Hitler theories/conspiracies. Which of these was he?

Hitler was:

a) Most ebil man ever who hated Jews for no reason.

b) The Side of Light in WWII. Genuinely loved his people and fought the forces of evil (Communists, Zionists & International Finance) with pure intentions

c) Controlled opposition. Illuminati/NWO/Rothschild plant whose purpose was to start (and lose) the most devastating war in history, resulting in the capitulation/submission of a tired Europe to central authority(NATO, EU, etc.) and the discrediting of nationalism and racial consciousness.

d) Agent of the Catholic Church

e) ?

a, b and c are positions I've held within the last year. Which is correct?

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The Ashkenazi/Khazar Zionist Jew bankers from Georgia made sure to ruin Germany from every way they could. How could an Austrian born Adolf love a country he wasn't born in and people he was never around.

The recent discovery that he didn't commit suicide, the picture was faked, and that he was alive in Venezuela is proof the fucker was protected by Zionists and is one himself.

Sauce pls

>c) Controlled opposition. Illuminati/NWO/Rothschild plant whose purpose was to start (and lose) the most devastating war in history

How would that even be possible?

b) is the only answer.

He was too gullible and underestimated the jewish influence and will to destroy Germany. Also shit allies like Japan and Italy made winning the war impossible.
WWII was an unprecedented conspiracy against a single nation.

hitler was an obvious jew

b) is the objectively correct position.


He lost the war on a tragic mistake, which was letting the British army leave unharmed in Dunkirk, hoping the British to be thankful and make peace with him.

Never think the Anglos will be thankful, they never are and they keep lying.

Pic related

Black Nobility Khazar bloodline, that's now

Please...he accused the German people of being weak and not having will power. He was a man of low intellect with some talent for public speaking. His decisions caused huge suffering to the German people. His 1000 year reich lasted for 12 years. He died like the coward he was.

Both b) and c) are correct. Hitler was legit, but he was co-opted by the kikes for kike agendas. (((Prescott Bush))) funded the Nazi Party.

He lost the war invading Russia

His testament says otherwise. Shill your lies elsewhere, Moshe.

I can see C being the result of revisionism and "winners right history." But B it is.

a) is naive propaganda
c) is a conspiracy theory with no proof
d) is ridiculous and doesn't mean anything even if it is true
b) is the correct answer

Stalin was massing his troops to attack anyway

He has to strike first or get rekt by a 270 million people country

The strength of the Blitzkrieg was the mobility of the German army, something you don't have when you're on a defensive stance

What he wrote is irrelevant compared to what he did. I can also write a load of shit in my last will and testament but it is the sum of my actions while I was alive that matters. His actions resulted in defeat because he was an ignorant and selfish toxic little fame junkie who had a dream of being a big man.

Mobility is something the German army had not fully solved. They had a continued reliance on horse drawn supplies and artillery throughout the war.

What does Hitler tell us in Mein Kampf?

Hitler tells us that the main lie of the Jews is the Marxist Communist lie that “All men are equal and that all races are equal and everyone is the same”. The Jew intends to spread the Marxist lie in order to bring in Communism to overthrow nations so that the Jew can take over all the nations in the world by owning all of International Capital.

When in reality, certain races, by genetic, have much lower intelligence and lower behavior than other races. Thus, in order to protect higher intelligence and higher behavior the higher grade races must not mix with lower grade races.

Hitler also tells us that all men(and women) within the same race are different, and thus not equal, and each is an Individual with their own personality and creativity that must be maximized. He goes on to say that the State itself should exist to maximize the opportunities for those at the high end of brilliance to achieve great things for humanity. And that the large masses are not gifted like these individuals are, and thus the decisions of the state should not be made by the masses, but rather by these gifted individuals who have been distinguished from the masses by their brilliance, since they are more capable to lead the people, under the protection of the State, into greatness, which in turn will lead all of humanity into greatness.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with any of what Hitler is saying and in reality it is all very truthful and great, but the Jew is going around telling lies about “the holocaust” and saying that Hitler is evil, when in reality there is no hard evidence for “the holocaust” at all.

And a big fuck you to the Jew!


n1 m8

I guess if actions speak louder than words then we are all lesser men in his shadow.

Whether you agree with his cause or not, he defined a century with brute willpower and will almost certainly be vindicated by historians in the future.


We all LARP here on Sup Forums about what to do about the Jews and creation of the white ethnostate. But the reality is that WW2 was the last real turning point in history to which there is no going back. That's the greatest tragedy of all.

Either Germany succeeded and Europe became a Nordic utopia replete with medieval castles, beautiful architecture and highly civilised culture, or Germany and the peoples of Europe would be forcefully mongrelised through mass immigration by globalists intent on turning the planet into an Orwellian surveillance state, ruled by Jews with a seething hatred for the universal Christian ethos. It was, figuratively speaking, a choice between life and death for humanity and civilisation. Either we removed the communists, parasites, and traitors rotting away at our civilisation from within, or we transcend ourselves and enter a golden age of justice, virtue, and honour. Would we join the aristocrats, the soldiers, and the dreamers such as Mosley, Hitler, Evola, Mussolini and take charge of our own destiny or continue to be enslaved forever by the same Universal deceivers who had been oppressing us for centuries through the usurious financial and corrupt political systems? We chose wrong.

Go back to >>/X/

>destroyed half of europe including his own beloved motherland
>caused the deaths of millions upon millions of beautiful white people
>gave eruopean nationalism a negative connotation for the next century

he was a gigantic faggot

Actually we're the reason he failed you stupid cunt. That's like blaming a cancer patient for dying from cancer after chemotherapy. The odds were against him anyway, but at least he tried. We're still ruled by the same communist Jewish slavemasters and our continents are becoming Somalia 2.0. WE are the problem. Don't blame the Germans. Hitler offered peace and we refused.


You’re wrong, we are still fighting that war.

The answer is (c).

In order to understand this, look at the photographs of the Nazi concentration camps taken by the International Red Cross throughout the war. Look at the swimming pools and football fields and the chess clubs and the sewing clubs. Now look at photographs of Stalingrad in February 1943 or Dresden in February 1945.

Notice that while the gentiles of Europe were being decimated on the Eastern front in unceasing--and unnecessary--combat, or being fire-bombed in their own German cities by the RAF, the residents of Hitler's concentration camps--exempt from conscription and far away from Allied bomber targets--were able to wait out the war in relative peace and comfort.

Was this Hitler's plan? Is that why he let the British escape at Dunkirk? Why he needlessly declared war on the United States? Why he couldn't be bothered to detain any Rothschilds or Warburgs in Germany? Why he was funded by interests inimical to professed Nazi doctrine? Yes.

He was a divine being crucified on the alter of the Jew like Christ

unironically this, the war never ended, the French Revolution is where it all started honestly when the Jew started fighting the Jesuits and Monarchies for their piece of the of the pie

If you can find happiness in the shadow of defeat then you are a worthy pupil of hitler.

it's spelled altar, plebeian.

bruh, seriously you should suck a fart outta my ass, quality post spelling Jew

what a great word, first time I've encountered it...

Also, three questions:

1) Did he not arrest a Rothschild?
2) Assuming you're position is correct, how many party members do you believe knew about Hitler's true intent and were also acting as controlled opposition?
3) Who in history fought the good fight and was NOT controlled opposition?

checek'd and kek'd hard af at that image

sub to my YT channel bro I will show you how to unlock the secrets of the universe, show you everything they are hiding
even how they did 9/11 using the "ark of covenant". I imagine I am the only person to ever figure it out no bullshit

Wanna know how to destroy the idea of Nationalism for some 70+ years? Add Socialism. Hitler accomplished this beautifully, whether he knew what he was being used for or not.



if you want all the answers as I already said they are on my YT channel. Knowledge is power until you know what is on my YT channel you have the awareness of a n insect to the illuminated and this is why they treat you like animals because you literally have no idea wtf is going on in this world and never will

I will give you all a taste however of the secrets I will show you desu..

>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up


This is only the beginning


Welcome to the desert of the real. It will take some time to get used to your brain is in atrophy because you have never used it. I am God tier red pilled and one of the most dangerous men alive to them, if I had a platform that threatened them I would be dead already. I have such secrets to show you desu ....

While his naivety lost him the war, there is only one answer:
Whoever says "he was an austrian, why would he care for the germans?" is a literal jew shill

Österreich = Deutschland

b) unfortunately. It's a hard pill to swallow.