Photographic Proof Matt Heimbach is a Fed

Ladies & gentlemen, after much speculation there is now proof that Matthew "The future face of White Nationalism" Heimbach is a Fed.

Don't believe me? There is photographic proof that he was wearing during the CVille Rally. It seems that his belly's bouncing motions dislodged the wire, which he couldn't see, and which dangled for some time.

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You mean the laces in his jacket.

All of these new faces of the (((alt right))) movement are CIA of FBI etc obviously. It's their way of controling the narrative, and the best you can do is ignore them and keep doing your own thing on your own terms.

CIA niggers glow in the dark if you know how to read their code

Yes, the laces...

That's his girdle strings you dumb faggot


Look at this guy too, clearly a fed. Fucking call Alex Jones before we're wiretapped into fucking oblivion.

Wow, I'm shocked that an organizer for a political rally was wearing a wire! This is a bigger scandal than filming their own speeches!

He is probably recording the press or it's a body cam. Also, it's not illegal to protest. Hi ANTIFA!

Yeah, I hide wires in my shirt all the time. Helps with nipple chafing.

(((Heimbach))) btfo! How will he ever recover? Protip: recover implies he had something significant

Bullshit as always with the yellow snake flag.
Nothing to see, just spewing bullshit.

yea right how do you know that could just be a string tied around the front of his belly to hold a buttplug in place around back

Vote for "Jennifer Schwartz Berky" -- the lying fucking cunt who pretends to have PTSD to police to get out of speeding tickets

her lying has nothing to do with being jewish

that might be a wire, he might not be a Fed

"Wires" dont cost much these days

Hey you fucking shill kike go back to /r/the_Massod why would any fed wear a wire outside of their shirt stop trying to destroy people that you disagree with you're fucking pathethic

Are you retarded?

An ear piece for his cell phone? woooooow case closed. Court dismissed!!!!


Everyone there was wearing mics and bodycams you kike faggot.

Hi FBI, makes no sense that someone would put headphones inside a button up shirt, that's something you put inside a jacket, not under your shirt. Where exactly is the device he's plugged into? Up his ass?

aren't they wearing microphones and cameras to film the rally?

You know professional bugging devices as used by FBI etc are wireless and no bigger than a grain of rice right?

Wouldn't they be higher up and not on your gut?

That's his food detector guys. Nothing to see.

These people still base their spy shit on 1980s italian mafia movies of some guy wearing a wire.

Why would you have a secret agent wear a wire to a public rally where everyone is filming anyway? The whole point of a wire is to record secret things.

>Flagfag trying to discredit one of the definitively genuine white nationalist leaders in the country
Color me surprised

So they can monitor if they're planning on doing anything illegal.

maybe it was attached to his collar at the beginnig but fell down.

>alt right is not legit

thats surprising

next you'll tell me alex jones is disinfo

I have no idea who this kike is, but you're retarded. "Oh he has a wire on him, must be a fed". Fucking retard. That could be for cell, radio, or some music. I hope you kill yourself soon.

I never understand the dickspurping this guy receives.

What exactly has he accomplished?

All I've seen so far is a fat guy who tries to claim legitimacy by punching right at people like Jared Taylor, who happened on found yet another bad optics meme group.

You are a special kind of fucking retarded if you think these events go down without tons of FBI agents

>age of microtechnology
>people still think that surveillance uses "wires" based on police television shows from 30 years ago

Guys I can have a microphone smaller than that delivered to me overnight.

nothing. the entire national front is a joke.

yesterday was so bad even andrew anglin is countersignalling

theyre all FEDS

>inb4 some low IQ white nigger requires a picture of Spencer and Enoch wearing wires before he acknowledges the truth

OP is gold. Nicely done!

I hide my headphones in my shirt all the time, dont wanna just let them hang and get caught up in door handles or something.

>makes fun of mental condition
Fuck you

He's one of the few white nationalists who seems genuine and leads by example. Look at someone like Richard Spencer, he's got the oral abilities of a wet paper bag, he's childless with a Bolshevik wife, and he's associated with notorious anti-white intellectuals like Aleksander Dugin. You can call Heimbach fat all you want, but the man's started his own movement. He can go onto interviews with places like ABC and sound reasonable and coherent. He's got a white wife and multiple children. He's done more than most people have for us and that kind of effort should be praised.

>he's childless with a Bolshevik wife, and he's associated with notorious anti-white intellectuals like Aleksander Dugin.
so is Heimbach.

Alt Right is a non existing entity. I'd only ever seen leftist media use the term to attempt disparaging republicans. I assume it was meant to fragment the right against each other by pitting "the normal right" vs. "the alt right", but the media almost exclusively only referred to any right leaning politics as "alt right" and forgot the whole second part of that plan going on 2-years now. They've tried to claim "leaders of the alt right" and all this shit, but really it was a made up term by leftist retards that is merely an extension of the left which almost no one actually populates except lying leftists trying to make the right look bad but even then this doesn't actually happen.

no one on Earth used the term "alt right" before Trump got serious about running for president except like one retard in 2005 who probably typo'd something or thought it was a keyboard command.

Democracy is the cancer that says we can't have fun things. Leftism is a permanent mental retardation.

The guy on the right looks like a spic. The guy behind Heimbach looks literally retarded. Heimbach himself looks like a fat kike. This is who we have out there to represent the white race? What a shame.

Why would anyone need to wiretap a rally that is out in the open and being live streamed by journalists? You make zero sense.

>when you realize the entire altright is part of a duginist cult

Because they can hear what they're planning on doing next and arrest anyone who is planning on driving a car into a crowd for example.

>look closely

I can't

The thread wouldn't be complete with out one of you t_d retards who had never heard of alt-right before 2016. Please go back to plebbit.

>all these anons defending that rally

lmao, you could hear of altrl right before 2016 if you mean 2015. You'd never hear it before 2015 though.

Kill yourself retard.

>he's done more than most people have for us

What specifically?

TWP are a party with no political power that are a hair's breadth away from natsoc larp. Apart from showing up to protests where the left can use them as examples of how we're all nazis, I'm not aware of any actual accomplishments by TWP to date

That's the cheap earphone that comes with Baofeng UV-5R radios.

Feds don't use mics with wires anymore.
t. Peckerwood who is always around people who check for mics and other listening devices

Nigger he's the best one out there. You're the same type of person who would tell people not to support Trump because he's a Zionist. This isn't a game of absolutes, it's a game of relatives and Heimbach is relatively the best choice out there so far.

EVERY group is infiltrated. Think this way, keep things lawful, and you should be ok.
ANYONE advocating violence or destruction of property, is probably LEO of some sort.

>heimbach is the best choice out there

imagine having this much fat tissue in your brain

Imagine having this little of an argument

"Everyone effective and publicly pro white is a fed.."

OP, even if you are a genuine conspiritard sperg, somewhere in your diseased mind you must realize you are doing their work for them.

>Richard Spencer is childless

So the jews made Spencer invent the term alt-right in 2012 so that people on Sup Forums would start using it in 2015 so that 15 months after THAT, then they would say the alt-right is racist.
Fucking retard. They are defaming the alt-right, that doesn't mean you made it up. Are you one of those retards who thinks the jews created the Nazis too?

he's a duginist. he even uses the cringey chaos star. youre all faggets who belong on /x/. chos magick is nigger tier occultism. go read some Agrippa.

If somebody has a recording device they must be the feds. Autistic logic.

>You'd never hear it before 2015 though.

I'm guessing its for a hidden camera used to document potential assaults on him or deflect false accusations of him assaulting others.
Its out in public at a time and location where hostile confrontation was taking place with antifa, why WOULDN'T you document whats going on?

Cantwell lost his body cam, look what happened.

He's a fat socialist try hard. No one wants to be associated with that fuck.

1. Literally who the fuck is spencer
2. I already posted on image showing that no one ever used the term "alt right" before june 2015

Don't let these fags get you down, they have to support their families just like you and I, except instead of working a job, they shill us goy. It's a wire for sure, and it came off his sweaty pig flesh when he started walking (abnormal physical activity) and warmed the lard in his belly above the melting point, making the tape come loose. Thanks user, fuck these Jew fags man, I hear yoy

heimbach is a fat fucking retard who has borderline schizophrenic political beliefs that change with the wind.

He lives in a trailer with his pig wife and his entire existence is trying to get his communist movement off the ground.

You would have to literally have fatty brain tissue to think he is even in the top 10 white nationalist leaders. and the list doesnt exceed 15

Well then, I would like to thank the FBI for their great work promoting white identity.

hes a jew, ask him to prove hes not a jew.

>its for protection!
same BS excuse for Enoch and Spencer recording their 12 man audience. so secretly video recording recording.. totally not FEDs

>no one ever used the term "alt right" before june 2015

>I know, call him a socialist and a communist! Americans hate that, surely they'll hate Heimbach if we incorrectly call him those things!
Who could make such a post?

>Richard Spencer has a child

Nigger what are you even talking about

Who cares if they're feds? Their actions are useful.

Did you watch too much Hollyweird action , flicks spastic?

>Thinking le FBI agents run around with wires on their bodies like in some cartel infiltration plotline
Rope yourself

>Wiretapping an entire fucking rally

Lmao you're clinically retarded

>meanwhile real police drones are cruising the sky and making pics of every single rally member meanwhile le ebin FBI "wiretaps" chaotic screams of acoustically indiscernible crowds

Cringing@ur brainlets, spastic lmao

Listen Motherfucker, this may be fun to you, but it's a job to me. I have to keep these goy in check on these platforms or daddy don't bring any bacon it? Don't hate the player hate the game.

Dugin's symbol is the chaos star.
It's the same one Heimbach wears here: it's from Carrol's system of chaos magick, which is basically nigger tier occultism for low IQ plebs from /x/:

Spencer has a daughter and another child on the way.

>room full of protesters whose organizations frequently threaten and carry out violence
>why are you filming our faces?!?

>when they're exposed as FEDS and everyone knows and you're only left with "who cares"

It's one of these. Fits Kenwood-style Mic/speaker plugs.

all those cringe faces, uebermensch isn't what it used to be I guess.

Oh boy you sure caught me with my pants down. Instead of LITERALLY NO ONE, there is at least 1 Sup Forums post mentioning it.

Really got my fuckin' gears goin bro

I don't know if they're feds or not and I don't care if they are. I don't personally associate with them, and their work is having a positive impact.

Who's that fat iraqui in the middle between the slav and the jew to his right?

>their work is having a positive impact
can you give a few examples of their positive impact?

This makes a lot of sense since only the left are obsessed with identity politics and putting a label on every little trivial sub-sub-subgroup of any community.

That looks like baofeng. Kenwood has the same plugs?


not sure man prbly his handler

Baofeng earpiece for two was radios

Thats an ear shell for cellphones tho.

Search the archive, retard. It was a commonly understood term in 2013.

That is Baofeng, yes. They use the Kenwood plug design. It fits in both my UV-5R and my TH-D74A.

Holy fuck, that's dysgenic breeding if I've ever seen it. Him and his wife need to be sterilized ASAP.

Radicals widen the overton window, making previously extreme opinions seem moderate in comparison. The left has been doing this for a century now.

Even if he is wearing a "wire" doesn't mean he is a fed. People wear communication devices at these things so they can tell if some antifa is coming in with a shotgun to blow their brains out.

No it wasn't. Stop deluding yourself you cancerous retard.

some alibaba $10 jammers to interrupt livestreams as every does it over celluar or now even the big networks use celluar bonding unless there is no reception, and maybe really expensive High Powered Microwave generators that fry electronics even with shielding up to 50meters. China have started to make them but took 17 years and now america is making them having given up after 50 years

cover's blown, hamback

I don't even know who this chubby buffoon is, but you're right OP. He's wearing a wire and all the kikes itt doing damage control give more credence to the argument that he's an agent.
Stop falling for fbi/cia nigger tricks, kids

isnt it true all theyve done is isolate themselves and their followers from the majority of white americans? spencer couldnt even get more than 12 people at his last speech. so what good are they doing again?