Why we should be worried about the Female problem than the JQ

>Study: the more women there are in a certain college discipline, the more politically correct it becomes.

A study found that the most politically correct college disciplines are Psychology, Sociology and English.


The least politically correct college disciplines are Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Finance. Thus, the more women there are in a certain area, the more politically correct and liberal it becomes.

Psychology is 75 percent female, while Engineering is 75 percent male.

Another study found that women are more politically correct than men.


In other words, there is correlation between the level of female influence in society and the liberalisation of that society. Some people are wondering why are we so different today than the society in the 50s. Or why is western society more culturally different than some non-western societies?

The answer is: women. As female influence exploded in the 70s and women entered the labour force and politics en masse, they caused society to become more liberal and more politically correct.

Women change culture and the more you increase the influence of women, the more you change the culture of that society in a certain direction. Or vice versa. Men also change culture. The more male influence you have, the more a culture will move to the right. Men cause more conservative and more right wing societies - such as muslim societies or the US from the 50s. The Jews didnt have to do much, they just had to liberate women and society would naturally follow the path of destructive political correctness and cultural Marxism.

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This is how the correlation works: the more women there are in an area, or the more female influence you have, the more liberalism and PC you get.

Sweden: Highest level of feminisation = highest level of liberalism and PC.

USA, 2017: High level of female influence = high level of liberalism and PC.

East Asia (Japan, S. Korea, China), Eastern Europe: Medium level of female influence = medium level of liberalism and PC.

USA 1950: Low level of female influence = low level of liberalism and PC.

Muslim socieites: Lowest level of female influence = lowest level of liberalism and PC.

The correlation is too hard to ignore.

We have to deal with the female problem before we can have the chance of destroying political correctness. The free female is a slave to Political correctness and liberalism, and it would be impossible to destroy globalism and cultural Marxism without curtailing female rights, even we sent every Jew to Israel.

This is already known, newfriend

Feminist Marries Herself ... Then Cheats On Herself



No it’s the JQ.
Look at Muslim women..they are typically more hard core than the men and it’s almost certainly the same deal with Jewish women as it’s those that carry the Jewish lineage.
In short women are and always have been the sex that was easiest to brainwash with social conformity. In the long term it has been women that will have held togeather tribal identity because it was women who raised the childeren in tradition.
Most anons on this board that went to church as kids, were taken there every Sunday by their mothers far more consistently than their fathers.
The problem occurred when kikes deliberately targeted western with (((msm))) promotion of (((feminism))) which simply overwrote centuries of right mindedness with absolute degenerate philosophy and pushed that garbage as normal and progressive.
We have generations of women not brought up within family traditions and instead raised by subversive kikes in the media.
The Jews wanted our women to be childless whites or single mothers to black losers...and the Jews have been very effective.
>turn the women and the men will crumble
I wonder who the (((snake))) represented in the garden of eden, he also made sure it was Eve that he approached first.


Explain why countries without a large Jewish diaspora like south Korea experienced major liberalisation and increase in PC(not as much as the west tho) when they allowed women to work and have the same rights as men? You can't blame everything on the Jews. You're even seeing similar patterns in previously very patriarchal societies like India. The more rights you give women, the more your country embraces leftism and political correctness.

Women supply sex and men are driven by acquiring sex. Jewry couldn’t control western men through sex unless the Jews figured out how to control western women. Jews are basically pimps and all western women are their whores, whilst western men are the Johns that keep workin* in order to throw all their money away on Jewish whores.
Formerly the Christian churches controlled women and back then women had to marry early and stay virgins before marriage,,this pretty much guaranteed every man could get a wife..plus there was no substantial economic growth, things remained pretty stable for a very long time. Because one man marrying one women and both partners aimed to simply have a couple of kids..and to raise a family SIMPLY and economically. There was no huge thirst for a huge house, or new cars every couple of years or lavish holidays and clothes and jewelry, there was also no divorce laws that enabled women to rinse and repeat continually.
>feminism+capitalism=Jewish death grip

South Korea is basically an American colony. Same as Japan. It doesn’t matter about the physical number of Jews in either, their media is completely corrupted and Asian women are addicted to images of European women they see in their media. South East Asian women aspire to be western because they are only ever shown the “good” bits about being emancipated. In short Asian women are fed the same Jewish propaganda that led western women down the sewer in the first place and still has them down there.
>I’m guessing they have vogue in South Korea (how to give the perfect blowjob etc)

Their media is completely polluted, look at how many south koreans get eye surgery to look more western, the same subversive degenerate shit exists in the media there as anywhere else because as a strategy it's simply effective at selling.

This is why the (((news media))) is so focused on the (((economic growth))) meme. Without continual economic growth, the (((1%))) don’t keep getting richer. Without continual (((economic growth))) (((They))) can’t keep justifying the need to flood all white countries with cheap third world labour. When will people wake up. Economic growth is BAD for everyone other than Jews.
Look at ireland right now.
>homelessness epidemic
>unaffordable housing in the cities
>no jobs outside of the cities
>continual mass immigration from Africa and South America and the EU
>after brexit the banksters move here
The banks moving here is being applauded by the Jewish media..as if it’s a good thing due to (((economic growth))) but along with it about an extra million immigrants are coming in the belief that there will be economic benifets to be gained here. Which will lead to
>even greater pressure put on health service and all infrastructure
>billions more being borrowed from the EJew and IMF etc to sustain infrastructure
>a continual shrinking of the native white population as it gets replaced by Indians and every other mutt under the sun
But yay it’s all good because it’s economic growth

By voting alone, they turn our countries into liberal shitholes eventually


They vote care less about politics but vote more(in terms of numbers) during elections.

They also vote more for parties which support immigration and welfare.

Women are cancer and it seems the religious teachings that painted them as a source of evil were not so mistaken

They care less*

>Women are cancer and it seems the religious teachings that painted them as a source of evil were not so mistaken

Women are not a source evil, they're a source of instability. There's a reason there's no long surviving matriarchal societies .

women "think" what they're told to "think"

not really worried
we're at a point of evolution where we can do away with women entirely
I'd be worried if they tried to infiltrate STEM in order to block their extinction

And why beings that create instability should not be considered evil?

You're thinking of cosmopolitan. Sex tips aren't really in vogue's editorial scope

My bad..you are correct, vogue pushes the Jewish fickle but expensive fashion and permanently childless women memes

I don't think they're doing it with the intention of destroying the west.

Our women are disgusting, Muslim women make babies

Get rid of that meme flag

Eh, arguable that this isn't evil but I get your point