Why haven't you settled down with a nice young woman with kids yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you settled down with a nice young woman with kids yet, Sup Forums?

You know your time is ticking and there's plenty of nice young women with kids out there waiting for you to take care of them.

What's my motivation?

To not end up alone.

Single mums are just for fun. They are always really filthy when they think they are about to snag an earner. Works for me.

Being with a single mum is much worse than being alone. Anyway, If you're that happy alone your probably gay.

Where should I find a nice young woman willing to give me kids?

I'm comfortable enough with my own company.

Because im under 30 and i dont give a shit about making 4+ white children fucking crucify me faggot.

That seems to be something that generally concern women more than men desu.

Unless you stumble across perfect wife material early (which is extremely rare), a man shouldn't worry about marriage until he's nearing 30. Until then, the focus should be on personal development, career advancement, and the acquisition/growth of personal wealth.

Men date down in age. A successful, healthy 30 year old man will have much better options in finding a decent wife to raise kids with.

Got 3 of them all slav like me ..
They will never watch a Hollywood movie they will never take a loan they will listen to classical music and the only television they watch is in the form of how to video's on YouTube they have books to read and I keep them fit as I keep myself fit ..
They learn traditional family values and they fight both physically and I'm teaching them to do the same mentally. .
If anyone isn't doing the same they are already failing so get to work nothing is free and easy only modern lifestyles of cucks do that ..
the culture is degenerate and nihilistic I will teach them virtues and how to shoot how to eye gouge and cook animals from alive to the plate .

Someone else said something like "what are the odds I'm going to find someone who isn't a cumdump or an airhead, and is also attractive to me, attracted to me and single, with similar interests?".

It's pretty accurate. Afaik most people are subsumed into a nihilistic hedonistic consumerist neoliberal hive. I *like* girls, they're nice to me, it's just I don't want a romantic relationship with any of them because I've learned it's better to be alone than with someone you don't truly love.

That said, I'm 18 so we'll see how things turn out; I want to have a happy family and bring some hope to this shit world.


Ok sure psycho


>not infusing children with your genes

What a retard.

Wait, no, that sounded wrong.

What's wrong with being alone? You don't need another person to make your life worthwhile

Wimen are lying, disease-ridden whores.
Besides, I've perfected my masturbation technique.

I don't want to depend on the American taxpayer to find my family since I work at fucking walmart.

vaginal jew promoting beta behavior
go away

The only reason to date a woman with kids is to stay in bed while she goes to work and have the kids come suck your dick for breakfast.

Really, though, do you know how expensive raising a kid is, compared to a person's average income nowadays? And paying that for a kid that isn't even yours... those kids better suck dick like a pattaya whore.

All the minorities are just going to do it anyway
Save the white race since this economy is crashing when China calls in our chips no matter what you do

>woman with kids
are you man enough to take care of another guys kids?

>Whore wearing lots of makeup
>Fake-ass bitch hiding behind a mask

No thanks.

Used to be with a woman that had two kids. Never ever fucking again.

shart manager, is it you?

Sup Forums Mods confirmed for sjw lunatics.

Cant post african culture threads but you can talking about settling down with single moms.

I hope you finnished here soon you fucking bitch.

The difference between myself and minorities is that I know it's taking other people's money rather than it just being "free cash because I don't understand how welfare works and I'm a room temperature IQ nigger with no less than 8 kids".

You think I want to bring a child into this world where this individual will be one of a few whites in the classroom? No thanks.

I love being alone

Manager? That shit doesn't happen here. Been here 13 years and only 3 or 4 have had hourly management titles. This is, unfortunately, the best I will ever have it.

My fiance died in a crash car about a year ago 26 days before our wedding.
I have had absolutely no interest in women since then - I have still not gotten over it, and probably never will.

Because I took my gf's virginity and now she's clingy af and wants my babies one day.

If you dudes find a virgin, don't let her slip away. She'll be clingy and you can mold her into whatever you want and that will only make her love you more.

You can literally live anywhere if you're on gibs anyway
Just up and relocate to the rust belt once you're signed up, there you go

I'll date a girl without someone elses mistakes thank you very much

It's a basic self evident truth all men realize
No one wants to end up with a used up woman. It's like a game of hot potato, just pump and dump it on the next poor bastard.


Don't even waste your time with them, though. It's a bitch trying to find a virgin, but they are out there. You don't want to be wasting your time with some roastie and pass up a virgin who is legitimately pleasant to be around and treats you like a king . Especially because it's harder to find one as they get past 21.It's not a big deal if you are older than her, obviously, and it's usually a benefit. But after a certain point there is a limit. So Don't waste your time with these worthless roasties when you're still young.

damn man.

Dear God that's terrifying.

>You know your time is ticking

you mean women's clock isticking..not mens

I spend all my life alone, I've leaned to love it



How is your life in Rwanda?

I'm 25, dated a few girls and fucked over 20.

i tell you now. pussy isn't worth it, build a savings

Well unless you wanna end up with a used up whore. All the lil ladies these days have jumped many cocks before their mid 20s.

Breed more white children and non degenerates for the future of man kind.

I personally haven't settled down because im 25.

second women are untrustworth and every man i've ever met that says he found the one and married her, is now divorced and paying her alimony or child support.

women are also a legal risk. I got into a fight with my last gf and asked her to leave my place and she wouldn't.

after she struck me and tried to wrestle me i took her stuff and put it outside,then she called the police which led to me going to jail. I had a clean record before this.

beyond that many guys i knwo \have been accused of sexual harassment at the workplace, and accused of rape by women who enjoy the attention of being a victim.

when you think long term women have nothing to offer and take more than they ever give.

all of this on top of the fact women cheat and lie, also the amount of rejection you will recieve if you are not tll or well of financially or have status they can milk.

you will be fooled into valuing women through abstract hypotheticals like
>society needs children
>men need sex
>it's bad to be alone

but these are lies to keep you playing the game.

If you look closely at advertising strategies, you'll realize they direct;y appeal to your manhood by attributing a hot girl i.e. sex sells

but understand you don't need a woman. a woman needs a man.

If you really needed a woman in your life, trust me no woman will be interested in you anyway. they like self sufficient men.

and they will seek to exploit this power of pure independence, which they are incapable of enjoying.

the fact is women offer no benefit, and at most you will receive a child with mo accountability who love creating more problems than se can solve

Codependency detected

im in my mid 20's.

I was open to the idea of marriage at 21 when i was still blue pilled.

now I see as a situation with more risk than reward.

why in the fuck would i commit to a bad deal that can ruin me financially and emotionally.

my doctor lives at his parents house because of his divorce.

fucc you if you think i'm letting that happen to me

>If you're that happy alone your probably gay

hahaha roastie tier logic.

trying to attack a man's dignity and sexuality because he won't take a bad deal.

not gonna work. women offer jack shit.

>b-but find the right one user.

this is just a way to keep men playing the zero sum game.

Spilled my cofee thanks for that kek

What the fuck is that? Looks like a deformed fish. Are you one of those non-White mud people commonly found in New America? Are you in California? Get the fuck out of my country.

Because I'm waiting for a fully functional AI robo waifus with artificial wombs.

>Robo waifu wants to post somthing on Sup Forums
>capcha: "I'm not a robot"
>is sad, but posts anyway

Good luck with that perfect world "I'm an intelligent man" scenario. Just so you know, there are 3.5 billion other males on the planet looking to fuck your future perfect wife dream.

Meant to say Unhappy alone.

> Attacking a mans sexuality.
> Gay
> Man

Faggots everywhere

it's crazy how much the fat changes a normal face. Sad!

>there are 3.5 billion other males on the planet looking to fuck your future perfect wife dream.

at least 20 of those men already did, so what am i missing here?

2 core reasons.
1. I'm broke living at my mums house. Currently saving for a deposit for some land/starting a business. Validated idea with high ROI. I'm only 24 now. Should have it set up in 2 years. Then I'll have a significantly higher SMV.
2. Both of my siblings are autistic. I'm a high IQ, tall Anglo-Saxon but am I genetic dead end? Having kids is not the only sort of sacrifice men of this board must make in the coming decades.

Who is this magnificent cum dumpster? What strip club does she work at?

>then she called the police which led to me going to jail
Fucking what? What charges did they arrest you on?

Going to church is the key. If you're early 20's start watching the girls when they're teenagers. Pick the ones you like, when they get near 18 talk to their fathers, ask him when they'll be available. You have to get your name on those lists. Being well-groomed, wearing a suit, and being educated with a good job helps. And always call the fathers "Sir".

Is there a 2017 picture?
Asking for a friend.

I settled down with a nice young woman and made kids

show your true flag, leaf

Fucking kill yourself groomfaggot Pedophilia and premarriage isn't smiled upon here, we aren't fucking mudslimes.

Fat whore

1. You know she is not infertile
Which is huge. Worst situation to be in is married and can't have kids.
2. Also lose pussy is a myth.
3. You will be punching above your weight. Where it comes to her looks. Women without kids over value thier looks. Single moms tend to undervalue.
1.She slept with other dudes. But DESU we (Western Civilization) need all the stable family's we can get.
2. She will be more emotional due to the hormonal changes that occur after birth. So you will have to be extra nice to her. No playing hard to get!
Lastly do something selfless for once in your fucking life. Drop the Xbox controller and build a legacy as a good person.

>Also lose pussy is a myth
So wrong, I went with a single mum and her pussy was totally cavernous, like you could have put 2 tennis balls in there without stretching it one bit, huge turn off.

>settling down

Implying women want to settle down, they just want their “me” party for the day and chain some poor faggot into being responsible for them. I’d take the cheap way

Based Portugal

I love this user

What's your point kike? That user shouldn't work on self improvement because it won't get him a good woman anyway? Go fuck yourself slob.

>tfw ugly virgin
I hate being a spinster.

Only Muslims are doing that

Found the pencil dick. In all seriousness if her pussy was that loose during sex she probably want all into you and just wanted to end the date. Reference: she already had a kid under similar circumstance.

Getting married in a week, nigger. I'm doing my part to sustain the white race.

>she probably want all into you
uh. its tighter when dry

nice bro
im blowing my dick off with a shogun
saw some cool memes about it online.

family violence.

considering she admitted tohitting me and graffiting my laundry room wall, my awyer says I can get it tossed, but still, I have to pay a lawyer. and spent time in jail. all because of some bitch

money and time I could have saved, while people and potential employers think I'm an abusive male regardless of proof of such.

they were gonna make me do 50 hours of anger management before I had the charge challenged.

women are trouble. and as a man you have no rights when it's your name they dag in the dirt.

men who get accused of rape or sexual assault have it twice as bad.

lose pussy is for real.

banged a slutty girl in hs, her pussy was gaping

>pussy loosens up when she's not into it
Fucking virgin

She should have been charged for a false police report at the very least. Best of luck to you from now on. Also checked.

Because I'm busy chasing after a nice Christian girl who WANTS kids, and, God willing, she's going to get 10 of them.

I find it hard to decide if it's worth it or not. I mean, it's not my kid, so if everything goes to shit I can just leave without any problems. She kinda looks like pic related, but less slutty and no tattoos. What shall I do? I'm 25 btw

My woman is black im white. That counts right? two kids

In this day and age one needs to have looks, money or status. I have neither of those things.
I am 29 and single, will probably stay like this for the rest of my life. World is going to shit anyway. Better not have kids in first place because in few more generations they will probably be blacked anyway.

How is the kid taking to you?
If you can form a decent relationship with the rug rat and give it a father figure, great, otherwise you're better off scooting and letting a church try to salvage that shit show.

If its a girl then go for it, have good time, but raising your wifes son is the most cucked thing you can do

I wouldn't settle with a woman with kids. They want a man who with pay for them and the bastards they have. I want a girl who will take my seed and produce child who are mine. If I am going to pay out they have to be mine and that girl better be good with food and the house. I have already met some in my day, however, they have always had problems (especially daddy issues); I don't need one with boyfriend issues too.

The kid is like 18 months old. So I guess it's going to be easy to form a good relationship with the kid as it gets older. But at the same time, it's not my kid. Why should I spend my time on other peoples bad decisions? That's the main problem.
Yeah, if I do, I can finally talk about "My wife's son" unironically. It's sad and funny at the same time imo

>should have been charged for a false police report

this does not happen to omen under any circumstances.

read story of Joseph in bible and potiphars wife,it's everything you need to know about the situation. tale as old as time.

This is actually sad

Well i love her so we are together. We are happy

That's a pornstar user

>Why should I spend my time on other peoples bad decisions? That's the main problem.
It's not a matter of "why." You either want to for her sake or you don't.
I wouldn't waste too much of her time either. She's got to bag one while she's got her good looks.

Dont do it! Think about it logically! You will spend the good portion of your life, working, providing, literally throwing your life years away to care for someone elses son. When he grows he will pass his real fathers genes to some dumb cunt, and you will be just a beta provider who had thrown away his life.

She's obviously fertile. Not like that has to be her last kid.

If you want a big family, I'd just take her with the condition that she gives me 4 of my own.

Giving birth can sometimes render a woman unable to have another, just cos she squeezed out one it means practically nothing, certainly not a good enough reason to waste your resources bringing up an irresponsible woman and man's child.



Thats the job of leftist cucks.
I would rather impregnate.