How do we solve the Cartel problem?

How do we solve the Cartel problem?

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Take 150 Pennsylvania militia men, armed to the fucking teeth and kill every single one of them. Men, women, children and elders.

Violent, but understandable.

did he died?

Can some Mexican maybe elaborate why the Mexican government doesn't give a shit that they have something literally worse than ISIS in their country?


>they get paid to look the other way while their citizens get killed
This is why I can't stand illegal spics. All of them have ties to the cartel. The cartels are nothing but savages that should be exterminated to the last man. It's sad that more amerifucks aren't in this thread. Hopefully they aren't caught up in a slide thread or some bullshit. Anyway, what are some idea? My thinking is focus hard on illegal Immigration and look for ties from legal immigrants to the cartel, and either the legal immigrant complies and gives up the cartel spic or the legal immigrant gets thrown over the wall

>openly hacked to death in public
>wonder why politicians don't act
Fucking idiot.

The Mexicans should've went Hebrew style on them.
Censor cartel worshippers, stop their music, burn their effigies, discourage their children from looking up to them or even dressing like them, stone the cartel members in the streets, and hang their leaders.
The whole society needs to turn against them from the bottom up.

Those people are worse than animals. They must be purged from existence.

This is what evil looks like.

I wish the Mexicans would try something with California. Lord knows there's enough of them to try to La Raza or some shit. If that happened I hope we'd push south, and take mexico and throw all the beaners on the other side of the Panama canal after we take it back. But seriously, our military needs to protect our southern borders and we need to stop all trade and immigration and all of them from even entering our country till we remove the cartels agents

Agreed. What do you suppose we do? Of course theyll be destroyed but what will get us to that point?

Brown people, brown styles of government.

The wall couldn't be built fast enough. They all need to go back, even the ones born here with citizenship.

I'm afriad Mexico's far too jaded for that to ever work. Instead, you need to step down to their level and go even lower.

If you want to win then you'll need to hurt the cartel usefully. Chopping off a few heads here 'n' there of a few pushers and leaders won't stop shit. Instead, go for their families; young and old, we don't discriminate on age. Round up the cartel and their families, then tourture the latter until you know what you need to know, then kill them all. There are plenty of trees that need to be completely uprooted.
You find a drug den? Burn the entire fucking neighbourhood to the ground.
You find a drug user? Burn their entire fucking family to the ground.
You find a drug? Salt the earth.

Show the cartel a new kind of hell.

Some elements of the government are certainly corrupt, but to suggest there is no fight against the cartels by the Mexican police and Mexican armed forces is simply bullshit.

Both the Mexican AND American govts. know where the cartels are based and their MO down to the last detail. They are the only ones with the capabilities to wipe these animals from the face of Earth.
Our governments are supposed to protect us from this scum, not partner up with it.

>born here with citizenship.
I agree. I believe citizenship should be granted only if 3 generations of your kin were citizens. What do you think? Or should there be some kind of overall test to acquire citizenship even if you're born here?

usa needs to legalize drugs to shut them down

>Can some Mexican maybe elaborate why the Mexican government doesn't give a shit that they have something literally worse than ISIS in their country
Who do you think pays the Mexican government?

>Trump's March to the Panama Canal
I can agree with this bong. Ultimatum to Mexico: Either kill the cartel or we will

This, except that it should be done by a Dirlewanger brigade

Another american post

you dont

support the death penalty to anyone part of a cartel

>How do we solve the Cartel problem?
We build a wall with constant drone patrol hooked up to a streaming online gaming site so you can log in and shoot illegals.

To be honest though, I feel like the Mexican people are complacent with the cartels at this point because they dont seem to have an issue with this shit going on everyday. Its not the US's responsibility to stop this. This is what Mexico wants.

>no fight
There might as well not be. It's still a complete hell hole in that country and it's all because if the cartel. Whether due to corruption or incompetence, they are failing and shit needs to change

Agreed. Our government deals in drugs I'm sure, and I'm tired of it. They should not longer get away with sacrificing it's citizens to peddle drugs

>enforce the death penalty to anyone connected or related to the cartel
There, fixed.

Holy cow is he okay??!

hell walk it off im sure

legalize drugs

>not the US responsibility
I would agree but they kill Americans too. Even worse they kill white Americans. This is unacceptable and the Mexicans should put an end to it. Or else we will have to


That's not gonna work
Just legalize drugs and cartels will dissapear

I fear this would stop them only for a bit. Then they would infest our country and LEGALLY sell our people the drugs. If we do anything like that then we'll have to ensure there are no cartel in our country. Which would be difficult

The worst part is that for cartel videos, this is like 2/10 for gore, pain, and suffering.

I don't know if legalization alone would enough. In fact I know it wouldn't. They would adapt


Unfortunately the drug addicts in this country keep the cartels better funded than the Mexican government is. The cartels have been trained by US special forces, and in most cases being a soldier in a cartel is better pay than being a soldier for the Mexican Marines or a police officer.

It's also worth noting (I think anyways) that we in the US have not successfully combated the cartels which exist in our country, or even the smaller drug gangs which peddle their products.

Mexicans are subhuman i dont know how they are so wicked when most spanish in spain seem like good people.

supply and demand

US illegal drug trade is 100$ billion a year revenue. As long as Americans spend that much a year getting high then there's going to be brutal criminal gangs fighting for market share. big money is the prize.

do you think it hurt

>literally a rural suburban retard
Kek. I'm sure the entire cartel underworld will fall like that!

Seems to be solving itself.

I would never EVER advocate for one nation to impose laws or policies unto itself for the sole benefit of benefiting another, completely unrelated nation. Fuck them. The United States of America shouldn't do shit for Mexico; those weak-willed assholes should suffer the hell they've created. But more importantly, drug legalisation failed in Portugal. They have a drug epidemic.

Legalisation might fix Mexico's cartel problem, but then you'd have a lot of people out looking for work. So, you're opening yourselves up to that. But also, with legalisation comes the legality to advertise drugs in the media. That is rock bottom degeneracy. It's already blasphemy that the nicotine-Jew and alcohol-Jew is pushed to the youth as "cool." Really, that oil tanker's already up in flames, stop trying to snuff it with gasoline.

War. Supported by the american military. Total purge. Natives must take their nation back from the narcos. Even legalize them if they want, but they can't allow their entire nation, politics and economy to stay in the hands of drug warlords.

Total purge against the demons.

>Red Alert - Hellmarch.mp3

>better paid than Mexican gov.
Yeah no shit the cartels pay the government. That's why the gov is so ineffective in general and even MORE so against the cartel.
>haven't combatted them in our country
I have no idea about the spec ops training, can you sauce me on that? I wanna read more. And no you're right we certainly havent, and I'm open to ideas. I believe if you purchase drugs from a cartel member then there needs to be sever consequences even if you're just a user. Our border needs to be militarized and so does particular Gang Control Squads (less scary sounding than RWDS but effectively the same) and cartel and gangs should be considered enemy combatants and should be shot on site if they're trying to cross the border. And anyone crossing the border should be assumed to be cartel members

Exterminate aztec blood.

why do you even care?no tourist has been hurt, i think.
Let the brown people be.

Haha I agree. But what of the legal spics that help the illegal ones? What to do of them? I'm searching for polices to put in place to make the culling of savages and the retaking of our nation a bit easier.

> But more importantly, drug legalisation failed in Portugal. They have a drug epidemic

Are you serious?

>no tourist has been hurt
That's where you're wrong. Not to mention the ones being killed in our country, they aren't even being killed abroad. That's disgraceful and all of those savages deserve the rope and you know it.

Taking from the DU30 playbook.

I don't think we disagree, just a bit of 'the pot calling the kettle black' as it were. Gang violence in the US is through the roof, I don't have the numbers but I wouldn't be surprised if it were worse than what the cartels are doing in Mexico (albeit the cartels bring a level of brutality which is uncommon here in the states).

>I have no idea about the spec ops training, can you sauce me on that

School of the Americas

No wonder your country is turning to shit

Rich Mexican detected.

>can some Mexican maybe elaborate
all replies are from American flags

The man's a visionary.

narco gov. protected by the military. only a civil war can fix this hell hole

I would also like to note the avocado industry is heavily run by the cartels now. So it's not just drug users who happen to be funding them. I'm sure it doesn't stop at avocados either.

theyre bought off

most of the people in the military are mexican, second i dont think rich powerful cartel men would want to go to another country where they can get caught and put in jail

Napalm. Fucking lots of it.

Kill them all.

the mexican government is not a democratic government its a corrupt politicall party system and burocracy that perpetuates itself based on corruption impunity terrorist violence and class discrimination. the military controls the territory and administers the drug trafficing with the cartels. the widespread violence and terror maintains the people at the top as untochables.

>i dont think rich powerful cartel men would want to go to another country where they can get caught and put in jail
Many cartels members are here, like, a fuck load. I'm sure the richest of the cartel members are safe in secluded compounds, but believe me, the cartels are already among us.

They'll just turn to other forms of crime like human trafficking gun running extortion racketeering. Literally every organized crime syndicate does this

mexico has potential to become a western 1st world society , but the corruption is high , mexico ultimately needs fascism to get rid of degeneracy

>pot calling kettle black
I can see this in a way, however who do you think supplies all the small time nigger gangs with coke, meth, and heroin? More people in America may get shot by nigger gangs I'm sure but compared to the total brutality of the cartels I could care less. Our gangs weren't nearly as powerful (or well armed) as they are now. The cartels are the ones who supply them with everything. If those cartel goes down, the small fries die along with them and thanks for the further reading! I hate how many problems our government has created for us to clean up it's like they've consistently fucked up since we were entered into WW1 despite the American people wanting to not join

>Duterte Death Squads
This man idea is choice. I wonder about the details and effectiveness. I would Jewgle it but there nothing but "muh authoritarian killer" about him. Not a word about it's effectiveness

m8 im mexican , they are not. why would they do that? yes there are drug smugglers and certain members of cartels but most stay in mexico they buy of the local police and the politicians why go somewhere else

Before the cartels got a strangle hold on the supply the smaller gangs were able to find products via other avenues, the Triads for their meth and heroin for example (and not entirely, but mainly). Coke, well, they can still get that from Columbia. The idea being that if there's still a demand, the market will supply

I'm Mexican too, nice to meet you. The cartel is literally here in the US, you can say otherwise but it's not true.

>Most in our military are Mexican
So what? They're American. And if they aren't they should get the fuck out or be killed as traitors. As far as I'm concerned I want them to show their true colors. The colors of the Mexican flag. That way we can get rid of them and improve our military and border patrol.
People worship these things and I swear they taste like puke. Regardless, cut all trade from Mexico they're a fucking narco state

calm down neckbeard , kill traitors ???? hahahah stop living in your fantasy dreams. and cut trade with mexico? good luck paying 10$ for a gallon of gas

They are bribed and even if someone would try, the cartels has the government by the nuts

>had other suppliers
Of course they did I would never deny that. But it's beside the point considering Mexico is so close and at this point in time Mexico is the main supplier. We can deal with other small time threats after we deal with the main threat at this moment. And believe me I wish we could destroy our gangs with the same vigor as the cartels, I just think law in the USA is not geared towards that right now and it would require certain laws to classify gang members as enemy combatants and not citizens. That's the hurdle that I think we have to jump but if we can link them to the cartel then we could have a law that does that a bit easier I believe

all the clean politicians keep getting hacked

They kidnap rich white castizos like you, usually when your young, they sell you like cattle, if your pretty eyes are light colored you fetch a higher price

End the drug war

>Kill traitors
What else would you consider military that doesn't do it's job you deflective faggot? And fuck Mexican trade we have more than enough resources to make up for the shit they export to us. We would just have to change policies to become more energy independent and focus on trader more with better allies. I didn't say cut off trade with the world dumbass. As if Mexicunts are the only people with oil

It's this weird, what would you call that, the opposite of serendipity, idk, that we put all that effort which was more or less successful crushing the cartels in Columbia just to have the production/supply move closer to our own country. It'd be funny if it weren't true.

with dakka

wats the big deal? axiombre obviously deserved his fait

>funny if not true
Yes our government is one of the most ineffective and highly retarded. I'm tired of them fucking up and not doing what they're supposed to do. Look out for the interests of Americans

Lmao those LARPers would end up exactly like the ops video. The Cartels were trained in torture tactics by the US military

There are more Mexicans in the US than Mexico at this point, it's a tragedy, I wish they were all deported, every single one, liberal or right wing, white or mestizo, integrated or not. Mexicans are the great disease upon this once great country and it fucking sickens me that all these US posters in here are Mexicans too and proud to admit it

The 1965 immigration act was the last shot to the heart of America we will never be the same again

>deserved his fate
I agree all cartel spics deserve similar. It's rounding them up that's difficult

What the fuck did that guy do to warrant such a cruel fate?

>all this
Agreed. They need to be destroyed. I don't care if we were dumb enough to train them or whatever. If we trained them we can destroy them. It's only if our people have the will to take back our country from the Aztec plague

It's the other way around, legal Mexican immigrants come from wealthy families in Mexico that need to be connected to the cartels as a matter of security for their social status.

Your average grape picker is running away from the cartels

>There are more Mexicans in the US than Mexico at this point
are you stupid? thats not true. did you get that fact from your puny president?

I grew up around bean friers and they spoke openly about the corruption in the Mexican government to me. If any politician steps out of line they and sometimes their whole family is murdered. Search for lists of Mexican politicians who have been killed and you'll start to understand that the cartels are the government in Mexico.

build that wall

These fucking dumb beaners think the US military trains people how to torture them what a fucking moron, like it takes super secret training to cut off someone's limbs with a hatchet. Your mud race has been doing this for hundreds of years you fucking dwarf

its controlled by the cartel.

anyone else they bribe with the drug money which is a lot or they just kill off.

Average IQ: 88

Find me a country below 90 IQ that isn't a corrupt shithole.



get rekt