Thanks feminism. I'm sure proud of our species and the gynocentric laws the "patriarchy" put in place...

Thanks feminism. I'm sure proud of our species and the gynocentric laws the "patriarchy" put in place. Is there no way to get this cunt behind bars and torn apart by some vigilante inmates?

Other urls found in this thread:"Women_are_wonderful"_effect

The father should do his job and kill the cunt.

>thanks feminism

Naw, thank weak men.

>Obviously abused women lashes out at her father by assaulting her ex's daughter

And this is news because...?

It's time's like these when I think Islam is right about women. They need to be kept in check.

They're the same thing.

>shane mcmahon

Hey remember when weaponized autism found Shia LaBitch's flag...?

>>Obviously abused women
Did you read the texts she sent? She's a deranged turbocunt who probably did this because she saw him send a text message to someone with a female name

Recently an Islamic women killed a baby, Islam does not keep women in check

I mean that that woman's father probably abused her as a child, and this is her way of retaliation.

Not defending it at all

I need to take s break from this place. It's not good for my blood pressure

Here comes the money

Naw. Feminism of today is a direct response to only 10% of men being "worthy", meaning either financially stable, handsome, or extremely physically fit/strong.

If youre ugly and poor, lift and youll get a gf.
If youre tiny and ugly, work hard and get a high status career and youll get a gf.
If youre handsome, but dumb, youll get a girlfriend.

The problem arises, when 60% of the male population is a combination of:
>low self-esteem/confidence
>low status

If more men were "bf-material", feminism wouldnt exist the way it exists today.

>retaliates against abuse done by her father by beating her own daughter to get at her husband

Also who cares about her reasons? She literally deserves to be killed

Why do nu-males always do the mouth agape thing?

This is why we need Islam.

Wrong. We need stronger men.
>no self pity
>no pc games
>no wasting time on social media
>no politics
>work out hard
>work your ass of at your job (even if its being a janitor)
>get self esteem through meditation and lifting
>read good books (philosophy, not fucking fantasy)
>reject turbo sluts once youre confident and fit

Voila, feminism is over.


And that's how personal justice idea born in the mind of the Average Joe

surely her claim of having part custody within a year is utter bollocks after this conviction?

Supervised visits only at best?

Woah, that completely disproves my claim.

Pic related.

shut that kidd

Idk I think female standards are almost no longer existent.

The only thing about this is that in Arab and African countries they have had weak men not fixing shit for centuries.

That fucking cunt needs her head caved in.

they're all turbo sluts bro. you could land a good girl virgin, and three years down the road she could transform into a turbo slut and ruin your life

the real alpha thing to do, that all of these women are doing and you don't even realize it, is clearly to play the field and do whatever the fuck you want and not let a bitch get you down. They do it every day. All these skanks with bfs and husbands are literally one text away from cheating on them. So why shouldn't you be? Be like them, be unmoving and unfeeling and do what you want, if you're capable of control, you'll have control. If not, then you won't.

It's a state of mind, and working out and reading philosophy aren't going to mold you somehow into more of a man. You want control, create control. You want to be dominant? Assert your dominance, just don't sperg out and rape someone like a fucking moron

Those weak men seem to be conquering once-mighty Europa with no problems where some of the "great leaders" of history failed.

Abdul the North African is doing what Hannibal failed to do.

Islamic women abuse their children especially the boys.
It's the only time in life they get power over a male.
When the husband beats her, rapes her, cheats on her, or locks her in a room for spending too much on rice, she turns and beats the boy.
That boy then grows to be a (brain damaged) man.
Islamic violence in a nutshell.


In America our leaders are weak. Our men are not. We are not allowed to defend our country by cleaning out the ghettos.

You seem to be forgetting the standards and elimination processes of today.
Internet has made it so that each woman can freely chose between a very large number of men for men compete to get her.
If you were the only man on earth with only a single female, i doubt youd be picky. But even at 2 youd think twice. When a thousand people are competing you can really pick and choose and be as big of an idiot in doing so as you please. And soon being an idiot becomes part of who you are.

It's not a black-or-white scenario. America is less cucked than most Western nations because it has less cucks in it.

That being said your coastal cities are full of weak men and faggots and degenerates.

That pic is odd, If you chose "No" for all options it still says you're a good mum??

Nah, he should just beat her to a pulp. The one who doesn't deserve to live is the judge.

But you are defending her. You wouldn’t volunteer similar explanations if a guy did the battery.

Oh on topic of elimination processes. It is getting so extreme that women are ready and capable of dismissing another for just one x. You listen to this music? Bye. You dont like coffee? Bye. You are not 6'1? Bye. Even though not a large amount of population is even 6' to begin with.
What is "bf worthy" is incredibly inflated. Recently i saw an article of some "intelligent educated women" struggling to find a boyfriend because they earn more than their boyfriend applicants do. Well if the whole system helps you get some idiotic position that lends you 150k then there are some prices to pay right? No. They do not care, because another one will come.

The same thing happened in the west a few hundred years ago, now that we stopped because of (((liberal progressive))) mindset, and the west is full of sluts and faggots.

How am I defending her? I'm suggesting a cause and effect. That's all

A few suicidal retards opening the gates for the enemy out of collective guilt does not constitute conquering by any definition.


No, the West was fine until the 1960s. You can have discipline without a cycle of vicious violence, and most in the West practiced sensible family discipline.

Then he gets vilified by everyone, and gives feminists more ammo to pass even more anti-male, anti-father laws.

Normally in these cases the woman looks like a pile of dog crap. But good grief man..........thats a 10/10 right there. Just with 10/10 mental issues.

Yes, it does.

Thanks niggerism . I'm sure proud of our niggers and the gynocentric laws the "niggers" put in place. Is there no way to get niggers behind bars and torn apart by some vigilante niggers?

>the West was fine until the 1960s

Cuckservatives neocon at its finest.

It really does, it's just smarter, easier, and equally effective in the long run.

They are playing the long game and they are winning.

You're a numale faggot

great. so she can grow fatherless
go away, FBI

Is this is London? Can any britbongs find out where she lives? Maybe give her the old right hook to the face?

Lol, you even had to put a
In your list of what disqualifies the male population. Women are children, they can’t hold realistic expectations for themselves

And you're a fucking leaf

the D&C shit isn't even effective
why do you even try at this point?
I take it as a sign of desperation.
you know it doesn't work, but what else can you do?
If I were you I would start changing my political views and get with the program
your kind will not fare well, very soon my brother.

Actually what you did is normal for our species as humans."Women_are_wonderful"_effect

This is the reason why it has proven impossible to get gender equality in divorce courts no matter how we word the legislation.

Stay a beta bitch numale. Fat, greasy, no friends. Sad!

This is why single mothers should have their children taken from them.
Had she tried this with a man around, she’d look like the baby.

what are you, fucking stupid? theres no one on europa, we havent even gotten to mars yet

Is anyone else really fucking mad and just wants to kill the bitch? Looking at the poor kid, I just wanna take care of it and hug it if I were in the father's shoes.

manlet detected

It baffles the mind.
>women dont have to try
>dont feed your kid
>great mom

Try skinny
Abused indivuduals lash out at other people all the time. This is all I'm suggesting.

Your country used to be awesome.
>it's such a shame no one will see her in the street and throw her a beating which will require the child to be given to proper custody while the mom learns how to walk after having her kidneys removed and multiple fractures to her pelvis due to blunt force trauma.
That would be wrong.

Abused is nothing more than a runny nose when it comes to responsibility.


Well, manlet cut off is currently 6'7 and im only 6'

Who cares babbys are annoying, loud, and smelly

I'm pretty fucking pissed looking at this. A mother is supposed to love and comfort her children. Only the most pathetic,vile human beings hurt those that cannot defend themselves. Thinks bitch is disgusting, and there should be a mob of people to fuck her up.

I know, our politicians ruined it all. Isn't the kid though with the father? Isn't that enough? I mean if he wants to divorce the mother I understand that he has to go through all the paperwork and have literally half his assets flushed down the drain. Won't the mother file for divorce either way? You know, unless she "goes" away for a very long time.

I think you are projecting user

follow the sandniggers example and give her a face full of acid.

I couldn't agree more. This story is kind of old though. The only thing we can do is hope and pray that the kid gets better and grows up to be a functioning human being that loves and is loved.

it's because childbirth is used as a qualifier for motherhood.

being able to pop out kids does not qualify you to be a mother.

Yeah poor Kid for the Mother pic related should be enough or maybe beat her into a pulp to experience what she is causing other people

This is why the west needs Islam.
Rise up men, your faith will make you strong, and your strength will put women back in line.

لا اتكلم اللغة الالمانية

كول خرا

She is the real victim

To show how "crazy" and"fun" they aren't

go choke on a kebab mehmet

60% of whomen aren't dating material as well, but I can't see same shitty movements from men's side.

Westerners refuse to blame women, which is why things will never get better in the west.
When half the population behaves like children and has no expectations outside of those put in place for children, you can't expect things to ever get better.

Die of AIDS

>assault a child

Done. She should be locked up and her child taken away. A better punishment would be lynched to death, but we live in a civilized society.

You're defending her because you're a white knight betabitch who is swayed by a stank pussy. kys but first take off that flag. You don't represent us.

FUckin bitch, i’m SO mad. Why are people so violent ?

That's because desperate betamales will fuck anything with a pussy.

Tie her up, put a bunch of soap bars in a sack and unload on her. No marks.

This, holy shit. Tons of men have been trying to call this bullshit out for what it was for decades now, and all the tradcucks just sided with feminists and kept crying "s-shut up not all wimmin, muhsoggyknee, MEN are the problem". Now you have a society where they can get away with nearly anything, up to and including theft, child abuse and murder. These dense beta fucks never learn.

Norway speaks the truth.
The judge deserves death for this

You were once kid right
now fuck off

What? Dude, it's literally as simple as: grow some balls bitchslap the fucking cunt back into her place. That's it. Nothing else is necessary to end the fucking feminism.