
They finally gave Emilia ample screentime. Thank god. Best girl.

Why didn't she notice Subaru when Subaru took off his robe though?

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The robe has magic to avoid recognition.

It was mentioned in the episode, user.

Yes, but Subaru already took it off when Emilia was gonna leave.

Emilia still remains boring and plain.

If the robe prevents recognition, how did Petra recognize Emilia when she was wearing it?

>ample screentime
And they did nothing with it, she's still boring and useless and needs everything to be done for her.

>how did Petra recognize Emilia when she was wearing it?

>you're the robed lady that was with Subaru that one time, right?

>being plain
Take that back, she's a cute, nice, simple, lovable half-elf. Just because he has a bland personality doesn't mean she's bad.

>boring and useless and needs everything to be done for her.
Just like Subaru! Maybe they are made to be together after all

>robe is one of its kind and made specifically for emilia
>emilia doesn't recognize it


It's pretty bad. She's just to plain and boring. It's not even about shit talking your waifu. She just sucks in general. She's what Padme was to Star Wars.

I want to lick Emilia's pointy elf ears.

On a scale of OverLord to Dunmachi.

How rushed is the anime compared to the original content?

there is something about her that makes me feel disgusted.
so fucking shit
Rem > Ram > rest >>>>>...>>> emilitard

The cloak explicitly prevents recognition of the wearer's face. One can assume Petra otherwise recognized Emilia's clothes.

You can tell she thought it was him all along, but somehow couldn't confirm her suspicions, so she didn't say anything. Which is all still bullshit that we're meant to just hand-wave since she would have recognized Subaru's distinctive track suit and, more importantly, her own damn cloak.

>She's what Padme was to Star Wars.
Damn that's an apt comparison. Even has annoying beta orbiter MC lusting for her.

Petra is smart, saw a girl that was afraid of getting close to the kids with Subaru back then, now she finds a girl that is close with Subaru and that is afraid of being rejected by the kids.

Maybe the robe looked different to her too? Any WN or LN reader should give us info on how the robe's magic is detailed there.

we all know who the real best gril of Re:Zero is


Why are they calling Julius the "greatest knight"?

We all know Reinhard is the greatest knight.

so what's the plan to keep subaru from being possessed? use a spirit arts the same way steak is used to kill vampires?
and where's my rem!

Sex with Rem!

Reinhard is a cheater, he doesn't count.

Probably one of the lesser episodes, because a boring side character got too much screentime

excellent contribution, my fellow anonymous poster. please join us again in our next discussion.

Nice man, now fuck off with your shitty witch waifu

Someone tell me where Rem is and if she is okay?!!!

How is Toyota supposed to avoid getting possessed when Sloth is killed?

Rem's back in the capitol, she's still alive.

To Subaru he is you fuck.

He never got to fight Reinhard

I want a spinoff following the Adventures of Betelgeuse and his slothful band of followers.

>fucking jobber who is getting washed EVERY week as of late

Ever since his hands were exposed he was proven to be a nobody that can be killed by mere hounds


The suffering never ends for Reinhard

Hopefully they give rem no screentime in season 2. Remfags are absolute cancer.

Nah, it prevents recognition in general, otherwise the tracksuit and the robe itself would be obvious, because of the unique design.

Knife eared devil

You cruel bastard.

You're in for one final wild ride in the last episode

She'll never be normal!
Remember what Satella did! Don't let her think that was okay!
Knife-eared devil!
Purple-eyed slut!
Half-elves come from race-mixing! Race-mixing is bad! She probably doesn't even know her parents!
Keep you kids away - she'll seduce the boys and turn the girls into slack-jawed whores!

Is it ending in a cliffhanger?

No it just BTFOs all the remfags

does she get raped?

Yes and no. They could end it without revealing Rem's fate, which would sort of suck.

Think far worse

She gets eaten out of existence

Non-consensually walked home?

Nah not that extreme.

she gets raped and falls in love with her rapist?

Now you're thinking of Ram

So we don't even have enough LN source material for a S2?

There will be hilarious memes about Rem never existing

make it anime original.

eh? thats not worse than being raped.

No, but Tappei pumps them out at a volume a month or something since it's just based on the WN but he's been busy with the anime recently.

We have WN material. If he hurried it they could maybe start it without the LN being fully the material they will cover, similar to the situation now.


She recognized her as the "Robed Lady" instead of emilia?

> They finally gave Emilia ample screentime

And the result was the only boring episode of the whole show

Being meme'd out of of existence is pretty bad desu


18 was nothing but Subaru insulting himself and Rem praising him, at least this one had something happening

What does this face represent

>What is that fucking thing

Very slothful.

yeah but her purity is still intact

That's debatable

The start was great, the conversation was a major emotional event for Subaru. What did Emilia do this episode?

>Oh, I guess everyone already has a plan to help me and doesn't need my input, so sad is me
>Oh, I don't think the kids want to ride with me, so sad is me

I really want Emilia to get good scenes and characterization like some of the early stuff and lap pillow scene, but this shit ain't it.

so does she or does she not get raped?

probably not
reee:zero is not that kind of story

Oh man, what happened to the fine details there?
Here, have a higher quality Crusch: (over attachment size limit)

In a metaphorical sense, yeah, she gets pretty raped as is the parlance of our gaming youth.

In a literal sense, not so much.

Either way, it all ends in potatoes.[/spoilers]

Burn the witch! Hang her! Give her to the orcs!
Half-elves aren't people!

Episode 17 was the last good Re Zero episode.

Eveything after has been a boring coast ride for Subaru since then

She gets kidnapped by some thugs in arc 4 and they do something to her before Subaru goes nuclear on their asses

Honestly if there's not at least one Subaru EVA parody pic or doujin I will be disappointed.

>Mentions the episodes before 17 to be the best.
Fucking hate people like you, who only care about the suffering Subaru receices through the series. Instead if being attention to the story and whats going on these fags only want to see tears and blood 24/7.

hint for you user, the suffering is far from over, far from over.

>Instead if being attention to the story and whats going on these fags only want to see tears and blood 24/7.

The story is boring as shit
>muh shit election with uninteresting candidates
>fodder witch cults
>satella is just fucking with Subaru that won't be explained until the series is 80% done about why he's here
>mc's entire fucking goal is being a womens dog

The only good thing about this series is seeing a MC breakdown like a bitch but too bad Rem fucked everything up with her corny as fuck dialogue

Hello /u/JazzKatKritic, how is your day going?

*breaths in*

Keep shitposting more.

>Muuh, my questions aren't getting answered when I want them answered.
>Muuh, am to stupid to pay attention to anything going on because I want to see suffering. So I call it stupid because I don't understand it.
Fixed it for you, user

>Suzuki is a complete fuckup
>gets a bit of encouragement
>suddenly he's an action hero that can do speeches, plot great plans and make everyone love him
I'm not saying that the show should be suffering onlyno hope allowed all the time but the change of character was too fast and sudden. That one scene where he rides an icicle to jump on the flying whale to deliver the kickass shonen protagonist line was particularly stupid.


Anyone have a link to the underground LN translations? This anime is giving me cancer and I need a read.

Dat Gainax pose reference tho.

If Wilhelm left with Emilia's carriage why was he in the background when Honda was talking to JuuJuu and Felix 2 minutes later? Animator slip up?

Imagine he did that to his dick.

I'd accept. Felix is the best trap

Go and tell me what you find interesting about the actual plot

>she's cute
That's all she has.

She never did anything interesting. Her motives are boring and cliché. Everytime she appears nothing that doesn't involve her dying is interesting.

Emilia was cool in arc 1. Just never again after that.

Is ep 17 the last one before that whole Whale/Witch Cult arc? If so, yes.

Episode 18 was a masterpiece, an emotional rollercoaster that gave Subaru the boost to made right choices to remain alive for 6 episodes.
This episode had Emilia whining "people is bad, muh feels" and Subaru and the others losing HALF EPISODE to help her roastie problems

who then posses the people who killed him and lives on

No. He can only possess his subordinates and Subaru. Something to do with their connection with the Witch.

She has an innie and you know it.

She was gone by then.


I thought they added that spell after it was given to subaru from emialia

Under rated post