European invasion

pol: America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

Number of flags on moon by Europe: 0

If you're friend had a Porsche sitting in his driveway but literally never drove it, what would you do?

What amerinds? We killed most of them and bred the rest out of existence.

might makes right. fuck with us and find out.

>Green cards

It was because the savage didn't have a concept of nationhood or maps that the white man was able to take over so easily and create AMERICA

Not steal it, you fuckin commie scum.

Good point.

Irrelevant. The land belongs to the ethnic group which early development stage happened on such land.

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?

So you agree with european replacement? Great for you.

Did you know that the Powhatan killed over 300 settlers in Virginia?

It’s fucking crazy right? We hear about all the white on black massacres but our professors seem to leave out the savagery of the darker races.

>Invade lands
>Get killed by the people defending the lands
Gee how horrible

It seems eurangutans don't want to have a high enough replacement rate to support their welfare system. How is this not proof of european subhumanity?

THe funny thing is that image actually disproves the entire point it is trying to make, because it didn't happen.

Natives didn't ask for greencards or identification or any sort of tracking system because they didn't have any such system in place. The United States was not any kind of organized country before the Pilgrims came into it. Instead it was just various tribes with lots of infighting strung out among vast distances and highly malleable territorial lines. There was no form of cross regional law of order at all whatsoever.

The Pilgrims therefore could not have been illegal immigrants, because there was no real country to illegally immigrate to yet. Natives have zero grounds to complain.

Makes sense but the people who take the time to make "white replacement" a issue but want to hear it.

They're called indians or savages. Don't make up words.

Okay, but what if he had no proof that it was his and it was just sitting on the street in front of his house?

(This is all a metaphor for the Native American situation, btw).


The problem is you want all that we built.

Actually it's pretty simple. All their defended terrain where they made semi-settlements are literally proof of the concept of land ownership.

Europeans settle on europe: 40000BC
Amerindians reached Canada: 25000BC; then after the deglaciation (10000 years later) populated the rest of the continent in 15000BC

European crops date from 10000BC.
Amerindian crops date from 6000BC.

Europeans getting the bronze from other culture in 3200BC.
Amerindians reached the bronze age in 500BC approximately.

Also as a great factor:
Horse domesticated in 3000BC approximately.

Knowing that the rests of all amerindian populations of 14000BC to 10000BC were pretty much paleolithical-tier and all lived as nomads, practiced some artistic manifestations as european paleo-populations. It's safe to assume they started again in the paleolithic and had to morph the environment of woods, jungles and coasts to their convenience, the same the europeans did with their environment for thousands of years before the Neolithic.

Then let's compare:
Europeans lurking around as nomads: 30000 years.
Amerindians lurking around as nomads: 9000 years.

Europeans reaching the bronze age from other cultures after the Neolithic stage: 6800 years.
Amerindians reaching the bronze age by themselves without the influence of a culture thousands of years ahead of development: 5500 years.

Let's check also how many years have humans modifyed the horse population and environment: 37000 years.
Let's check how many years have amerindians affected the camelids of South-America, when the spaniards came: 16500 years. They had less than half the time, yet they already domesticated diverse species for food and whool. Llamas can carry up to 50 Kg.

And I didn't mention the disadvantages such as continental isolation (north-south and east-west), Niño fenomena that destroys coastal villages, less cultures to trade with, and no naval technology, iron, horses, wheel, and writting from north-african nor anatolian cultures.
No thanks Hansel, you can go now

The Indians didn't have a legal system that spanned the continental US. They were made up of tribes who "belonged to the land." What they did was therefore not illegal. Besides, even if it was, Europeans conquered and set up a legal system. After ultimately separating from Britain, the US code of laws became the system of laws that people of America had to adhere to or face the consequences.

Immigrants have to respect US laws because the US government has a monopoly on righteous violence. It has nothing (0) to do with morals. If illegal immigrants want America to not have a boarder, they can upheave the government and install their own.

this but ironically

No. I want my population trade where we send all POC from Europe to America and all willing whites go home. /thread

Irrelevant. Territories defended, land ownership.


This is 1/3 of a thought. You follow the law under threat of violence.


So will Europe when the Muslims obtain a controlling share of the Europe's population. Will your opinion change in that case?

Let me explain to you how conquest works.

One group attacks another. If the other is able to defend itself, ok cool. If not, the conquerors take the spoils (the land, resources, women, etc)

Europeans conquered the Americas. Case closed. Accept it. Get over it. Move on.

Now, Europe is under attack, like many times before and we will defend it, like many times before.

What is so difficult for you to understand?

>Kike Alert
Hmm I wonder (((who))) is behind this post. Israel and Zionism should be dissolved and given back to Palestinians since you kikes have so much disdain for Western Culture.

So you agree with european replacement?

Learn to read.

Thats sort of what happened. So, in the ways of old(conquest), they fought, and the colonials won. The West triumphed over the savages, end of story.

I look forward to the day where Germany changes its official name to Germanistan I'll make sure to say they conquered them, oh and any mass murder or humans rights abuse will be called a "show of strength".
>Europe is under attack,like many times before and we will defend it.

If we killed all of the Native Americans, would the land still belong to them?

If no, then it's in our best interest to go kill them all off right now.

If yes, then odds are you don't belong where you live either, because most people living right now are on land that was previously occupied by humans genetically distinct from them. Some of the original groups still live today, like the Ainu in Japan. Are you prepared to tell 120 million Japanese people they need to get off their island?

Does the land belong to them if they didn't believe in property rights? Because then the land would belong to no one.

How much land does one need to occupy to say it is theirs? Because the natives were not unified, they were hundreds of warring tribes, and most of the east coast was vacant when the pilgrims arrived.

Does this mean you support all of the black people going back to Africa and all of the Arabs going back to the Middle East? If so, then I support you.

i love how that comic tries to prove a point, but ends up completely counterproductive

maybe if the indians had detained and deported the europeans before it was too late for them then they would still have reigned over the amerikas

You don't think we will be able to defend Europe or that its under attack?

if only the natives had civilization. perhaps another 40000 years would be enough to have had an immigration system.

>illegal immigrants

What law were they breaking? Be specific.

If the Germans can't defend their ancestral homeland they don't deserve to keep it. I'm not saying I'd be happy to see their culture replaced with a backwards and barbarous one from the Middle East, but that's just the way it is


And may we all take it as a giant lesson and never make the same mistake again.

...And look what happened to the American OP.
Dead or penned up.
Want to accept anymore "immigrants ", Whitey?

Fun fact: thanks to the white man's agriculture and medicine, there's more Amerindians now there have ever been before!

It's pretty simple. eurangutan pestilence killed Amerindians. eurangutans are dying out because they don't have children, and they need immigrants to support their pathetic welfare systems in europe and America.

Being this the same situation or not. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

They were conquered. How hard is that to get?

The moon landing is like the least relevant/useful scientific achievement in the entire history of humanity

But we’re all one human race.

No, land belongs to the strongest, that's the way of life and vector of humanity.

Right by conquest. And as white people are waking up, as shown by the massive increase of support for nationalistic political parties, we will ensure that the territories we built we remain European.
Deal with it.

>eurangutans are dying out because they don't have children
There's nothing wrong with that. It's liberals who think this is a problem. It is not, in actuality.
>they need immigrants to support their pathetic welfare systems in europe and America.
In America, that system supports shitskins, especially Native Americans who get tons of gibs and do nothing but drink. We don't need immigrants. We need to get rid of welfare.

>the Native Americans were genocided by European invaders
>illegal Mexican immigrants are our friends
Pick one and only one

If only social justice warriors had been around to arbitrate disputes between indians and white settlers.

They would have been sodomized and scalped by the indians and shot or bayoneted by the white settlers.

American Indians had slaves. All american indians are racist.

So-called Native Americans are actually natives of Siberia who invaded and violently displaced the Clovis people who resided here before them. Injuns have no moral highground or a unique claim to this territory.

>The land belongs to the ethnic group which early development stage happened on such land.
So the American Indian actually own Siberia and have no claim to the Americas by your reckoning.

>So you agree with european replacement?
False equivalence, since the current invasion isn't occurring due to the invaders' might.

Say that at a bar mitzvah

says the fucker using the internet

America is the social construct of the lands occupied by Amerindians. Amerindians had already ownership concept, Amerindians have America or whatever cluster of concepts from multiple languages you prefer to define this land.
It's pretty simple actually. Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. How is this hard to get?
>it was better for us
Good for you. The eurangutan replacement will purify the world and will be better for humanity as a whole.

>Confusing immigration with colonization and subsequent conquest
America became white land by right of conquest. The natives everything that happened to them, for being too weak, too disorganized, and too technologically backwards to defend themselves and their 'civilization.'

What happened was merely a matter of natural selection; nature selected whites.

Palestine never existed as a political entity or in any other sense. Your criticism of Zionism is based off conspiracy theories and wild antisemitic rumors.

look what happened to the native americans. illustrates that we shouldn't let it happen to us.

>Amerindians had already ownership concept
No they didn't. They were hundreds of warring tribes. They had no concept of what a country was.
>Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans.
This is a meme. Amerindians barely had a civilization. And it's not like they grew out of the ground and had a later "starting date" from other races, we all have a common ancestor.
>The eurangutan replacement will purify the world and will be better for humanity as a whole.
Everything we know about history says this isn't true, but if white people didn't exist anymore, I suppose I wouldn't care how quickly Earth augured into the ground.

They dont have that many though. There is a few on instagram but other than that fuck all man.

Kike detected

Amerindian superiority is a historical fact.(as I have explained in numerous posts above) Try again with some facts, monkey.

I like you. Have one final (you).


Try it harder, you fucking muslim sub"human".

>America belongs to Amerindians

How can a country that didn't exist belong to people who didn't create it?

I have no religion, see my endorsement of natural selection I just hate you kikes for fucking up the world with all your lies, and subversion, and tricks. You people are worse than Muslims - complete scum. If there was any justice in the world Hitler would have killed all of you.

I'm totally down for this. White ethnocontinent. Let the Jews have their country ful of browns to rule over, and leave us alone in Europe

Distinguish between pioneers and immigrants.

Well, at least you say so. It r(your flag) refutes the "anti-Semites on Sup Forums are white men" narrative.

Nice meme; however, what do you achieve by believing in this type of rhetoric?

Anyone with a brain who learns about Jews independently, instead of being fed brainwashing opinions from western media and evangelical Christians, will realize they're parasites and grow to hate them. Race is irrelevant, every non-Jew is just another gentile to them. Kikes are the enemy of all other peoples.

They have their reservations. Sucks for them, but that just goes to show you mass immigration is a mistake

>Evidence presented to refute this
>Ignores evidence

Indoeuropeans should go back into their fucking Steppen and live together with related Turkic tribes

When you sell your house to someone do you call them invaders?

Refute what? That reservations exist?

The Jews aren't the enemy, the zealous centrists and violent fags are. Israel is a shining example of what America should be, their land made perfect for their perfect society and people. You're all just autistic neo-nazi larpers. They don't want a one world government unless desperate times call for it.

>Not knowing the history of America beyond memes
Why do Europoors even bother?

If they want to blame someone for Multiculturalism, blame white women. You don't need to look around to see that, white women are your enemy.

>pilgrims came illegally therefore America must let everyone else in

Said some cuck who probably supports dumping refuges into the West, but hates on religious exiles who built the fucking country. Fuck off, or come up with a cogent argument.

We were warned of White Liberals. We didn't listen, oops.

everybody but Sup Forums btfo

I want to post this on lefty facebook pages but can't blow my cover

imagine drawing this cartoon and thinking youre being original

>Blame the sheep and not the shepherd
So the media, Hollywood, and politicians have no influence on behavior?

By the logic in the OP, all Jews should leave their host nations and go to Israel. Why don't they?

When will you people realize, extermination is king!

If you want to prevail, if you want the ultimate win then you have to exterminate your opponent. Literally and totally.

There is no status quo, no coexistence, no nonsense.

If you want your people to thrive you need a homogeneous society, that is the only way.

It's happening because of jews

America belongs to the Anglo's just as Europe belongs to the Anglo's. How is this hard to get?


Okay, kick all the muzzies and niggers out of Europe and then we will discuss

True. Come home European man

>travel to america over a landbridge
>we own this now

I always though that this was a weird argument.

Open immigration didn't work out very well for the Native Americans, did it? Could we, perchance, learn from their mistakes?

same as in Australia
schools dont teach that the aborigines tried to massacre any settlement they came across, the only issue is that since they had sticks and white people had muskets, it didn't work so well for them.

is that so?
tell us which indian immigration law they broke

Amerindians cannot even claim ownership over hairspray without drinking it to get drunk.