This is the official list of the best countries in the world, third worlders fuck off

This is the official list of the best countries in the world, third worlders fuck off.

List invalidated

Germany, Netherlands, Canada


I am kind of surprised the US isn't in 30th place like it is in all other "civilized" metrics

Where is sweden?

>Best countries in the world for ooga booga niggers to migrate to and get gibs

Sweden is the humanitarian super power, they are above such lists





Sweden moved up a rank? Now I know that list is bull shit

How come the US is there and a truly comfy place like Portugal isn't?

Learn2rig polls. That list stinks to ((bias)).

I think you mean

List invalidated

You do realise these are objective calculations you could do yourself with measures of development, right?

>Highest rape rate in the world
>14th best country to live in

What did they mean by this?

Just imagine what us dumb fucks could do if we could actually stop fighting amongst ourselves and finally dominate this planet. These third world savages need to be returned to eternity.

52% fat burger Detroit nigger faggot

>highest murder rate in Western civilisation
>highest rate of opioid addiction in Western civilisation
>8th most developed country in the world


Or this is an index that looks at Life Expectancy at birth, Education, and GNI and not made up crime rates like Sweden's "rape" rates

Germany is the best real country (others are non-countries). Says a lot about our superior race.

52% fat burger Detroit nigger faggot cunt

Except for Australia the best countries are Germanic. Coincidence?

Our internet is trash tier

>>Highest rape rate in the world
They have a broad definition of rape.

What spastic made this list?

I guess they made a mistake and took the numbers from pre-2008 Ireland.

Attention that Italy and Portugal are better desu.

Things around here aren't so good now, rapefugees and crazy high taxes are making life difficult.

Should the US states start getting listed like this? Pretty silly how one nation is larger than all the others which are hardly nations.

>beating New Zealand

How does that feel fags

Not a surprise. Btfo third worlders

>Buttflummoxed the post



yes anons, please move there instead of glorious nippon