NFL nogs gonna get real uppity tomorrow. Should be interesting

NFL nogs gonna get real uppity tomorrow. Should be interesting

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You guys keep banging on and on about how great you are, but have this open defiance of your nation on a weekly basis.
If its not this, its statues being torn down.
You have guns, fucking use them.
Do you want to be a fucking ridiculous joke of a country like us? Because that's where you're headed, m8.

When even the nogs who take home millions a year start to get uppity you know something is up...

> That’s not how you use guns.
It’s people what like you is why you Brits ain’t got no guns guvna

>Shooting someone for doing something you don't like
We don't do that here Ahmed

Guns are a fucking meme for Americans, trust me. At most they're just a way of defending your property or family, but never a 'collective' like your white neighbor, your heritage, your people or your country. At the very least they're a nerd fetish like comic books and people just collect and shoot them for entertainment, and 99% will never use them on a person.

Guns didn't stop the 1965 immigration act. Guns didn't stop the Fed. Guns don't stop anything of a collective nature or a rebellion. Guns in the US are just used for personal protection, it is a micro thing, not a macro.

texans owner playing 4d chess
donald sterlings himself seeing writing on the wall that football has no future

This new form of preachy political football is the best.

We can't just shoot people because we feel like it. That's not how it works, brit bong.

maybe to pussies like you.

we use them here in Tennessee. Stop sucking all that soy and learn your history and culture American.

>dude just murder them lmao

They won't peel off the Texans logo off the helmet, because they know if they do that they will get fired..maybe not that instant but guarantee you they'll find a single little thing and cut their ass quick.

These fucking athletes are so stupid.Their entire job position is being attacked by younger and CHEAPER kids wanting to take their job. They have no job security and now they are doing this shit it and I bet the Texans have a completely new roster in 2 yrs


I disagree

Relax Nigel, they're vandals not gang rapists, lol.

Glad my parents will never watch a Texans game ever again.
Since JJ is out for the season they haven't really cared, but now they'll have malice for the team.

If they actually refuse to play then someone will get fired. This is going to have a huge impact way beyond a single game, advertisers are going to demand much lower prices and guaranteed refunds in the event it happens again. On the political front it will be another slap in the face to the normies who just want to watch handegg, now the game isn't just being politicized BLM will actively be denying them the game

please happen. I think peeling the decal would be best as that would be a blatant violation of NFL rules and they'd get fined.

They'd better not

bet timbercuck will kneel
they have been making a stink over him for a reason.

Hopefully no one gives a shit about about the NFL anymore. Texans are shit anyway besides JJ. The Astros are Houston's only team now.

Or this could be a psyop to make people tune in to see what happens and it's a big nothingburger. Instant ratings.

It appears the shills do want a civil war on the 4th

Literally who. College sportsball or gtfo

>You have guns, fucking use them.
What? Just randomly start shooting people in an unorganized fashion? Maybe it's a good thing you Britfags don't have a 2nd Amendment.

It would be strategically suicidal for us to start a shooting war with (((TPTB))) at this point in time.

I wish a nigga would


4 fucking dollars for a ticket.
LOL -fuck the nfl

>but have this open defiance of your nation on a weekly basis.
These are niggers we're talking about.

>tfw almost had to move to houston a decade ago
>almost had to root for the texans

They brought in the whitest nigger they could find.

Nah, T is a G

Nice attempt at adapting Australian humor.


*nigger egg
*nigger egg
*nigger egg

Guns are to protect us from a hillary clinton presidency, not 20 roided up dindus

No, user. It's called nigger collision. Negro concussion ball is also acceptable.

theres so many fucking statues and most of them on private property