new car?

if like them so much keep them

we already have excess niggers
also, sage

>running away because of persecution for religion
>running away to the west for gibs and because your a low test sandape who wont fight for his country


It wasn't, Jamestown predates the pilgrims. it was founded as a colony for the expansion of the British empire. That is a post-modernist creation myth designed to hide the fact that this country was specifically meant to be an expansion of European culture.

Sure Hans we will take the persecuted Christian refugees since we are a Christian nation and you can have the economic migrant Muslims since you're a Muslim country. now.

Because they are fleeing from problems their religion inherently creates, and which is incompatible with western civilization, and just civilization in general. They do not recognize their religion is the problem, and would love to see their religion take over the whole world, because that's what they believe is the root of all the problems... the world doesn't believe in their version of their religion, and until it does it will always be like this. So might as well go to where the pretty girls, free money, and clean streets are until they can convert everyone by outbreeding them and then electing their politicians to instill sharia laws by force.

Safe zones only, they must go back.

they tried but we killed them all

yeah it sure is a character flaw, leaving your shithole country for a life on welfare with access to unlimited pussy and opportunities...

>racist lies
Sunni Muslims are escaping from Iranian sponsored alawite and Shia tyranny, just like the pilgrims escaping Spanish sponsored Roman Catholic. It's our duty to TO take in Syrian Sunni Muslims just like it was Americas duty to take in English Protestant christians, stop spreading racist hate, god bless.


The French were here before the English.

Except for some Hugenots we weren't here for religion.


>America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from religious persecution.
lmao no

historically dishonest post is dishonest.

we tamed this land. cleared out the savages. conquered. we are under soft invasion by people who only want the benefits of living here, without contributing to what's provided those benefits in the first place.

but i'm racist if i'm against my peoples' genocide in our own country. guess i'm racist.

fuck all types of niggers. fuck islam. fuck third world bean goblins.

America was founded by white goys fleeing the persecution of religious Jews.

>These people are supposedly in danger, lets destroy our values, safety, future, ethnic makeup and traditions just for them.
also t. Ahmed, it would be better to just fix their shithole countries so they can live in the desert in peace instead of coming to Europe and raping white girls.

Because they are economic migrants who have not paid into the system, yet take from it in proportions which are unsustainable. They are illiterate in their own language, and will never contribute to the societies they illegally invade, and will forever force their peers to support them and their progeny. This causes societal institutions such as schools and hospitals to incur large and unrecoverable costs that effect the native population adversely.

Stop believing alt right propaganda, native Americans took in English Protestant pilgrims and have them food even though IT was against their ingests, we must do the same for Syrian refugees, stop believing daily mail propaganda, no Syrian refugees have raped white children

because look what happened to the natives that allowed the refugees

Well thanks for wasting my time with this interesting new shill tactic, I look forward to seeing people like you get culturally enriched in 10-20 years when this thing collapses in on itself.

because the Americans essentially stole America by force. Pretty fitting though, now, we're a nation of incoherent, incompetent, beer bellied, NASCAR loving, cigarette smoking, evangelical Christian retards. I hate this fucking country because of the way it's been flushed down the toilet by way of Facebook, dumb gadgets that occupy stupid beer swilling rednecks, and the same dumb fucks that keep their eyes glued to the TV to watch the next dumb thing Trump does. I hope there's a plague that kills off the conservative idiots in this country, they're better off dead for the whole world.

Because the refugees are sand niggers who hate us and will blow themselves up at every opportunity


They weren't really that persecuted all all desu. They wanted to practice their religion away from corrupting influences and/or make money/have upward social mobility. My direct ancestor was a Puritan.


>there are x social constructs now

It's pretty simple. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

No, America was founded by colonists.


Wrong. eurangutan pestilence destroyed amerindians.

>America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from religious persecution.
Nobody ask them to come.
They took the land by force.

Merci, au revoir.

suicide is a construct too give it a try

>Why are Americans against refugees now?
I would not be against fellow WASP refugees


Refugees.. you mean conquerors.
You mean people who brought civilization to the savage lands?

I think you went took the wrong turn on the false imageboard.

google "leftypol" friend.

Leftists use this meme against Trump supporters but it's one of the best arguments in favor of reducing immigration

Different cultures just don't meld, the Natives let the westerners in (in the sense that many tribes worked with westerners against the interests of their fellow natives) and in the end they got fucking massacred.

how do you think that pestilence got there?

Hate will only take you so far, love and god is what matters, god bless your soul my friend

No, sorry, they were White not niggers and beaners.

so did the black death in Europe, your point is?

American heritage is White heritage.
American law is based upon White concepts from White European thought.
The American all-White neighborhoods of the past were demonstrably safer, and freer of crime of all sorts than integrated neighborhoods of today.
The American all-White schools of the past were clearly superior to any integrated school of today.
All great societies of the past which were White as they rose to power, when they changed from being dominantly White, to a dominantly mixed race society, they fell permanently into decay. (e.g. Egypt, Greece, Rome, Spain, Portugal,Haiti.)

Because they're niggers and mudslimes.

based natives.

>even though IT was against their ingests,
No it wasnt
They wanted them as allies against other indians

Racial integration of our neighborhoods and our schools has forced them into decay, just like the racial integration of the societies of the great White nations of the past caused them to fall into decay. History, both ancient and recent American, has consistently taught the very same lesson. It is clear beyond any debate, that modifying the racial composition of America away from the dominantly White society that it was as it rose to power, towards a mixed, racially diverse society, will be catastrophic. It will plunge the great American nation into the same depths that the other great White nations of the past have fallen in.
Based upon the extensive history of the Black race it is clear that it is not capable of creating or maintaining an advanced society. It has never created one advanced society in Africa. In every case (such as Haiti) where it has been given a thriving society, it has killed it, driving it into the same primitive state that its people have always lived in, in their native Africa. (For any who is foolish enough to doubt history, we have the sad spectacle of South Africa playing out before us, which should erase all doubts.)

because the current refugees are not European


Wrong analogy. No argument.

Try again, subhuman.
Wrong. Amerindians developed civilization relatively before europeans.
>20+ eurangutan diseases
>kills 90% population and 60+% death rate epidemics for 4 centuries

>1 plague
>kills 30% of europeans
>invaded by nomads

It's pretty simple. America belongs to Amerinidians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

History has shown us that the Black race cannot create or maintain an advanced society on its own. Its members therefore, as a people, cannot well fit into an advanced society, as equals, living and working beside those who not only are capable of building one advanced society, but have built numerous such societies in all climates and in all types of land.
History has shown us that the Hispanic peoples are also deficient in creating advanced societies like the White race has repeatedly created. While they have shown ability that is superior to the Black race, by creating their own written language and some moderately advanced societies they have not been able to take the superior natural resources of the South American continent and do much with them.
Spain and Portugal sent soldiers to the lands south of the Rio Grande to conquer and take the wealth of the land. Instead of sending families to colonize, the Spanish men took native wives. The racial makeup of the lands south of the Rio Grande is composed of American Indian, Black, mixed-race and a small percentage of Whites thrown in. Their lands have never thrived like the nations to the north where Whites colonized and kept their race intact, seldom mixing their race with others.
By "celebrating diversity"we are bringing in th

Well, they had to kill the natives, so they know what's gonna happen.

...or, at least that is why I am against taking refugees.

By "celebrating diversity"we are bringing in the Hispanic and Asian peoples into White America and we will cause the North American continent to become like the South American continent. The great wealth and stable society of the White United States will be traded for the poverty and instability of the revolution torn countries south of our border.
Even if all races were exactly the same, if there were no differences whatsoever, the fact that Whites created the nation of the United States of America, means that we are completely within our honorable rights to restrict entrance into our country. We may honorably allow only White immigrants, or no immigrants at all.
The number of Whites, as a percentage of world population, is now down into the single digits and falling fast.

The (Rapeugees) coming into Europe are not refugees they are migrants we owe them nothing.

By the same methods Africans, arabs and mexicans are replacing eurangutans all over the world. Don't you know about it?

Natives were more and happy to appease the white man to kill their rival tribes.

cuz those "refugees" genocided the natives and took all their shit?

shit man, i unno lol

America was founded by terrorists for terrorists

then you should know not to fuck with us

Remind me again what happened to the Natives, pls.

Nearly all of the White nations on earth are now accepting large numbers of Nonwhite immigrants. The only one of the three major races of earth, that is in real danger of falling into a minority status in its own racial home, is the White race. This could easily lead to extermination of the White race.
Those who support American diversity, Nonwhite immigration, miscegenation, integration, and/or Affirmative Action, are either: 1) ignorant of the above critical facts; or 2) blatant haters of the White race and seeking to end its existence on planet Earth.

so unlike the native americans, we should try to preserve our culture by securing out boarders.

They were not fucking nigger and beaners you fucking faggot.

America was founded by conquerers. For your own sake I suggest you start seeing your "refugees" as such too.


Guess they left out the part where John Smith snuck into the Powhatan nation and pretended they were tribals.

The flooring in your house was literally built by a carpenter, why lock your door now?

See, I can also pretend to be 5 years old

It's sad, yes. If whites are gone, only Asians can try keep humanity over the animal level.

It's pretty simple. eurangutan pestilence killed Amerindians. eurangutans are dying out because they don't have children, and they need immigrants to support their pathetic welfare systems in europe and America.

Being this the same situation or not. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

You're still falling for leftist multicultural bullshit.

There's literally no reason to expect tribals to be more loyal to each other than to European allies.

It's like expecting a wolf to only hunt reptiles rather than their "fellow mammals."

Checkā€™d Asians will not be as kind as whites would be. Yellow man gonna rule the world.

What if Muslims or the Chinese got to America first?

This fucking meme. Even accepting he basic premise (which I don't), you're reducing it to "refugees". I'm going to go a little more specific - America was founded by white, protestant, entrepreneurial men, looking for LESS tyrannical government running their lives and taxing them. It sure as FUCK wasn't founded on dindus and sandniggers who are destined to TAKE from the government system (rather than escape it) and contribute nothing to society except occupy space. Fuckin' 80% or so of Syrian refugees are illiterate IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE. Wars don't make people illiterate. They were ALREADY fucking losers in their society, and now they're coming here with zero job potential. Fuck sakes, stop this meme.


Isn't ownership just a social construct?


The concept of ownership comes from the proto-humans. All humans share this concept, the early stages focused more on family ownership and less self- ownership.

If ownership concept is valid then America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

So you agree with America belonging to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans? Great for you.

All lands were gained by conquering.

>evangelical Christian

No we weren't, we were Christian at our PEAK. Since falling away from Christianity (in favor of Liberalism) we have become what you've stated though.


Liberalism degrades nations.

So you support european replacement?

The "refugees" that founded the United States weren't a bunch of desert dwelling muslim rapists

>Why are Americans against refugees now?

We were shipped here, euphemistically called 'indentured servants'.

We know just how nasty we are, and we're kinda full at the moment.

yeah, so, that was before and this is now, before you could drive a car at 14 without a license and carry a gun, before at 8 you would start working with your father at the farm..

you're done?

and subsequently killed the natives. Do you not see a pattern?

>implying you are including the context of the situation with your bullshit

Land belongs to those strong enough to hold onto it.

I don't want to be in the same situation as my puritan ancestors in the future?

Sure, other people have the right to try an conquer, but those who have already conquered also have the right to defend.

>has fag flag
>calls others subhuman

>america was founded by refugees
>muh native genocide
>"user, why don't you accept refugees?"


You could at least fix the typo

Because we literally just destroyed their lives and countries. Have you ever heard of a time when a country is at war and then the winning country allows the people to move in? They have NOTHING to live for except vengeance! And the war was based on a lie by Zionists!!!

refugees who built this county. you know, the roads, buildings, sewers, etc. they didn't come here and go on welfare. and they were white

There were borders. That's enough to make you illegal.


I agree,shame the niggers,spics and muslims are taking it from you : ) the difference is that is going to be slower and more painful as you watch american girls listening to rap while getting rammed by tyrone

Not really.

Because they're savages who ruined their country and now want to ruin ours.

I'm working on that

So you agree with european replacement?
Unitedstatian eurangutan faggots copied the mongrel Cusco flag.

So you agree with Amerindian superiority? Great for you.