Why do people think it is socially acceptable to be an Ancap?

Why do people think it is socially acceptable to be an Ancap?

>Do you support slavery AND child prostitution?


ancaps are the stupidest people on the plabet

What is wrong with slavery

Also, that site is the most autistic thing i've ever seen.

Slavery isn't wrong by its definition. So long as the slavers don't violate the N.A.P., it's okay. Forcing someone into slavery is wrong, but if it's a consensual agreement, just like in ancient Roman times, bankrupt citizens would often sell themselves into slavery to pay off debts.

>bankrupt citizens

that seems unfair to the financially irresponsible. The state should help them out instead of the barbaric practice of slavery.

Don't ask me, I'm an unrepentant fascist. :^)

Last time I checked hitler didnt have any walls for germany, the wall was built AFTER the second world War by DDR
Think about this we live in a world with people so uneducated they cant even do a Google search as to when the wall was built

>what is the NAP
I'm not even an ancap but what's the point of these retarded threads?

Off by one I want to kms now bye

>Hitler's Berlin Wall

>Forcing someone into slavery is wrong
Shoo shoo with your spooky moral systems

Yes. Problems?

she has a point

Where we're going we don't need no society.

the free market solves everything, would you allow youself to be a slave?

They both violate the non-aggression principle.


>The right cannot win the support of millenials
yet Donald Trump still won the election

Where's the comic where they race mix?

>hitler's berlin wall
Please tell me the this is a joke website

I have literally never heard anybody refer to themselves as an "anarcho capitalist".

How can one be a slave if he has been inherently free on the day that he was born?
We would only sell a portion for our lives to work for an employee who gives us payment for it. It was communism which turned the entire civilization into slave laborers on the pain of death. We capitalists can decide for ourselves whether we want to keep working for our employee or not.

>I'll work at least one year for you for the payment of a 10 euro's an hour, 40 hours a week. I'll be receiving 20k+ in one year. If you don't pay me, I'll be off. If I won't work, you can stop paying me.

Child prostitution, I don't know about you, but even in this current society there is such a thing. A lot of children are forced into such fields. I would not allow child prostitution for my child, and neither would another person for his child. So how can child prostitution exist if no parent would be willing to give up their child for such behavior? If you take away someones right to decide for himself what he is going to be/do/believe, he is practically a slave.

>But what if a child decides for himself whether he wants to go in that field or not?

That is what happens when a parent (or step-parent) fails to instruct that child correctly.

>Some people are willing to sell their children

And you will have those problems as long as there are people.

Your governmental control cannot eradicate sin from among any nation. But it sure has succeeded in making righteousness unrighteousness.


does anyone have context for this gif?


Or the opposite

Damn that was fast

>the right cannot win the support of millenials
If Trump and Brexit are anything to go by, neither does the left. They just can't be arsed to vote on anything.
As for Generation Z, they're politically active and largely right-wing.


>prostitution is as bad as slavery

>implying that any of the two are bad

>Ignoring the word child in child prostitution

Oh right, slavery of lesser races is okay but never a white person.

Slavery of certain castes, even within a white society, could also be okay. They'd be of higher standing than the lesser races, only serve household tasks, and they'd be treated better too, the roman way as it was during the ancient era (before it became so common you could afford to mistreat them)

exactly. This is because white people are humans and the others are savage monkeys.

Now onto English lessons Britain!
>The life of the kik is ended by the REICH
your turn!

This is one thing i never got behind.
Is this a meme or just a misconception that Hitler built the Berlin wall?
Can someone be that retartded?

It's definitely worse to enslave a white person, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't

I don't agree, the freedom of opportunity that America brings has allowed the white man to fully express his ingenuity. Imagine where we'd be if Henry Ford was a slave labourer on the farm he grew up on.

>brit realizing white supremacy
I think he's got it!
I think he's got it!!

I mean just regular old anarchism results in a far worse society than fascism as practiced by actual 20th century fascists. Anarchist communities in Spain were ISIS-tier savages.

>implying anything wrong in it

What is supposed to be wrong with slavery and child prostitution?


>Hitlers Berlin wall

fucking hell, that's an ugly baby.

I am a nazi anarcho capitalist

A national socialist anarcho capitalist?

You mad my friend

where do these come from? i can't find "political clapback blogspot" anywhere

gooood meme

Why do people think its socially acceptable to be Socialists?

yes, so, what's the problem here. what is the correlation?
