Does Russia Miss Being Communist?

I'm sure Putin does

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Probably. Yeltsin had to rig the 1996 election so that the Communists didn't win.

Of course he does. He was a KGBist, people like him were priviliged in the Union.

Putin is a pure Czarist who just rode the Communism train to power.

Anyone who doesn't miss the Soviet union has no heart. Anyone who wants it back has no brain.

Seems that way.

Yes. Russia never let go of their anti western mentality. Recent poll showed majority support stalin. Communist party still gets 12 million votes there. Their militarry symbolism is still red star

Putin is really respected by the Queen of England and the Chief Rabbi in Israel. They should make him Tsar of Australia. What do you think faggot, would you like that?

Miss our commie brother.

Putis is a bad man. He is against the (((West))). My Rabbi says so.

>I'm sure Putin does
No, he is actually wehemently opposed to communism as a devout christian traditionalist. He is fine with socialism, but he described communism as civilisation path leading away from mainstream civilisation into a dead end.

For reference - I'm a communist, tho not a particularly devout one since I really like Church Architecture, Spiritual peace it provides to some people and am generally deeply fond of history and traditions.




Also in one interview he blamed Lenin and Communism for the destruction of Russia and USSR, saying what he did was like putting a bomb under Russia which it will never fully recover.



Technically all of the countries that had Communist uprisings that were successful weren't actually capitalist, but were in some transitional state between aristocratic feudal societies (technologically and socially) and the early stages of Capitalism.

Who knows, maybe marxists would've been remotely successful in building good societies if they had've followed their own ideology and waited for capitalism to run it's course.

>Russia never let go of their anti western mentality.
Because the west never let go of their anti russian mentality.

He was talking about structure of USSR from conception. Stalin Wanted a Unitary state with some federational qualities, lenin wanted a confederation, aka union (in Russian it's actually alliance), of Soviet Socialist republics, which ended up causing fractures down ethnic lines.

More importantly, in my opinion, what killed Soviet union was the same thing that made it happen - Bolshevism, in case you don't know - bolsheviks believed they were right and tolerated to divergences from Ideology, thus making every new leader to bring a rather extreme change in Ideology with them. Even when perhaps the most peaceful and productive leader came, namely Khruschev, his obsession with de-Stalinisation, and stalin is a national hero for winning WW2, remember, and fear of strong leaders resulted in alienating many members of party apparatus resulting in a coup that ended up on one hand bringing a rather heavy handed return of repressions as well as the most corrupt, nepotist and ineffectual ruler of the Union, namely Brezhnev, economic stagnation that he caused resulted in the Eastern Europe losing entirely too much ground compared to western economically, eventually in another feat of ideological rebound under Gorbachev, whose disastrous social reforms without improving economy first resulted in the eventual collaps of the Union.

Contrast China, where after Mao came a power struggle ultimately won by Deng, known for his pragmatism examplified by the quote: "It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white if it catches mice.

Putin and Russian leadership are opposed to cultural marxism, but not to the Soviet Union.

The clue here is that the soviet Union AFTER Stalin, was not culturally marxist, while before stalin, it was. Stalin - to put it in Leon Trosky's wife's words - `Betrayed the revolution`.

>denounces communism
>talking about (((group of people))) in power
>lost war to defeated germany
fucking kek

This is true in some ways and not true in others. You see Trotsky himself was would have been every bit dictator Stalin was, if more likely to focus on spreading the revolution rather than securing it's gains, as he was a Leninist, and contrary to what westerners thing Leninism is a very authoritarian doctrine aimed at using strict adherence to ideology and command structure to organise Revolutionary cells and break down an dysfunctional government. It need's not be violent, but it is very Much Bolshevik.

You are right to say that Stalin wasn't a cultural Marxist since he generally believed in cultural equality, that is to say that everyone gets the same amount of stick and carrot depending on their actions and not ethnicity, tho many minorities feel he was favouring Russians, it wasn't really the case since many Ukrainians who died in the famine were first and foremost Russians, as the divide between the two was tiny at the time. But one has to note that Lenin wasn't much of a cultural marxist either, as he simply a guy who due to being a jew from a family oppressed by Russians and thought the best way to fight it is to promote the Jews, which of course backfired causing rise of anti-semetism in russian society.

Striving for an equal society strive for an equal one, not one that favours one kind of people over the other, is the lesson western neo-marxists failed utterly to learn from Eastern ones.

Bullshit. You're projecting your own world view because you haven't even seen Soviet life.
He grew up and matured entirely in that system as a KGB intel officer, a career that he he himself chose. Which in the 70's was too crazy even for good communists who were repulsed by Stalin's legacy.
I guarantee you that everything Soviet is near and dear to his heart. And he basically built a neo-Soviet regime with a little capitalist experiment at the bottom. But even there the successful businesses immediately attract the attention of his power vertical and get under their control one way or another.

Look at that soulless stare on that dogfaced manlet

His KGB career was stopped at lt col because he was considered too reckless by KGB generals.
So keep building that military, Poland.

Considering that Russia is ultra-capitalistic compared to USA, they might take few steps back now.
They are just as- or more privileged today.
Communism was anyways a western thing originally. (((financial origins western))) that is.

>considered too reckless by KGB generals
Prolly were afraid of him doing work "too well".

You laugh, but after Lenin's and Stalinss behaviour, fear of successful, powerful smart people was one of the biggest problems USSR had.

Hence the chain of geriatric farts that ruled after him.

Geriatric fucks are more dangerous than they look.

is that putin interviewing himself

Putin wants communism's influence without its economic pitfalls. Every single geopolitical move he has made is in defense of his old allies. Syria especially, which is kind of funny when people believe he is helping them out because he felt bad for Gaddafi, or he cares about the Syrian people.

Yes, yes it is.

>Implying Russia was capitalist before 1917.

Says you linking one of the few presidents that managed to get impeached.

Plus unlike Khruschev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev he had some balls.

>denounces communism and Lenin
More like Lenin only, which is quite understandable. Lenin would take photos of him and his friends in basement.