Belgian nuclear plant is posing big security risk, experts warn

FUCK BELGIUM FUCK FRANCE with their shitty old trash nuclear plants


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I received Iodine pills from my governnent because I live less than 50 km from this plant. Fuck


Same I live 5 km from it

Germans are just trying to create panic, because they made a stupid decision to get rid off all clean nuclear energy.

How can you be so retarded

>The safety of the nuclear power plant Tihange is controversial because of thousands of microcracks on Meiler 2 among experts. The Federal Government had vainly demanded a temporary shutdown until the clarification of open security issues.

Not only Germany, France and Netherlands are scared too

oh yeah don't mind us putting that shit right up your butts
but hey France did it to us so

Can't wait to get out of Europe

>posing a security risk
>makes a happening thread

we dont have enough rope for all of you faggots


just nuke them alre-


Blah, blah, blah:

”Tihange 1 was shut down from September 7, 2016 to May 20, 2017 for works on the non nuclear infrastructure.[28] During construction works for safety upgrades a non nuclear building with auxiliary pumps was damaged. The reactor had to remain shut down while the building was fixed and the ground layers under the building were reinforced.[29]”

There’s no danger faggot.

Reminder the fucking french once decided to put AA turrets in one of their plants "for defense" in case of an attack rather than spend money reinforcing the shitty plant infraestructure


”After a re-qualification of the ultrasonic equipment and additional tests on a more similar German made piece of steel the reactor was restarted in November 2015. A separate investigation by Oak Ridge National Laboratory also justified the restart of the unit.[27] The unexpected results were said to be an anomaly with the original test piece.”

OP is a faggot

same thing happening to the reactors here in the USA, they're leaking like crazy

>"Belgian nuclear plant HAPPENING"
>it's a PWR
>happening cancelled

>no danger
>thousands of fissures on the plant

Pick one

Close that shit down and build a new one but Belgium is too bankrupt to do it so they will save money while risking millions of lives

What this dumb finn is not saying is that the authority of the plant belongs to the Belgian government and they don't report on all security issues because of "national interests"

Also this dumb finn ignores the fissures and the fact that the plant is an outdated shitty old water pump plant

There is seriously something wrong with the francophone people. They are retarded as fuck.

You got outdated reactors in the US, too?

You serious?

>thousands of fissures on the plant
I've looked through the logs for pretty much all reactors in Belgium and they're inefficient, but nothing close to the safety risk posed by aging BWRs.
The most troubling incident for Tihange turned out to be an anomaly in a sample taken from the pressure vessel, while the recent works at the plant are pretty much mandatory for all Nuclear Power Plants as regulatory limits change.

They're not, the worst incident in my memory at an American facility was a fuel rod getting damaged at spent rod cooling pool that raised the radiation in the building to around 0.18uSv/hr which really is nothing that can't be contained and cleaned.
Beyond that, most of your outdated reactors will be reaching the end of their lifespan fairly soon, the reason they extend licenses to run the plants is due to regulatory law that means the plant most go through more inspections per year to be considered safe.

W H E N ?

sadly, they are not bullshitting you. Local officials said the response time in case of a nuclear emergency would be too long for everyone living near it to be warned/evacuated

Tell me something more about this shithole of a country...

Time to pack

ITT : retard anti nuclear power leftists

germany and the dutch are fucking retarded. they remove all their plants because "muh danger, muh envirment" and then have to replace them with browncoal plants which are polluting as fuck.

it is just not possible for us to replace them and use only solar and wind. besides you will have to use something to compensate for the irregurality of wind and solar and nuclear is the perfect solution to that

Belgium has an outdated grid. If you wouldn't, it'd be easier to switch to green energy but your government is retarded

Brussels BTFO, sounds comfy.

>he doent know

in germany we replaced the nuclear energy with wind energy. not coal. fact is we have overproduction of electric because of wind energy. yes the downside is it costs more. its still a scam but still stop lying about germany

>Belgian nuclear plant is posing big security risk

No you didn’t.

There is a gap which an’t be solved with wind energy and rubber band motors.

You just import more from russia.

>No you didn’t.
>what is the Energiewende?

ok do some lackupickus

Why didn't they reinforce both

Once you subtract your nuclear energy from your current production, you are fucked and dependent on russia.

It will take some years and you will be back on clean nuclear track.

literally every european country is dependent on russia, not only in electrics but also in gas and such. but we have to export the energy we produce because we overproduce it.

>we have to export the energy we produce because we overproduce

Because you still have nuclear energy.

It seems that laws of markets do not apply here. Too much production, but the prices are higher. Interesting.

spoiler, you do not have overproduction, you are importing nuclear from France and gas from Russia.

That shit better not float over the channel

False. Easiest examples are Norway and Sweden.


>Because you still have nuclear energy.

not for long. it IS already planned that by 2020 or 2021 idk the exact year we as germans will shut down all nuclear plants. this is the "energiewende".

rip good luck brother

Did the ragheads get into the control room!?
Digits and Belgium burns in righteous fire

Norways government will probably hand out iodine pills soon aswell.


We Swedes have extra iodine in our table salt, something to do with fallout from chernobyl landing in our country.

How is posing big security risk a happening? Do you even understand English your belgian waffle?

don't say that the radiation might come across to us


>literal nigger

Nuclear Energy a shit.

we have nuclear plants neighboring our borders, like Chooz for instance.

>letting in uneducated goat fuckers into their country en masse
>thinks they care about security.

Walloon plant, I'm not even surprised.

this shit is real
inb4 2017 chernobyl

the windturbines are currently overproducing electricity. it doesnt mean that we have more energy then needed.


see the link. this is what i ment.

no they arent

I live 100 km from it, fallout will definitely hit me.
Didn't receive Iodine..will super male vitality and tactical baths be enough?

>no they arent
t.american government

>on sunday

wind isnt baseload, you still need that

same with solar

not to mention they cant economically compete without gov subsidies

My friend never shuts up about nuclear energy. Hope it blows up that non country so I can give him shit. BUT IT'S SO SAFE. IT ONLY HAPPENED ONE TIME MUH COMMUNISTS. J-JAPANESE LIVE ON AN ISLAND

ill bite, what do you even think they are leaking?

is the RCS leaking? (reactor coolant)

spent fuel pools?

dry storage?

What you meant is that per MW/h the cost of wind turbine is wayyy higher than the cheapest mode, which is combined cycle plants. But we are only talking about peak power generation, and wind power has nothing to do with base power, which is actually the more crucial one.

And btw, you are not overproducing, you are producing. The demand side is missing. Quite normal in spot market that the prices go zero or below. I would actually pose that it means that the market is not very efficient, which is easily understandable because now the producers have to pay people to take the watts. But you are claiming here that this is working, which is not true.

>ill bite
your fault

I also received iodine pills not so long ago. I believe they were being sent to over 2 million households in the Netherlands. They say Thiange's reactor is damaged with tiny little cracks, yet Belgium keeps pretending everything is alright.

Check out pic related. Besides fucking up the coloured area it would be a massive blow to the Dutch and German economy. The effects of it could be major for the world economy.

Stop talking about stuff you don't know anything about. Security risk != it will blow up.

Worry about some reactors in Russia. Sosnovy Bor power plant in Russia has 4 reactors, which of 2 are the same kind as in Tsernobyl. RBMK 1000, which actually can blow up (or the probability of them blowing up are considerable higher than in Belgium / France)

were will you get your electricity then if you want to fuck plants?
i bet you're stupid turk\nigger

Fuck. I'm in the fallout radius.

Get ready stalkers

>tfw not in the radius



I am in the hit zone, perfect. Since we shut off most of our air sirens after the Cold War ended, we won't even be warned.


Where is Israel when you need them to bomb the nuclear power plant of a third world country like Belgium?

There's an app now for that. I think it's called "Nina". However it's clunky, big and requires a fairly new Android to run.

nothing personal, just that world will be better place without Brussels

Since Belgium keeps running it and the cracks are only getting bigger, it is still a serious concern for the rest of Europe.

GTFO anti-nuclear shills!

That's would save us. A new Chernobyl would mean no more migrants no more gibs.

with how efficient government is you are already dead user.

Isn't Tihange the plant where they have to heat up the cooling water?

These are the pills

drink vodka to lower rads. watch out for blowouts

It sounds like Germans need some pumped-storage hydroelectricity when that wind power exceeds demand.

why do the winds have to go nw, fuck. Go NE and make brussels a dead zone.

Actually, they import nuclear from the french as well AFAIK