Capitalism just werks because it's a Darwinian competition between rival firms

>capitalism just werks because it's a Darwinian competition between rival firms
>centralized planning is inherently bad, so it's good thing capitalism lets the invisible hand of the market do things

When will Sup Forums wake up from these retarded delusions?
This idealized vision of capitalism has NEVER BEEN TRIED

In the TRUE CAPITALISM we live under, the vast majority of the economy is controlled by small groups of centralized monopolies, while the entire thing is being PLANNED by the executive leeches of the financial sector who actually are the majority holders in pretty much every company worth mentioning nowadays.


Wanna fight faggot?

My great grandpa worked on a farm and used newspaper as insulation for his walls. His son ended up working as an "exploited" factory worker for General Motors because it offered him a better life outside of dirt poverty. Then his son had the opportunity to get a college degree and work a well paying job for a trucking company, earning a well off middle class lifestyle for his family. Then he was able to provide me with the education and opportunity to become an engineer and maybe someday provide an even better life for my future sons.

That's what capitalism has done. Our family didn't elevate itself because of a government welfare program, but because of the economic opportunity to rise up that capitalism provides. Under communism that never would have happened, my great grandpa would be a poor farmer, my grandpa would be a poor farmer, my father would be a poor farmer, and I would take up the same mantle of poor farmer. And the commies would view this as a wonderful, beautiful thing, because I'm not "alienated" from my work or some meaningless communist drivel.

if you're tired of shilling you could just... you know, give up.

but then again, you're probably doing it for money. i'm telling you: you're barking up the wrong tree. the more you try the stronger we stand in our convictions.

capitalists can only think abot money

are you being paid to post here you little faggot?

Define communism for us. Let's go.

relax, pedro. im not a capitalist but i do hate communist fags.

Worker ownership of the means of production in a propertyless society where each man receives according to his need and gives according to his ability.

No. You forgot the piece that they don't teach you in a burger academy, that it's a classless, moneyless and stateless society.

It was the kellogg corporation that lobbied congress to force all americans to get their penisskin cut off.
That is just proof that capitalism is sick

Where is your GM now? Bankrupt and sucking on a government tit. Capitalism my ass.

>classless, moneyless and stateless
That too, although it was implied by everything I had already said.

>be an engineer or doctor doing highly skilled and needed work
>get paid as much as a fry cook or garbage man

Justify that communists.

Hell, it swings the opposite direction too. Who the fuck wants to be a sewage worker or a welder if I can make just as much doing easy work or no work at all?


Because, the people running the country aren't gonna say they kneed more than everybody else.

Theoretically there aren't supposed to be any people running the country, in fact there's not supposed to be "countries" at all. Granted, this has never happened, because communism is basically a fairy tail in terms of how realistic it is.

As its been explained to me "everyone would do what they enjoy!"

I don't think communists have ever done hard work in their lives. The skilled tradesmen I talk to enjoy their jobs but there is no way in hell they would do it for free.

I was talking about after they glued a horn on a horse, but I don't doubt that you know a lot more about it than I do.

I for one, LOVE smelling people's literal shit all day in a wastewater treatment plant.

Of course, some commie fag would probably say that we'll all just take turns, to which I would say "how the fuck is it efficient to train literally everybody to do my highly specialized job?".

Riiight. Implied.

Have you ever lived in a communist country?

Marx himself said that a propertyless society where the workers owned the means of production and each man received according to his need and gave according his ability would naturally become stateless, moneyless, and classless.

I mean, it's never worked, but that is what he said.

There has never been a communist country.

Laziness is not a bad thing. Its called over exerting - doing shit u dont want to do for years on end to reach a goal that is still repetitive.

Putting stress on your mind and body turning you into a hardended cunt with rigid beleifs.

Yeah i dunno if thats capitalism, i dunno what system fixes that shit.

>Under Communism, the working day is freely determined by the workers

>Under Socialism, the working day is as short as possible because employed population is as large as possible.